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11/18/2015 21:28:14Bryan FerryBoys and Girls11/18/2015
2/4/2016 13:17:24The Front BottomsBack On TopPirate2/4/2016
2/9/2016 22:56:36PorchesPool2/9/2016
2/9/2016 22:57:06DIIVIs the Is Are2/9/2016
2/9/2016 22:57:54Wild NothingLife of Pause2/9/2016
2/10/2016 21:34:09Adrian YoungeSomething About April II2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:34:55Beach SlangThe Things We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:35:05Ben FoldsSo There2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:35:17DarlingsideBirds Say2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:35:38Black MasalaI Love You Madly2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:36:18Blitzen TrapperAll Across This Land2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:36:30Chet Faker & Marcus MarrWork2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:37:11Cloud CultThe Seeker2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:37:21Coheed and CambriaThe Color Before The Sun2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:37:32DaughterNot To Disappear2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:37:40David BowieBlack Star2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:37:51Death By Unga BungaTell Me Why2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:38:10DiablogatoDiablogato2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:38:42DisclosureCaracal2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:39:01Dogs On AcidDogs On Acid2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:39:06DeafheavenNew Bermuda2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:45:41Dr. DogThe Psychedelic Swamp2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:46:31Frankie CosmosFit Me In2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:46:36FoxingDealer2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:47:36Julien BakerSprained Ankle2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:48:01King Gizzard & The Lizard WizardI'm In Your Mind Fuzz2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:48:13Low Cut High TopsEh, Whatever2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:48:17ArcaMutant2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:48:30New OrderMusic Complete2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:48:38PalehoundDry Food2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:49:04Paper KitesTwelvefour2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:49:08PetalShame2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:49:29PUJOLKisses2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:49:44RustieEvenifyoudontbelieve2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:49:59SaintsenecaSuch Things2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:50:13Silversun PickupsBetter Nature2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:51:37Slaughter BeachLove/Venice2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:51:45Beach HouseThank Your Lucky Stars2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:52:18The World Is A Beautiful Place And I Am No Longer Afraid To DieHarmlessness2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:52:30Wild ChildFools2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:52:36WorriersImaginary Life2/10/2016
2/10/2016 21:52:50Young GalaxyFalsework2/10/2016
2/11/2016 21:31:30Johnny Thunders & The HeartbreakersLive At The Village GateCleopatra Records2/11/2016
2/11/2016 21:32:28George CarlinA Place For My StuffAtlantic2/11/2016
2/11/2016 21:33:37Don RicklesHello Dummy!Warner Bros.2/11/2016
2/11/2016 21:34:59Steve MartinLet's Get SmallWarner Bros.2/11/2016
2/11/2016 21:37:09The Rolling StonesL.A. Forum (Live In 1975)Universal2/11/2016
2/13/2016 16:25:03Pajama Slave DancersIt Came From The BarnJ-Bird Records2/13/2016
2/13/2016 16:26:37Pajama Slave DancersSongs Without WordsJefferey Roncalli2/13/2016
2/17/2016 17:46:23RufusThe Very Best of Rufusn/a2/17/2016
2/17/2016 18:05:34jimi Hendrix Band of GypysyBand of Gypsys live at the Fillmore EastExperience Hendrix2/17/2016
2/17/2016 18:16:18The Hi nHEnd100 Proofn/a2/17/2016
2/17/2016 18:29:17Telmorout side the Linestom Hauck2/17/2016
2/17/2016 18:48:33Johnny Thunders & The HeartbreakersLive at max's kansas cityJungle Records2/17/2016
2/17/2016 21:11:45Neil YoungDead Man (Soundtrack)Vapor Records2/17/2016
2/17/2016 21:13:02Andy KaufmanAndy and His GrandmotherDrag City2/17/2016
2/17/2016 21:17:41The Grateful DeadFare Thee WellRhino2/17/2016
2/27/2016 12:34:52David BowieStation To StationParlophone2/27/2016
2/27/2016 12:48:33SiverheadSilverheadPurple Records2/27/2016
2/27/2016 16:16:48Black SabbathPast lives2/27/2016
2/27/2016 16:18:05SilverheadSilverhead2/27/2016
2/27/2016 16:18:37Dan ZanesCool Down Time2/27/2016
2/27/2016 16:19:32Jefferey GainesHeadmasters Of Mine2/27/2016
2/27/2016 16:20:06Eric BurdonWicked Man2/27/2016
3/4/2016 11:11:49Adult BooksRunning From The Blows3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:12:24Ali BarterAB-EP3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:12:45All Them WitchesDying Surfer Meets His Maker3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:13:07Animal CollectivePainting With3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:13:27Aquila YoungDistance Echoes EP3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:13:53The ArcsYours, Dreamily3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:15:28Barry AdamsonKnow Where To Run3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:15:37Beat HappeningLook Around3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:16:12Benji HughesSongs In The Key Of Animals3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:16:51Benoît PioulardNoyaux3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:17:06Bestial MouthsHeartless3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:17:42Born RuffiansRuff3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:18:22BullionLoop The Loop3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:18:47Caravan Palace<I°_°I>3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:18:59Carnival YouthNo Clouds Allowed3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:22:40Caspian Dust & Disquiet3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:23:06The Chapin SistersToday's Not Yesterday3/4/2016
3/4/2016 11:23:22Charles BradleyChanges3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:06:35Chris StorrowThe Ocean's Door3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:06:59The Japanese HouseClean3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:07:23Cristobal & The SeaSugar Now3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:07:40Club ChevalDiscipline3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:07:52Coke WeedMary Weaver3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:08:09Cold FrontsForever Whatever3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:08:28ColdairThe Provider3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:08:41Computer MagicDavos3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:08:52Cub SportThis Is Our Vice3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:09:03Dear TracksSoft Dreams3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:09:17Death By Unga BungaPineapple Pizza3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:09:28Deep Sea DiverSecrets3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:09:40Deep ThroatsGood Bad Pretty3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:09:56DestroyerPoison Season3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:10:54DNTAll In3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:11:05Darwin DeezDouble Down3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:11:09Darwin DeezDouble Down3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:11:23Dune RatsDune Rats3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:11:39Emmy The GreatSecond Love3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:11:59Esperanza SpaldingEmily's D+Evolution3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:12:12Fine TimesBad::Better EP3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:12:32Fire Department ClubBest Intuition3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:13:53The GardenHaha3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:14:05GazebosDie Alone3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:14:17GEMSKill The One You Love3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:14:29GibbzAbove Water3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:14:48GladiolaThis Year's Storm3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:15:11Half JapanesePerfect3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:15:24Gwilym GoldA Paradise3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:15:36Guerilla TossEraser Stargazer3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:15:55HelvetiaDromomania3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:24:04Heron OblivionHeron Oblivion3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:24:14Hippie SabotageProvidence3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:24:39HierophantsParallax Error3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:25:07Husky RescueThe Long Lost Friend Disc 13/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:25:20Husky RescueThe Long Lost Friend Disc 23/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:25:31HuttchHuttch3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:26:21Julien BakerSprained Ankle3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:26:32KaskadeAutomatic3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:26:43Kedr LivanskiyJanuary Sun3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:26:55Kishi BashiString Quartet Live!3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:27:24La SeraMusic For Listening To Music To3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:27:39La DisputeTracks From "Tiny Dots"3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:28:14Laney JonesLaney Jones3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:28:25Lanterns On The LakeBeings3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:28:43Le MatosChronicles Of The Wasteland3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:28:54Le1fRiot Boy3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:29:05Life As We Know ItSky Of Blue3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:29:18Lily & MadeleineKeep It Together3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:29:27Little FeversField Trip3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:29:36Little MayFor The Company3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:29:45Living HourLiving Hour3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:30:05The Love JunkiesBlowing On The Devil's Strumpet3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:30:16Library VoicesLovish3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:30:34LushesService Industry3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:30:50Luther DickinsonBlues & Ballads3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:31:15Lydmor & Bon HommeSeven Dreams of Fire3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:32:10M. WardMore Rain3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:32:45MansionairPick Me Up EP3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:32:54Martin CourtneyMany Moons3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:33:05Mass GothicMass Gothic3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:33:19Mavis StaplesLivin' On A High Note3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:33:32Method ManThe Meth Lab3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:33:42Michael NauMowing3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:33:50Miike Snowiii3/4/2016
3/4/2016 14:34:02Milk RecordsGood For You3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:10:01Gang Of YouthsThe Positions3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:10:12Golden BloomSearching For Sunlight3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:10:41The Noble ThiefsIt's Tough To Be The Bad Guy3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:10:54Peter KatzWe Are The Reckoning3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:11:22Aidan KnightEach Other3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:11:31Alvarez KingsFear To Feel3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:11:41AMFMSCaptives3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:11:57Andra DayCheers To The Fall3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:12:09Ane BrunWhen I'm Free3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:12:22Applesauce TearsAlpha Drift3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:12:37Baaba MaalThe Traveller3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:12:49BabesUntitled (Five Tears)3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:13:14Basia BulatGood Advice3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:13:26BeliefsLeaper3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:13:42Ben MillburnStrange Love & Consequence3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:13:56Bones & BeekerBones & Beeker3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:14:12Brooklyn Funk EssentialsFunk Ain't Ova3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:14:27Chris DuncanArchitect3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:14:43Cage The ElephantTell Me I'm Pretty3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:14:58Cass McCombsA Folk Set Apart3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:15:09ChairliftMoth3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:15:38Chris BathgateOld Factory3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:15:47Cian NugentNight Fiction3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:15:55ClaptoneCharmer3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:16:17Dan Stuart With Twin TonesMarlowe's Revenge3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:16:30Dante ElephanteAnglo Saxon Summer3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:16:51The Dirty NilHigher Power3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:17:20DJDSStand Up And Speak3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:17:57Dream KoalaExodus3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:18:09Dressy BessyKingsized3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:18:27Drive-By TruckersIt's Great To Be Alive!3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:18:38Dumbo Gets MadThank You Neil3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:18:53Dweezil ZappaVia Zammata3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:19:06E1SBARTelevisual3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:19:21Eleanor FriedbergerNew View3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:19:31Emily YacinaSoft Stuff3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:19:53Everyone Is DirtyDying Is Fun3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:20:05Fat White FamilySongs For Our Mothers3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:20:14Fat Freddy's DropBays3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:20:27Feral ConservativesHere's To Almost3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:21:07Field MusicCommontime3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:21:35The FontainesThe Fontaines II3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:26:10GIVERSNew Kingdom3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:27:00Golden RulesGolden Ticket3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:27:16GoldLinkAnd After That, We Didn't Talk3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:27:29Hey MarseillesHey Marseilles3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:27:37High HighsCascades3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:28:13Indian HandicraftsCreeps3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:28:26James SupercaveBetter Strange3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:28:36Jennifer O'ConnorSurface Noise3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:28:46JerkagramOuter Limbs3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:28:59The JezabelsSynthia3/4/2016
3/4/2016 15:29:07JimkataIn Motion3/4/2016
3/4/2016 16:01:23Jordan KlassenGlory B3/4/2016
3/5/2016 11:58:59Willie Loco Alexander & The ConfessionsAutre Chose - Live in Bourges 1982Last Call Records3/5/2016
3/5/2016 12:02:02Bob GeldofUnder The InfluenceDMC3/5/2016
3/5/2016 12:02:54Special GuestsMayor Wilson 2016 RemixAl Pechulis3/5/2016
3/5/2016 12:04:07Papa JoeKeep Rollin' 'longJoe De Maio3/5/2016
3/5/2016 12:28:26The SeedsTravel With Your MindCrescendo Records3/5/2016
3/5/2016 12:37:30Sex PistolsLive In ConcertEurotrend3/5/2016
3/5/2016 21:57:38Ease Into The NoiseEase Into The Noise3/5/2016
3/8/2016 17:07:39KrispSonic Monarch3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:07:51Koncept & J57The Fuel EP3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:08:04KiasmosSwept EP3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:08:14Keys N KratesMidnite Mass EP3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:08:21Kelley StoltzIn Triangle Time3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:08:43Jordan KlassenJavelin3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:08:50Jono McCleeryPagodes3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:14:31Aesop RockLice3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:14:44LaserNight Driver3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:15:31Laura CarboneSirens3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:15:41Lemaitre17493/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:16:16Lil BUBScience & Magin: A Soundtrack To The Universe3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:16:42LizzoBig GRRRL Small World3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:17:03Lushlife + CSLSXRitualize3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:17:43MainlandOutcast3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:18:53Modern BaseballMoBo: Presents The Perfect Cast EP3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:19:25MothersWhen You Walk A Long Distance You Are Tired3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:19:44Mount MoriahHow To Dance3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:19:54MRKTSLast Call3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:20:15Nada SurfYou Know Who You Are3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:20:43Nadia ReidListen to Formation, Look For The Signs3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:20:54Nate BakerOne Day In May3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:21:13Nathaniel BellowsThe Old Illusions3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:21:27NaytronixMister Divine3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:21:38So PittedNeo3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:21:58Neon IndianVEGA INTL. Night School 3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:22:08Night BeatsWho Sold My Generation3/8/2016
3/8/2016 17:22:40NoMad DreamsNoMad Dreams3/8/2016
3/9/2016 12:46:04BasementPromise Everything3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:46:18BeaconEscapements3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:46:32Choir Of Young BelieversGrasque3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:46:56CraterTalk To Me So I Can Fall Asleep3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:48:13Eerie WandaHum3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:48:34The Foreign ResortThe American Dream EP3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:49:33DemetriusMajor Vapors3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:49:45Holy EsqueAt Hope's Ravine3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:49:57Jack ShrinerThe Fluid Ounce3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:50:19Jawbreaker ReuinionHaha And Then What ;)3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:50:49Jon Patrick WalkerPeople Going Somewhere3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:51:02Junior BoysBig Black Coat3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:51:51The Ocean PartyLight Weight3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:52:06Lucy DacusNo Burden3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:55:23Mt. SiLimits EP3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:55:56The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For NothingNot Your Typical Victorians3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:56:34NounThrow Your Body On The Gears And Stop The Machine With Your Blood3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:56:53Oh WonderOh Wonder3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:57:09Old Man CanyonDelirium3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:57:28Oneohtrix Point NeverGarden Of Delete3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:57:51Opus OrangeAnatomic3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:58:09Pablo NouvelleAll I Need3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:58:37Painted ZerosFloriography3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:58:50PapadosioExtras In A Movie3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:59:21King Gizzard & The Lizard WizardPaper Mâché Dream Balloon3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:59:39Pet SunPet Sun3/9/2016
3/9/2016 12:59:54Pete RGReaching For The Moon3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:00:04Pete YornArranging Time3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:00:27Phil CookSouthland Mission3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:00:56Philosophical ZombieLoneliness Is Blue And Not Blue3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:01:06PictureplaneTechnomancer3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:02:04Pillar PointMarble Mouth3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:02:18PinegroveCardinal3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:02:35PinkshinyultrablastGrandfeathered3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:02:53Pleasure BeachDreamer To The Dawn EP3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:03:12PolicaUnited Crushers3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:03:28PrawnKingfisher3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:03:39PrinceHITNRUN Phase Two3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:03:55Princess CenturyProgress3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:04:10Promise And The MonsterFeed The Fire3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:04:28ProtejeAncient Futures3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:04:38Pure Bathing CulturePray For Rain3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:04:50QuiltPlaza3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:05:01Ra Ra RiotNeed Your Light3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:05:14Radiation CitySynesthetica3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:05:28Rah RahVessels3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:05:49Raw FabricsPlastic Joy3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:06:05Raw FunWon't Be Told3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:06:24MerchandiseRed Sun3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:06:40Red MartianSlow Motion Samurai3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:06:49Reed TurnerNative Tongue EP3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:06:59RelickTwin House EP3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:07:12Rett SmithTularosa3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:07:27RigbiVisionary3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:07:35Ringo DeathstarrPure Mood3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:07:47RNDMGhost Riding3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:08:08Rob Crow's Gloomy PlaceYou're Doomed. Be Nice.3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:08:24Rosu LupIs Anything Real3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:08:40SavantCassette3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:09:03Run River NorthDrinking From A Salt Pond3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:09:21RunningWake Up Applauding3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:13:38Santigold99c3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:14:06Sarah NeufeldThe Ridge3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:14:23Saul WilliamsMartyrLoserKing3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:14:37Seinabo SeyPretend3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:14:51Self Defense FamilySuperior3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:15:00Stick FigureSet In Stone3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:15:21Shana HalliganBack To Me3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:15:32ShearwaterJet Plane And Oxbow3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:15:40ShigetoIntermission3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:15:54SidestepperSupernatural Love3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:16:09Silva Júpiter3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:16:26Skylar GudaszOleander3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:17:01SlobberboneBees And Seas: The Best Of Slobberbone3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:17:23SóleyDon't Ever Listen3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:17:39Sound Of CeresNostalgia For Infinity3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:17:55POP ETCSouvenir 3203/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:18:06SpacebearStraight For The Sun3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:18:15SpellesSpelles EP3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:18:25SpiresSpires EP3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:18:43The Spook SchoolTry To Be Hopeful3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:18:53SPORTSAll Of Something3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:19:06Starlight GirlsFantasm3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:19:20Step-PantherStrange But Nice3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:19:45Stiletto FeelsThe Big Fist3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:20:05Submotion OrchestraColour Theory3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:20:17The SubwaysThe Subways3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:34:21Sunflower BeanHuman Ceremony3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:35:46Surf Rock Is DeadSRiD3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:36:26Susanna RoseSnowbound3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:36:43SwoonHeatwave3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:36:52T. NileTingle & Spark3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:37:06TakénobuReversal3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:37:13TaliscoRun3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:37:21TalkieHablas3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:37:48TapebendersSet Your Life On Fire3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:39:09TEEN Love Yes3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:39:19TelegramOperator3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:39:58The Big PinkEmpire Underground EP3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:40:15The Black ShipsDead Empires3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:40:27The Devil's CutAntium3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:40:41The Jack MovesThe Jack Moves3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:40:54Kanye WestThe Life Of Pablo3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:42:13The Lower 48Hot Fool3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:42:44The Secret SeaThe Secret Sea3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:46:33The ZolasSwooner3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:46:47The BrainstemsNo Place Else3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:46:57The By GodsGet On Feelings3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:47:08The James Hunter SixHold On!3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:47:17The Knocks553/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:47:27The NeighborhoodWiped Out!3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:47:34The RubensHoops3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:47:48The VanityAre You Going Alone EP3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:48:01The YawpersAmerican Man3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:48:17The FrightsYou Are Going To Hate This3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:48:39theKItheKI3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:48:53The Wet SecretsI Can Live Forever EP3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:49:03Thomas Mudrick(((Boing)))3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:49:12Throwing ShadeEP3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:49:21Thus OwlsBlack Matter3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:49:33Timmy's OrganismHeartless Heathen3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:49:48TOKiMONSTAFOVERE3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:50:00Thommy GeurreroPerpetual3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:50:21Tow'rsThe Great Minimum3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:50:40Trevor GreenVoice Of The Wind3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:56:42TukaLDTE3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:56:56TundranStill Afraid3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:57:19TuxedoMoon and Cult With No NameBlue Velvet Revisited3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:57:33TychoAwake Remixes3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:57:47Unified HighwayStand Proud3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:58:18VideoThe Entertainers3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:58:31Violent FemmesWe Can Do Anything3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:58:42Vox VidorraPromise Land3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:58:51Wall Of DeathLoveland3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:58:59Warm BrainsBig Wow3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:59:09Western HauntsGradients3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:59:23WhosahWork3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:59:38The Wild LipsLive At Big Sound3/9/2016
3/9/2016 13:59:51The WinterlingsYou Are Acres3/9/2016
3/9/2016 14:00:05WintersleepThe Great Detachment3/9/2016
3/9/2016 14:00:17Wolf EyesI Am A Problem, Mind In Pieces3/9/2016
3/9/2016 14:00:28Wonky TonkStuff We Leave Behind3/9/2016
3/9/2016 14:00:40RazteriaAdventurera3/9/2016
3/9/2016 14:00:51YakNo3/9/2016
3/9/2016 14:01:03Young RivalInterior Light3/9/2016
3/9/2016 14:01:18Young LegsThe Fog And The Forest3/9/2016
3/9/2016 14:01:47YuckStranger Things3/9/2016
3/9/2016 14:01:57ZhalaZhala3/9/2016
3/9/2016 14:02:49Brothers In LawRaise3/9/2016
3/9/2016 14:04:17TindersticksThe Waiting Room3/9/2016
3/10/2016 13:49:48Arlo MaverickMaybe Tomorrow3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:49:57Baby JesusBaby Jesus3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:50:07BIRTHHBorn In The Woods3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:50:17CéuTropix3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:50:38Fatima Al QadariBrute3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:51:18Fauna ShadeFloral Hall EP3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:51:28Gideon BensenCold Cold Heart3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:51:45Holy WaveFreaks Of Nurture3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:52:11Jon BryantTwenty Something3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:52:38Joon MoonCall Me EP3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:53:02LegoheadsSongs For Water3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:53:40Lust For YouthCompassion3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:53:53Michelle BladesPolylust3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:54:02Nellen DrydenLittle Stray Heart3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:54:16Prince RamaXtreme Now3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:54:45Say No! To ArchitectureSN!TA3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:54:57SegoOnce Was Lost Now Just Hanging Around3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:55:05Seth BogartSeth Bogart3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:55:17Slingshot DakotaBreak3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:55:40Sons Of An Illustrious FatherRevol3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:56:02StarwalkerStarwalker3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:55:53Starchild & The New RomanticCrucial3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:56:15Stereo ReformThe Future Started Yesterday3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:56:45Thao & The Get Down Stay DownA Man Alive3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:56:54The SheltersEP3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:57:03TigaNo Fantasy Required3/10/2016
3/10/2016 13:57:20VoltumnaDisciplina Etrusca3/10/2016
3/10/2016 14:10:26The KVB...Of DesireShine On3/10/2016
3/10/2016 14:10:42Sixties FutureSixties FutureShine On3/10/2016
3/10/2016 14:10:59FeelsFeelsShine On3/10/2016
3/10/2016 14:11:10Cullen OmoriNew MiseryShine On3/10/2016
3/15/2016 11:53:24Clean SpillSid/Come Around3/15/2016
3/15/2016 11:53:38Into It. Over It.Standards3/15/2016
3/15/2016 11:53:46J ChurcherYesterday3/15/2016
3/15/2016 11:53:53LuciusGood Grief3/15/2016
3/15/2016 11:54:01Lukas NelsonSomething Real3/15/2016
3/15/2016 11:54:16MMOTHSLunework3/15/2016
3/15/2016 11:54:45Bongo Boy RecordsOut Of The Garage Vol. 13/15/2016
3/15/2016 11:55:04PederCome With Me3/15/2016
3/15/2016 11:55:15Ray LaMontagneOuroboros3/15/2016
3/15/2016 11:55:25UNAHiss For The Fly EP3/15/2016
3/15/2016 11:55:35Walker Family SingersPanola County Spirit3/15/2016
3/17/2016 1:43:16trialtrialtrial3/17/2016
3/17/2016 1:45:05trialtrialtrial3/17/2016
3/17/2016 1:46:18testtesttest3/17/2016
3/17/2016 1:46:55dddDddddd3/17/2016
4/13/2016 21:59:03Rich GilbertStereo Action Musichttp://www.thelegendaryrichgilbert.com4/13/2016
4/23/2016 16:14:36Willie Alexander and the Boom Boom BandLoco Live 1978Captain Trip Records4/23/2016
4/23/2016 16:16:11Johnny Thunders & The Oddballsadd water and stir Live in Japan4/23/2016
4/23/2016 16:19:22Dr. FeelgoodSingled OutEMI4/23/2016
4/23/2016 16:23:26VariousGimme DangerMOJO Magazine4/23/2016
4/23/2016 16:24:42Gang Of FourReturn The GiftV2 Records4/23/2016
4/23/2016 16:28:00Variousnot fade away (remembering buddy holly)Decca4/23/2016
4/23/2016 16:29:39VariousFire & Skill (The Songs Of The Jam)Epic4/23/2016
4/23/2016 16:32:20VariousWhite Riot Vol. One (A Tribute To The Clash)Uncut4/23/2016
5/11/2016 20:27:41SARAH LEVECQUEBeautiful Defeatn/a5/11/2016
5/11/2016 21:20:41Gary SantarellaUnconditional Loven/a5/11/2016
5/19/2016 0:40:33Ruby Rose FoxDomestic5/19/2016
5/25/2016 21:40:12Analog HeartSun Here I Comehttp://www.analogheart.com5/25/2016
5/25/2016 22:02:39MATTY O'GULLIBLE'S TRAVELSmattoconnor7@gmai.com5/25/2016
5/25/2016 22:31:49Black & Blue MorningRiseVar.5/25/2016
5/25/2016 22:46:52Bongo Boy RecordsBackRoom blues Volume Two Gar Francis /Monique Grimme5/25/2016
6/1/2016 20:15:54Duke LevineThe Fade Outdukelevine.com6/1/2016
6/8/2016 22:54:38The Hi End100 Proofhttp://www.the hi-end.com6/8/2016
6/15/2016 22:16:54on the town with mikey deewmfo/on the town I d's disc 1/2/3/4joel simches6/15/2016
6/15/2016 22:19:00N E Blues SummitN E Blues summit n/a6/15/2016
6/15/2016 22:19:58on the town with mikey deetheme for on the townjoel simches6/15/2016
7/6/2016 20:30:42Bob Bradshawwhatever you wantedhttp://www.bobbradshaw.net7/6/2016
7/6/2016 20:31:41Bob Bradshawwhatever you wantedhttp://www.bobbradshaw.net7/6/2016
7/6/2016 20:48:48Danielle MiragliaGlory JunkiesTrespass music7/6/2016
7/6/2016 20:51:39Fun Era fiftyFrozen in timen/a7/6/2016
7/13/2016 20:12:48Bongo boy Recordsback room blueshttp://www.bongoboy.com7/13/2016
7/27/2016 16:57:38Slightly StoopidMeanwhile... Back at the Lab7/27/2016
7/31/2016 15:16:30Fiesta BravaThis Is Us Tomorrow7/31/2016
7/31/2016 15:23:54Red Hot Chili PeppersThe Getaway7/31/2016
7/31/2016 15:28:41Robert CrayThe Definitive Collection7/31/2016
7/31/2016 15:36:55Peter Bjorn and JohnBreakin' Point7/31/2016
7/31/2016 15:44:39blink-182California7/31/2016
7/31/2016 15:56:13The SilencersA Letter From St. Paul7/31/2016
8/10/2016 19:29:42Neil Young & Promise of the RealEarth8/10/2016
8/10/2016 19:30:11IncubusLight Grenades8/10/2016
8/10/2016 19:30:46Tegan and SaraLove You To Death8/10/2016
8/10/2016 19:31:24Joe BonamassaBlues of Desperation8/10/2016
8/10/2016 19:34:43Jane Lee HookerNo B!8/10/2016
8/10/2016 19:38:22Jeff BeckLoud Hailer8/10/2016
8/10/2016 19:43:46Gary Clark, Jr.The Story Of Sonny Boy Slim8/10/2016
8/10/2016 19:51:33Chantel McGregorLose Control8/10/2016
8/10/2016 19:55:53AugustinesThis Is Your Life8/10/2016
8/11/2016 18:14:52HoneysuckleHoneysuckleLocal8/11/2016
8/11/2016 18:18:15HoneysuckleHoneysuckle EPLocal8/11/2016
8/11/2016 18:39:22HoneysuckleHoneysuckle EPLocal8/11/2016
8/11/2016 18:39:44JaggeryCruxLocal8/11/2016
8/11/2016 18:52:43What Time is iit, Mr. Fox?Little Bit of BlueLocal8/11/2016
8/11/2016 19:09:07Anna RaePeddler's WaresLocal8/11/2016
8/11/2016 19:19:11Hayley Jane and the PrimatesGasolineLocal8/11/2016
8/11/2016 19:34:07When Particles CollideThis TownLocal8/11/2016
8/11/2016 19:43:35FieldThe Woolly Mammoth SessionsLocal8/11/2016
8/11/2016 19:50:11Field DayField DayLocal8/11/2016
8/11/2016 20:02:25Carissa JohnsonOnly RosesLocal8/11/2016
8/12/2016 18:23:05Matty HarrisDouble Septet8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:23:20Saso SandicAlley Raven8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:23:32Soren JuulThis Moment8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:24:34Brian TempletonBlue Testament8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:27:11RUNARUNA "Live"8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:27:46Rachel SageChoreographic (Acoustic)Kari Estrin Promotion8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:28:22The Belle HollowsMiller's CreekKari Estrin8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:29:56Haley BonarImpossible DreamTerrorbird8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:30:58CervantesQueen of HeartsCrossover Media8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:31:45Creative AdultFear of LifeTerrorbird8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:33:09Gina ForsythCopper Rooster (And Other Tunes and Tales)Waterbug8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:34:27BeauThat Thing RealityKitsune8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:35:25The Forty NineteensRebootedJack Russell Enterprises8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:37:03Butt MontanaUnit8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:40:04The PondhawksBlue 8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:40:29The PondhawksBlue LightRay Paul/Permanent Press8/12/2016
8/22/2016 11:56:04Pixies4 Track Audio SamplerBrian Young8/22/2016
8/22/2016 11:58:25Grateful DeadThe Beach Boys Meet The Grateful Dead8/22/2016
8/22/2016 12:08:41Tim Mungenast & Astro AlRadio Free Mars8/22/2016
8/22/2016 12:15:14Willie Alexander and the Boom Boom BandLoco LIVE 19768/22/2016
8/22/2016 12:18:11The DictatorsGo Girl Crazy8/22/2016
8/22/2016 12:25:48Stiv BatorsL.A. ConfidentialBOMP!8/22/2016
8/22/2016 12:28:33Dead BoysYoung Loud And Snotty8/22/2016
8/22/2016 12:39:50JetsetFly8/22/2016
8/22/2016 12:40:36The MotelsAtomic Cafe: Greatest Songs Live8/22/2016
8/22/2016 12:53:57Queen Of JeansQueen Of Jeans EP8/22/2016
8/22/2016 12:57:54Nina HagenBest Of8/22/2016
8/22/2016 13:08:08Full Moon RevueOne Last Shot8/22/2016
8/22/2016 13:08:53Full Moon RevueS'About Time8/22/2016
8/22/2016 13:24:44Johnny ThundersHave Faith8/22/2016
8/22/2016 13:28:20Johnny Thunders &The HeartbreakersLive at Max's Kansas CityJungle8/22/2016
8/22/2016 13:36:37The Velvet UndergroundLive at Max's Kansas CityRhino8/22/2016
8/22/2016 13:39:06Warren ZevonLive In Boston 19828/22/2016
8/22/2016 14:33:38Nick Cave & The Bad SeedsBest Of8/22/2016
8/22/2016 14:34:57The BeatThe Beat EP8/22/2016
8/22/2016 14:39:05Macey's ParadeToo Much PerspectiveJon Macey8/22/2016
8/22/2016 14:48:06Eric DahlmanGlacier8/22/2016
8/22/2016 14:50:51Peter ToshLive & Dangerous in Boston 19768/22/2016
8/27/2016 12:46:34Johnny ThundersBootlegging The Bootleggers8/27/2016
8/30/2016 21:27:49Iggy PopLive At The Channel Boston MA 1988Brian Young8/30/2016
8/30/2016 21:29:08The PoliceLive At The Orpheum Boston MA 19798/30/2016
8/30/2016 21:30:04Bob Marley Easy Skanking in Boston '788/30/2016
8/30/2016 21:30:26David BowieReality8/30/2016
8/30/2016 21:33:42PixiesEmerson College Boston MA19878/30/2016
8/30/2016 21:36:42Peter ToshLive & Dangerous Boston 19768/30/2016
8/31/2016 19:26:49Suzie HattonBe The OneLocal8/31/2016
8/31/2016 19:35:23Corolla DeVilleRideLocal8/31/2016
9/6/2016 13:38:41Graham NashMyself At Last9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:38:51Liz LongleyWeightless9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:39:02Concord Triple A SinglesConcord Music Group9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:39:09The Time JumpersKid Sister9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:39:17Jack TempchinOne More Song9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:39:26Dennis JayWestern & Country9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:39:34Austin Young BandNot So Simple9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:39:48OAROAR9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:39:55The Belle HollowsMiller's Creek9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:40:09Quiero CreedenceQuiero Creedence9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:40:21SwitchfootWhere The Light Shines Through9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:40:32The Earls of LeicesterRattle & Roar9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:40:45O'Connor BandComing Home9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:46:19Lauren AndersonLauren Anderson9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:47:01Michael VlatkovichMyrnofant's Kiss9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:47:09MortalityMortality9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:48:08Teenage FanclubHereClermont9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:48:45Squeezebox StompersStompin' At The Crossroads9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:49:43MASSacreMisadventuresLocal9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:50:12LQ BucketWood Post + Wire9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:50:47The 5 O Clocks#NotOnFacebook9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:51:25Mount PeruGood Morning MidnightLocal9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:52:00All Those ShipsMeteorology for Runners9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:52:15Bobby RushPorcupine Meat9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:52:34Jeff RubyBattlefield9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:53:03Charles BoydHappy As The Sun9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:53:23ClairaudienceClairaudience9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:53:44The Devil Makes ThreeRedemption & Ruin9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:54:03Katie DeyFlood Network9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:56:18Jeff And JaneThe Middle9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:56:28Green Orb ArtifactsBAudio\MOTU Audio Console.exehone9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:56:35Hilton ParkMoments9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:56:47Hadley MurrellDivas Without Diamonds9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:56:55River WhylessWe All The Light9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:57:02Lillie LemonPromo Sampler9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:57:10Backtrack Blues BandWay Back Home9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:57:22Storm CellarFrom Australia9/6/2016
9/6/2016 13:57:30V2The Beginning9/6/2016
9/7/2016 22:38:38LissieMy Wild West9/7/2016
9/7/2016 22:41:55LissieCovered Up With Flowers9/7/2016
9/7/2016 22:42:42LissieCovered Up With Flowers9/7/2016
9/7/2016 22:49:56Emily GroganStrings of LightLocal9/7/2016
9/7/2016 22:53:42Dinosaur Jr.Give A Glimpse Of What Yer NotLocal9/7/2016
9/10/2016 12:38:02Bim Skala BimChet's Last CallDan Vitale9/10/2016
9/10/2016 12:38:35Bim Skala BimEyes & EarsDan Vitale9/10/2016
9/10/2016 12:43:58Bim Skala BimHow's It Going?Dan Vitale9/10/2016
9/10/2016 16:21:58Bim Skala BimBim Skala BimDan Vitale9/10/2016
9/10/2016 16:22:16Bim Skala BimBonesDan Vitale9/10/2016
9/10/2016 16:22:41Bim Skala BimUniversalDan9/10/2016
9/10/2016 16:23:24Bim Skala BimLive At The ParadiseDan Vitale9/10/2016
9/10/2016 16:24:06Martha BourneDown YonderMartha Bourne9/10/2016
9/10/2016 16:24:43Martha BourneJust DriveMartha Bourne9/10/2016
9/10/2016 16:34:14The Blue RibbonsNothing To See HearMartha Bourne9/10/2016
9/14/2016 16:05:40Leah and Her J-WalkersLeah and Her J-WalkersLocal9/14/2016
9/14/2016 16:30:45Scott MorganSongs of Life9/14/2016
9/14/2016 21:30:47The boston Swindlersboston Swindlersn/a9/14/2016
9/14/2016 21:32:15Joy Moverjoy movern/a9/14/2016
9/14/2016 21:40:03Annabelle lord-pateyPolarisJJCKMGT@AOL>COM9/14/2016
9/14/2016 23:46:03Flight of FireShatter The SkyLocal9/14/2016
10/26/2016 17:52:26The Sensational Alex Harvey BandAll Sensations10/26/2016
10/26/2016 18:11:35The Sensational Alex Harvey BandAll Sensations10/26/2016
10/26/2016 18:12:22The Sensational Alex Harvey BandTomorrow Belongs To Me10/26/2016
10/26/2016 22:23:24Two SaintsReturn of the SunLocal10/26/2016
10/26/2016 22:32:30Two SaintsReturn of the SunLocal10/26/2016
10/26/2016 22:33:18Julie Ruin, TheHit Reset10/26/2016
11/16/2016 23:05:51TelamorGood bad LoveTom Hauck11/16/2016
11/16/2016 23:06:47After The BlackoutAfter the Blackoutn/a11/16/2016
11/16/2016 23:07:49Tory Hanna and the pondsidersLearning to Sharen/a11/16/2016
11/16/2016 23:10:06Michael Oliver & the Sacred BandYim & Yamxietyn/a11/16/2016
11/16/2016 23:31:14Seven SimonsPostn/a11/16/2016
11/26/2016 20:43:59Susan CattaneoHaunted HeartLocal11/26/2016
11/26/2016 20:45:28Ian MaksinSoul Companion11/26/2016
11/26/2016 20:46:16Squeezebox StompersStompin' At The CrossroadsLocal11/26/2016
11/27/2016 11:20:53Fischer-ZThis Is My Universe11/27/2016
11/27/2016 11:24:14Van MorrisonKeep Me Singing11/27/2016
11/27/2016 11:30:22Green DayRevolution Radio11/27/2016
11/27/2016 11:36:32PhishBig Boat11/27/2016
11/27/2016 12:28:34PixiesHead Carrier11/27/2016
12/7/2016 20:03:04Genya RavanUrban Desiren/a12/7/2016
12/7/2016 20:04:16Bill LauranceLive at Union Chapeln/a12/7/2016
12/7/2016 20:07:01Alexis Hartea Perfect waste of tomen/a12/7/2016
12/7/2016 20:16:12Million sellersSufficiently RudeWanda Records12/7/2016
12/7/2016 20:19:29Alejandro EscovedoBurn Something BeautifulFantasy records12/7/2016
12/7/2016 20:26:51Magic MusicMagig MusicBright sun records12/7/2016
12/7/2016 20:47:47Rich Gilbertson of s.a.m.Holy werkords12/7/2016
12/7/2016 20:54:58Emmylou Harristhe Life & songs of Emmylou Harrisn/a12/7/2016
12/7/2016 21:16:12Coast Modernsinglesn/a12/7/2016
12/7/2016 21:17:03Ricky QuinonesThe In Betweenn/a12/7/2016
12/7/2016 21:23:48Quentin Tolimierpianon/a12/7/2016
12/7/2016 21:27:39clairaudienceClairaudiencen/a12/7/2016
12/7/2016 21:32:03Michael JohnathonThe Dreampoet man records12/7/2016
12/23/2016 2:32:46Leonard CohenOld Ideas12/23/2016
12/27/2016 13:02:44GrandEvolutionThe Recovery12/27/2016
12/27/2016 13:03:13GrandEvolutionCollide12/27/2016
12/27/2016 13:03:49Sarah KenyonLove Again12/27/2016
12/27/2016 13:04:23GrandEvolutionHopes and Dreams12/27/2016
12/27/2016 13:05:41The Shameless IdolsShamed & Defamed12/27/2016
12/27/2016 13:06:14HemwayMake Mountain12/27/2016
12/27/2016 13:07:15High KarateHigh Karate12/27/2016
12/27/2016 13:07:52Band Without HandsEPochalypse12/27/2016
12/27/2016 13:35:05Various ArtistsSaturday Night Hay Fever12/27/2016
12/28/2016 20:46:14T maxHole in my shoen/a12/28/2016
12/28/2016 21:04:43The Blackstone Valley sinnersIt's a Sinn/a12/28/2016
12/28/2016 21:10:49Brother SunWeights & wingshttp://WWW.brothersunmusic.com12/28/2016
12/28/2016 21:21:47Brother Sunsome part of the Truthn/a12/28/2016
12/31/2016 12:44:22The MarshallsThe Marshalls12/31/2016
12/31/2016 12:44:58The Rolling StonesLonesome & Blue12/31/2016
12/31/2016 12:45:26Hummingbird SyndicatePop Tricks12/31/2016
12/31/2016 12:45:42RamonesAnthology12/31/2016
1/6/2017 19:16:28David CrosbyLighthouse1/6/2017
1/6/2017 19:16:53Neil YoungPeace Trail1/6/2017
1/6/2017 19:17:30Leonard CohenYou Want It Darker1/6/2017
1/6/2017 19:18:03The KillersDon't Waste Your Wishes1/6/2017
1/6/2017 19:18:39Modest MouseWe Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank1/6/2017
1/6/2017 19:19:11Pink FloydThe Early Years 1967-1972 Creation1/6/2017
1/6/2017 19:19:55Alex HarveyThe Mafia Stole My Guitar1/6/2017
1/6/2017 19:20:16PJ HarveyThe Hope Six Demolition Project1/6/2017
1/7/2017 12:45:1261 Ghosts...to the edge1/7/2017
1/7/2017 12:46:24RamonesRamones 40th Anniversary Deluxe Edition1/7/2017
1/7/2017 16:04:23Hello SuzieHello SuzieSmitt E. Smitty1/7/2017
1/7/2017 18:43:11PretendersAlone1/7/2017
1/7/2017 18:43:50Vapors of MorphineA New Low1/7/2017
1/8/2017 15:22:16The SonicsThis Is The Sonics1/8/2017
1/8/2017 15:22:54The LemonheadsIt's A Shame About Ray1/8/2017
1/8/2017 15:23:48Stevie WonderAt the Close of A Century1/8/2017
1/11/2017 20:35:15Hello SuzieHello SuzieSmitt E. Smitty1/11/2017
1/13/2017 13:22:20Sarah and The Wild VersatileFall Into Grace1/13/2017
1/16/2017 0:37:57Sting57th & 9th1/16/2017
1/16/2017 0:38:48The StranglersPeaches- The Very Best of The Stranglers1/16/2017
1/17/2017 15:39:43U2No Line on the Horizon1/17/2017
1/17/2017 15:40:25Brian Chaffee and The PlayersAfterglow1/17/2017
1/22/2017 13:16:17Sarah and the wild VersatileFall into Gracehttp://www.wildversatile.com1/22/2017
1/22/2017 13:17:50Alex p Smith bandAlex p smith bandn/a1/22/2017
1/22/2017 13:20:44Glitch CodeGifted and Damagedn/a1/22/2017
1/22/2017 13:31:05Syna so proVoxn/a1/22/2017
1/22/2017 13:58:08rqnon the Embarrasssed SamplerAbstact Charosn/a1/22/2017
1/25/2017 21:11:04Peter Buzzelle and the Academydevil lovehttp://www.peterbuzzelle.com1/25/2017
1/25/2017 22:45:32The Real FutsDrown in Goldhttp://www.therealfits.com1/25/2017
1/25/2017 23:10:56Dan GarnrttLife of Loven/a1/25/2017
1/25/2017 23:55:31HunterHuntern/a1/25/2017
1/28/2017 12:36:21VariousWoodstock 19941/28/2017
1/28/2017 12:40:19VariousO' Brother Where Art Thou? Soundtrack1/28/2017
1/28/2017 12:43:30A3Exile On Coldharbour Lane1/28/2017
2/1/2017 5:32:37Uranium DaughtersOz2/1/2017
2/1/2017 5:33:03Happy Little CloudsShift2/1/2017
2/7/2017 12:57:17The Sensational Alex Harvey BandFramed2/7/2017
2/7/2017 12:57:31The Sensational Alex Harvey BandLive2/7/2017
2/7/2017 12:57:45The Sensational Alex Harvey BandNext2/7/2017
2/7/2017 12:58:03The Sensational Alex Harvey BandRock Drill2/7/2017
2/7/2017 12:58:21The Sensational Alex Harvey BandSAHB Stories2/7/2017
2/7/2017 12:58:45The Sensational Alex Harvey BandThe Impossible Dream2/7/2017
2/7/2017 12:59:07The Sensational Alex Harvey BandThe Penthouse Tapes2/7/2017
2/11/2017 12:36:38Greg "Stackhouse" PrevostUniversal Vagrant2/11/2017
2/11/2017 12:39:18Badass Mother FuzzersHeartbreaker2/11/2017
2/11/2017 12:40:25RamonesLive At The Palladium N.Y.C. 19782/11/2017
2/11/2017 12:41:05Steve ConteInternational Cover-Up2/11/2017
2/12/2017 16:05:33Ed WhiteEd whitepocomundo1972@gmail.com2/12/2017
2/12/2017 16:12:14Yeager and AnickUnitedBerklee college2/12/2017
2/12/2017 16:30:27Elvin bishop'Big fun trion/a2/12/2017
2/12/2017 16:38:51SohnRennenn/a2/12/2017
2/19/2017 9:35:16The XXI See You2/19/2017
2/19/2017 16:23:41Robin LaneInstant Albumrobinlane-songbirdsings@gmail.com2/19/2017
2/22/2017 20:48:23Jennifer Tefft Bandcutting For Stonehttp://www.jennifertefft.com2/22/2017
2/22/2017 21:06:49Slow CoyoteSlow Coyoteslowcoyotenh@gmail.com2/22/2017
2/22/2017 21:26:05michael scott stewartdemo'sn/a2/22/2017
2/22/2017 21:29:30Alison kraussWindy Citya.krauss.com2/22/2017
2/22/2017 21:36:41Ryan AdamsPrisonerBluenote.com2/22/2017
2/22/2017 21:41:22Noam PikelnyUniversal favoritesrounder records2/22/2017
2/22/2017 21:47:54A R GMusic for the Robot Revolutionn/a2/22/2017
2/22/2017 21:52:59Rachel GrubbTwists & tanglesrachelgrubbmusic.com2/22/2017
2/22/2017 21:59:56April Martinin the Blink of a Lifepeter hay twinvision@aol.com2/22/2017
2/22/2017 22:12:09Rick Cutlerdaydream{probably}humanrick.com2/22/2017
2/25/2017 11:37:03VariousTarantino Experience Take 12/25/2017
2/25/2017 11:37:46VariousTarantino Experience Take 22/25/2017
2/25/2017 11:38:02VariousTarantino Experience Take 32/25/2017
2/25/2017 11:46:15VariousKill Bill Soundtrack2/25/2017
2/25/2017 11:46:54VariousThe Tarantino Connection2/25/2017
2/25/2017 11:47:31VariousKill bill Soundtrack Volume 22/25/2017
2/25/2017 11:48:12VariousFrom Dusk Till Dawn Soundtrack2/25/2017
2/25/2017 16:13:13Red Red RockitRed Red Rockit2/25/2017
3/5/2017 16:51:18Nick and the adversariesgive Give Given/a3/5/2017
3/5/2017 16:52:16Nick and the adversariesLosing a whole Yearn/a3/5/2017
3/8/2017 22:24:10Nick Cave and The Bad SeedsSkeleton Tree3/8/2017
3/8/2017 22:58:35future CaenivoresMelt the skyn/a3/8/2017
3/8/2017 23:31:08Oxblood forgeOxblood forgen/a3/8/2017
3/10/2017 1:20:02NonpareilsAlbum of World Champion's3/10/2017
3/10/2017 1:20:38The Coward FlowersJams and Jellies3/10/2017
3/10/2017 1:35:46Big Ol' Dirty BucketBucket Express3/10/2017
3/11/2017 12:19:24The Catholic GirlsSomebody Better Get A Room3/11/2017
3/11/2017 12:20:07The Tenafly VipersYour Event Horizon3/11/2017
3/11/2017 12:20:27The Tenafly VipersThe Way of The Woods3/11/2017
3/11/2017 12:21:23The Tenafly VipersBlack Bandana and a Can of Gasoline3/11/2017
3/14/2017 11:26:31Pete TownshendThe Best of Pete Townshend Coolwalkingsmoothtalkingstraightsmokingfirestoking3/14/2017
3/15/2017 20:58:25M.O.T.O.Motoerectvs3/15/2017
3/15/2017 23:10:38George WoodsI AMin the woods music productions3/15/2017
3/19/2017 16:22:33joseph and the Beastsgold Lightn/a3/19/2017
3/20/2017 11:25:10Cold ExpectationsSupper Prayers3/20/2017
3/21/2017 21:52:10Flight of FirePath of the PhoenixLiz Borden3/21/2017
3/21/2017 22:08:45Ana MadsenWhisperRocking Horse music3/21/2017
3/21/2017 22:12:22SARAH LEVECQUEBeautiful Defeatn/a3/21/2017
3/22/2017 20:25:23CarbonWorksCarbonWorksTaylor@flanaganpromotions.com3/22/2017
3/22/2017 20:33:54Fred Lessman3 AMJoe@flanaganpromotions.com3/22/2017
3/22/2017 20:51:10Carrie ElkinThe Penny collectorgrapevine booking3/22/2017
3/22/2017 21:19:01Scotty HazeStill In the Gamescottyhaze.com3/22/2017
3/22/2017 21:28:14Shovels & ropeLittle Seedsnew west records3/22/2017
3/22/2017 21:53:12Aaron Lee TasjanSilver tearsnew west3/22/2017
3/22/2017 22:07:04The DrugglesSpacegod PillsCubby Control records3/22/2017
3/26/2017 16:27:48Joe KocherStand on UpJoe Kocher3/26/2017
3/26/2017 16:35:46Fleming MooreFolk songs for the ApocalypseFleming Moore3/26/2017
3/26/2017 16:45:01Neil NathanFlowers on the moonNeil Nathan3/26/2017
3/26/2017 18:21:33Neil NathanFlowers on the moonn/a3/26/2017
3/29/2017 19:54:30The New PornographersWhiteout ConditionsJosh Livungstone3/29/2017
4/2/2017 16:26:28Anna MasdenEfflorescenceRockinghorsestudio.com4/2/2017
4/5/2017 20:11:00TuffyCallicoonpeter hay4/5/2017
4/5/2017 20:33:41Cure of LonoCure of lonon/a4/5/2017
4/5/2017 21:57:39triple A radio singlesConcord music GroupConcord music group4/5/2017
4/7/2017 21:15:26M.O.T.O.No Sleep til Turku4/7/2017
4/7/2017 21:15:58Nerina PallotFires4/7/2017
4/7/2017 21:16:25Nerina PallotThe Sound and the Fury4/7/2017
4/7/2017 21:17:02John MayallTalk About That4/7/2017
4/7/2017 21:17:39John MayerThe Search for Everything - Wave Two4/7/2017
4/13/2017 11:07:19Various ArtistsR-r-real Rock & Roll Radio Vol. 12 Mister Garagers' Neighborhood4/13/2017
4/13/2017 11:13:51Various ArtistsR-r-real Rock and Roll Radio Vol. 14 7 And 7 Is4/13/2017
4/13/2017 11:25:02Various ArtistsR-r-real Rock and Roll Vol. 2 Scraping the Protein Out of the Toilet Basin of Rock4/13/2017
4/13/2017 11:31:05Various ArtistsR-r-real Rock & Roll Volume Sweet 16 and never Been....4/13/2017
4/13/2017 11:38:40The SupremesAnthology4/13/2017
4/22/2017 11:19:35Cold War KidsLA DIVINE4/22/2017
4/22/2017 11:20:36Gary Clark, Jr.Live North America 20164/22/2017
4/22/2017 11:21:39Sarah and the Wild VersatileTeaser4/22/2017
4/22/2017 11:22:13The ShinsHeartworms4/22/2017
4/22/2017 11:23:08The War On DrugsLost In The Dream4/22/2017
4/24/2017 14:18:55Stupidity10 Years of Stupidity4/24/2017
4/24/2017 14:19:26The Chicago Vin CoalitionAmerican Dream4/24/2017
4/28/2017 14:11:41The VeryPerfumed Apocalypse4/28/2017
5/7/2017 18:31:27mona Lisa twinsdemo'sn/a5/7/2017
5/7/2017 18:33:33Eamonn Dowd dig into nowheren/a5/7/2017
5/7/2017 19:30:59Upper CrustDelusions of Grandeurn/a5/7/2017
5/10/2017 22:44:25Corin AshleyBroken Biscuitsmurry hill mgrt5/10/2017
5/16/2017 22:18:23Terminal 51what is it all about5/16/2017
5/17/2017 20:36:27GranerosGranerosn/a5/17/2017
5/17/2017 20:43:32FidelFideln/a5/17/2017
5/17/2017 21:00:08Magic GiantIn The Windn/a5/17/2017
5/17/2017 21:40:20Don BryantDon't give up on lovwn/a5/17/2017
5/17/2017 22:52:19Greg WickhamIf i left this worldn/a5/17/2017
5/21/2017 11:17:51Curse of LonoSevered5/21/2017
5/21/2017 11:18:40Bad MancinisWMFO Promo 20170412Local5/21/2017
5/24/2017 22:18:04Black lipsSaan's graffiti or God's arttDistiller5/24/2017
5/24/2017 22:25:33Spectral AssignmentARCn/a5/24/2017
5/24/2017 23:01:18Medical MapsSoft on Crimen/a5/24/2017
5/24/2017 23:35:23Jenee HalsteadRaised By WolvesJeneehalstead.com5/24/2017
6/3/2017 14:17:49Matthew PatrickDeluxen/a6/3/2017
6/3/2017 14:35:56Jackie MyersThird!n/a6/3/2017
6/3/2017 14:37:07Jackie Myers and Paradise WindsLive Beneath Stained Glassn/a6/3/2017
6/3/2017 14:43:09Steep RavineTurning of the Falln/a6/3/2017
6/3/2017 14:54:00Alec Lytle & Them RoundersThe End of Ourstwinvision6/3/2017
6/7/2017 22:11:23Johnny Barnesplan B from outer spacehttp://www.johnny barnes.com6/7/2017
6/7/2017 22:20:53johnny barnesknow Offendershttp://www.johnny barnes.com6/7/2017
6/8/2017 11:37:15The BeatlesSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Disc 1, 2017 Stereo Remix6/8/2017
6/10/2017 14:20:50big StateSure Thingn/a6/10/2017
6/10/2017 14:25:59ThreeFiftyGently among the coalsn/a6/10/2017
6/14/2017 20:43:07Abbie BarrettThat Shamen/a6/14/2017
6/14/2017 20:51:47Abbie BarrettDying Dayn/a6/14/2017
6/14/2017 20:57:48Abbie Barrett & the last dateThe Triplesn/a6/14/2017
6/14/2017 21:24:19Adam Ezra groupHurricane Windn/a6/14/2017
6/14/2017 23:25:32Telamorplaylist 2014-2916n/a6/14/2017
6/15/2017 11:39:45The BeatlesSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Disc 4, 2017 Stereo Remix6/15/2017
6/21/2017 21:23:23The Flash before the crashBrian oblirionn/a6/21/2017
6/21/2017 21:54:58GhostflowersGhostflowers disc 1n/a6/21/2017
6/21/2017 22:02:54GhostflowersGhostflowers disc 1&2n/a6/21/2017
6/21/2017 22:15:10The hackwellsonce more with feelingn/a6/21/2017
6/21/2017 22:16:30Brian Mccarty & the Big bad beatthe big bad beatn/a6/21/2017
6/21/2017 22:50:46Kate EppersThe wishing welln/a6/21/2017
6/21/2017 22:51:16The Low babiesThe low babies n/a6/21/2017
6/22/2017 11:35:41Various ArtistsThat was NOW This is THEN R-R-Real Rock & Roll Vol. 176/22/2017
6/22/2017 11:36:45The BeatlesSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Disc 1, 2017 Stereo Remix6/22/2017
6/22/2017 11:41:20Various Artists Rock Instrumental Classics Vol. 5: Surf6/22/2017
6/22/2017 11:49:32Various ArtistsSci-Fi's Greatest Hits Vol. 4 Defenders of Justice 6/22/2017
6/24/2017 1:30:34Sheryl CrowBe Myself6/24/2017
6/24/2017 1:31:42Cheap TrickWe're All Alright6/24/2017
6/24/2017 1:44:30DaziesPromo 4 WMFO 201706146/24/2017
6/24/2017 1:45:16Beached BoyPromo 4 WMFO 201706146/24/2017
6/24/2017 1:45:43RebuilderPromo 4 WMFO 201706146/24/2017
6/24/2017 1:46:15Bad Boy ClubPromo 4 WMFO 201706146/24/2017
6/24/2017 1:47:06Matt Charette and The Truer SoundPromo 4 WMFO 201706146/24/2017
6/25/2017 10:15:28Taj Mahal & Keb' Mo'TajMo6/25/2017
6/25/2017 18:20:39Amy Fairchild Nobody's Satellitehttp://www.amyfairchild.com6/25/2017
6/25/2017 18:28:37The billy Connor's ProjectThe Billy Conner's Projectn/a6/25/2017
6/25/2017 18:33:34Ian MaksinZaria6/25/2017
6/27/2017 10:21:42BlondiePollinator6/27/2017
6/28/2017 20:57:42Lindsey Buckingham & Christine McVieLindsey Buckingham Christine McVie6/28/2017
7/2/2017 18:42:02Colette Oconnori Think I Am7/2/2017
7/2/2017 18:45:40Zion RodmanYour Invited7/2/2017
7/5/2017 20:09:23Damn Tall Buildinggood Enough n/a7/5/2017
7/5/2017 20:20:30Redemption HeartThe Red ERAn/a7/5/2017
7/6/2017 11:20:28The BeatlesLive at the Hollywood Bowl7/6/2017
7/6/2017 11:28:00Various ArtistsMod The Early Years Vol. 2 Disc 17/6/2017
7/6/2017 11:44:38Various ArtistsMod The Early Years Vol. 2 Disc 27/6/2017
7/6/2017 11:44:51Various ArtistsSummer Beach Party7/6/2017
7/6/2017 11:52:20LoveLove Story 1966-19727/6/2017
7/9/2017 18:27:00cold ExpectationsSupper Prayersn/a7/9/2017
7/12/2017 21:15:18Gov t Mulerevolution come revolution gomule.net7/12/2017
7/12/2017 21:45:14Patrick & Kate patrick & katen/a7/12/2017
7/16/2017 18:23:36One Time MountainSeasons7/16/2017
7/16/2017 21:01:01Robin TrowerTime and Emotion7/16/2017
7/20/2017 14:05:59Various ArtistsHard To Find 45s on CD, Vol. 17: Late Sixties Classics7/20/2017
7/20/2017 14:08:04Various ArtistsThe Wrecking Crew7/20/2017
7/23/2017 18:14:42the Real KidsOutta Placen/a7/23/2017
7/26/2017 21:13:49The VivsOddsn/a7/26/2017
7/26/2017 21:28:50Say DarlingSay Darlingn/a7/26/2017
7/26/2017 23:57:30the Cash box kingsRoyal Mintn/a7/26/2017
8/1/2017 23:34:12Prince & The RevolutionPurple Rain Deluxe8/1/2017
8/1/2017 23:35:01311Mosaic8/1/2017
8/2/2017 20:09:09VandoliersThe Nativen/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 20:15:17Arley HughesParts of Men/a8/2/2017
8/7/2017 22:19:48Big ThiefCapacity8/7/2017
8/9/2017 20:59:59That one eyed kidcrash and Burnn/a8/9/2017
8/9/2017 21:13:27SpeedFossilYou're so Nextn/a8/9/2017
8/13/2017 18:07:08Ayla BrownSingle8/13/2017
8/16/2017 20:56:39Taxi BoysTaxi Boysn/a8/16/2017
8/17/2017 13:54:53Little StevenSoulfire8/17/2017
8/17/2017 13:55:53Mick JaggerGotta Get a Grip - England Lost (Reimagined)8/17/2017
8/17/2017 13:56:23WaxahatcheeOut In The Storm8/17/2017
8/20/2017 18:34:03Kenny SelcerI simplifytouch the sky music8/20/2017
8/24/2017 18:05:50The Dazies Hungover & Weird8/24/2017
8/24/2017 18:06:43The DaziesLove Joy8/24/2017
9/3/2017 15:59:24Petty MoralsF ck You, Let's Party9/3/2017
9/6/2017 20:18:45The Sewer Buddiessewer buddieslocal9/6/2017
9/6/2017 20:28:35Whoopi SticksWe Are Spunklocal9/6/2017
9/9/2017 16:21:20The StigmaticsPre-Release9/9/2017
9/9/2017 16:22:08The Dirty Mac Blues BandVictory Bar9/9/2017
9/12/2017 20:11:57George ThorogoodParty of One9/12/2017
9/12/2017 20:15:02The Isley Brothers & SantanaPower of Peace9/12/2017
9/12/2017 20:15:24VariousConcord Music Group Triple A Radio Singles July 20179/12/2017
9/17/2017 16:23:25Kate EppersThe nWishing Welln/a9/17/2017
9/23/2017 16:28:24Ray PaulWhimsicality9/23/2017
9/23/2017 16:28:49Ray PaulThe Charles Beat9/23/2017
9/23/2017 19:24:50Walter Becker11 Tracks of Whack9/23/2017
9/23/2017 19:25:27The War On DrugsA Deeper Understanding9/23/2017
9/23/2017 19:26:25The NationalSleep Well Beast9/23/2017
9/23/2017 19:28:20Neil YoungHitchhiker9/23/2017
9/29/2017 9:14:33The Lone BellowWalk Into A Storm9/29/2017
10/6/2017 9:08:57Dan Blakeslee & The Calabash ClubThe Alley Walker10/6/2017
10/6/2017 9:13:03Kane StrangTwo Hearts And No Brain10/6/2017
10/6/2017 9:16:56The Decemberists Florasongs10/6/2017
10/6/2017 9:19:53Julie RhodesBound To Meet The Devil10/6/2017
10/6/2017 16:27:06Margaret GlaspyEmotions and Math10/6/2017
10/6/2017 16:32:50Mandy RowdenThese Bad Habits10/6/2017
10/12/2017 18:01:55Nick JohnstonRemarkably Human10/12/2017
10/14/2017 12:32:30Andy PrattLIVE NYC 0310/14/2017
10/14/2017 15:29:28Jonny LangSigns10/14/2017
10/14/2017 15:30:11The Mary Jane JonesShake10/14/2017
10/16/2017 12:09:08Tory SilverObservere10/16/2017
10/19/2017 11:35:31Various ArtistsHalloween Nuggets Monster Sixties A Go-Go Disc 110/19/2017
10/19/2017 11:35:56Various ArtistsHalloween Nuggets Monster Sixties A Go-Go Disc 210/19/2017
10/19/2017 11:36:16Various ArtistsHalloween Nuggets Monster Sixties A Go-Go Disc 310/19/2017
10/19/2017 17:09:24Erin Harpe & The Delta SwingersBig RoadLocal10/19/2017
10/19/2017 17:09:58Joseph BlanchardMorning LightLocal10/19/2017
10/19/2017 22:39:18Matt YorkBetween The BarsLocal10/19/2017
10/20/2017 14:58:12Rick Berlin with The Nickel & Dime BandThe Courage Of The LonelyLocal10/20/2017
10/22/2017 18:19:20SistersWe Don't waitn/a10/22/2017
10/25/2017 21:25:52Mud Fox TribeShe Slipped AwayLocal10/25/2017
10/27/2017 11:04:51Josh RichardCities and StatesLocal10/27/2017
11/1/2017 12:22:05BeckColors11/1/2017
11/2/2017 14:14:03Violet NoxNebulaLocal11/2/2017
11/2/2017 14:14:46Psychic DogLunch Went WellLocal11/2/2017
11/2/2017 14:15:22Peter MurphyLove Hysteria11/2/2017
11/3/2017 8:12:47VariousFayelord '66 (Plus 25 Other Bossa Novas From The USA)11/3/2017
11/3/2017 8:13:02Jenee HalsteadEdge of the World11/3/2017
11/3/2017 8:13:19Jenee HalsteadThe River Grace11/3/2017
11/3/2017 8:13:53VariousLittle Darla Has a Treat For You Vol. 7 - Summer 199711/3/2017
11/3/2017 8:15:36Sleater-KinneyNo Cities To Love11/3/2017
11/3/2017 8:16:00Band of HorsesWhy Are You OK11/3/2017
11/9/2017 18:09:51Robert PlantCarry Fire11/9/2017
11/9/2017 18:10:41Stephen Stills & Judy CollinsEverybody Knows11/9/2017
11/9/2017 18:11:09The KillersWonderful Wonderful11/9/2017
11/10/2017 11:59:10Old JackLuck & DriveLocal11/10/2017
11/10/2017 12:15:47Van MorrisonRoll With The Punches11/10/2017
11/11/2017 12:30:42The StanleysThe Stanleys11/11/2017
11/11/2017 12:36:48Stupidity10 years Of stupidity11/11/2017
11/11/2017 12:38:07The WogglesThe Big Beat11/11/2017
11/11/2017 12:38:32The WogglesTally Ho11/11/2017
11/11/2017 12:39:02Special GuestsSpecial Guests11/11/2017
11/11/2017 12:46:55The Forty NineteensGood Fortune11/11/2017
11/11/2017 12:49:03TelemorWelcome To The One Percent11/11/2017
11/12/2017 18:18:27Rachel MarieThere is loven/a11/12/2017
11/16/2017 11:33:32Various ArtistsNUGGETS II: Original Artyfacts From the British Empire and beyond 1964-1969 Vol. 111/16/2017
11/16/2017 11:33:43Various ArtistsNUGGETS II: Original Artyfacts From the British Empire and beyond 1964-1969 Vol. 211/16/2017
11/16/2017 11:33:52Various ArtistsNUGGETS II: Original Artyfacts From the British Empire and beyond 1964-1969 Vol. 311/16/2017
11/16/2017 11:34:02Various ArtistsNUGGETS II: Original Artyfacts From the British Empire and beyond 1964-1969 Vol. 411/16/2017
11/16/2017 11:43:09The Brixton RiotClose Counts11/16/2017
11/16/2017 11:47:45The RamonesWeird Tales Of The Ramones Disc 111/16/2017
11/16/2017 11:47:58The RamonesNUGGETS II: Original Artyfacts From the British Empire and beyond 1964-1969 Vol. 211/16/2017
11/16/2017 11:48:37The RamonesWeird Tales Of The Ramones Disc 211/16/2017
11/16/2017 11:48:54The RamonesWeird Tales Of The Ramones Disc 311/16/2017
11/17/2017 20:33:02PowerslutGo Fuck MyselfLocal11/17/2017
11/17/2017 20:33:30PowderhouseSparkLocal11/17/2017
11/19/2017 16:43:57justine and the UncleanGet uncleanrum bar records11/19/2017
11/20/2017 12:36:42Elevator TribeHarmoniaTribe11/20/2017
11/21/2017 21:03:39Parlour BellsWaylaid in the MeleeLocal11/21/2017
11/25/2017 12:19:53Arthur NassonThe Emperor's New Sound11/25/2017
11/25/2017 12:23:02Arthur NassonWest Cambridge Cowboys11/25/2017
11/25/2017 12:27:12Michael OliverYin & Yanxiety11/25/2017
11/25/2017 12:28:51Michael OliverPop And Circumstances11/25/2017
11/25/2017 12:51:59VariousLive At The Rat Suite11/25/2017
12/8/2017 13:47:43Rachel ColeLight Up the Holidays12/8/2017
12/11/2017 11:26:00Grace MorrisonI'm The AppleLocal12/11/2017
12/11/2017 11:26:28Janet FeldI Met MyselfLocal12/11/2017
12/14/2017 11:31:01Various ArtistsChristmas Cocktails Part 312/14/2017
12/14/2017 11:35:24Various Artists Christmas Cocktails Part 212/14/2017
12/16/2017 12:44:13Iggy & The StoogesPenetration12/16/2017
12/16/2017 12:45:14Richard Hell & The VoidoidsBlank Generation 40th Anniversary12/16/2017
12/16/2017 12:47:29The SmithereensBlown To Smithereens12/16/2017
12/16/2017 12:50:31Bongo Boy RecordsVolume XIV12/16/2017
12/16/2017 12:52:25Rob ZombieBest Of12/16/2017
12/16/2017 16:09:54Found AudioLocomotive Earth12/16/2017
12/16/2017 16:10:30PowerslutThe Second Coming12/16/2017
12/17/2017 16:39:11Eagle Johnson & Clean MachineTennessee Beachn/a12/17/2017
12/20/2017 12:44:07Jane Lee HookerSpiritus12/20/2017
12/20/2017 12:44:47Billy BraggBridges Not Walls12/20/2017
12/20/2017 12:45:56Big Head Toad and The MonstersNew World Arisin'12/20/2017
12/30/2017 12:56:00VariousPunk DIY England 76' 77'12/30/2017
12/30/2017 16:14:21The Hi-EndBefore You Run Outta Luck12/30/2017
12/30/2017 16:22:20VariousBongo Boy Records XIV12/30/2017
1/6/2018 12:52:29Mick LawlessSingles1/6/2018
1/6/2018 12:53:24Richard Hell & The Voidoids Blank Generation 40th Deluxe Edition1/6/2018
1/8/2018 18:11:20WattsAll Done with Rock n Roll EP1/8/2018
1/11/2018 18:51:10The Dirty TruckersBest of1/11/2018
1/18/2018 11:21:51Various ArtistsAtomic Platters, Cold War Music from the Golden Age of Homeland Security 1/18/2018
1/18/2018 11:27:32Various Artists61 Classics From The Cramps Crazy Collection1/18/2018
1/28/2018 16:18:27Matthew Stubbs and the AntiguasMatthew subbs and the Antiguasn/a1/28/2018
1/30/2018 20:14:10Dead TrainsBig FunLocal1/30/2018
2/1/2018 20:46:27Joe PerrySweetzerlandLocal2/1/2018
2/6/2018 11:39:53Liam GallagherAs You Were2/6/2018
2/8/2018 13:44:03Noel Gallagher's High Flying BirdsWho Built The Moon2/8/2018
2/8/2018 13:44:32New OrderNOMC152/8/2018
2/11/2018 20:04:05Allison ShapiraComing HomeLocal2/11/2018
2/11/2018 20:04:41Black & Blue MorningRISELocal2/11/2018
2/11/2018 20:05:18U2Songs of Experience2/11/2018
2/18/2018 21:33:16Chris HellerRiseLocal2/18/2018
2/18/2018 21:33:46CurrentsmondegreenLocal2/18/2018
2/18/2018 21:34:50Daemon ChiliMercy of the SeaLocal2/18/2018
2/18/2018 21:35:28Damn Tall BuildingsGood EnoughLocal2/18/2018
2/23/2018 12:35:47Bruce SpringsteenBorn To Run 35th Anniversary Edition2/23/2018
2/23/2018 12:36:16Bruce SpringsteenTracks2/23/2018
2/23/2018 12:48:47Bruce SpringsteenDarkness On The Edge Of Town (Remastered)2/23/2018
2/23/2018 12:51:18Bruce SpringsteenThe Promise (Disc 1)2/23/2018
2/23/2018 12:51:35Bruce SpringsteenThe Promise (Disc 2)2/23/2018
2/23/2018 12:57:55Bruce SpringsteenThe River, Disc 12/23/2018
2/23/2018 12:58:14Bruce SpringsteenThe River, Disc 22/23/2018
2/23/2018 13:02:30Bruce SpringsteenThe River (The Singles CD)2/23/2018
2/23/2018 13:07:32Bruce SpringsteenThe Ties That Bind: The River Collection (The outtakes), Disc 42/23/2018
2/23/2018 13:13:23Bruce SpringsteenLive 1975-85, 2/23/2018
2/23/2018 13:28:16Bruce SpringsteenBoston Music Hall Vol. 2 03/23/772/23/2018
2/23/2018 13:34:43Bruce SpringsteenChapter and Verse2/23/2018
2/23/2018 13:39:07Bruce SpringsteenCoup De Grace Capitol Theater 9/21/782/23/2018
2/23/2018 13:49:08Bruce SpringsteenThe Wild, The Innocent & The E Street Shuffle2/23/2018
2/23/2018 13:54:59Southside Johnny & The Asbury JukesI Don't Want To Go Home2/23/2018
2/23/2018 13:58:25Southside & The Asbury JukesThis Time It's For Real2/23/2018
2/23/2018 14:01:06Southside Johnny & The Asbury JukesHearts Of Stone2/23/2018
2/23/2018 14:04:27Southside Johnny & The JukesAt Least We Got Shoes2/23/2018
2/23/2018 14:07:43Southside Johnny & The Asbury JukesLove Is A Sacrifice2/23/2018
2/23/2018 14:12:06Southside Johnny & The Asbury JukesLive At The Paradise Theater Boston, 12-23-802/23/2018
2/23/2018 14:19:04Southside Johnny & the Asbury jukesLive-Reach Up and Touch the Sky2/23/2018
2/24/2018 15:22:14TelamorCrusholex music2/24/2018
2/24/2018 15:42:18Fordham RoadFordham Roadpowderfinge2/24/2018
2/24/2018 15:58:39Craig CasslerFind my wayn/a2/24/2018
2/24/2018 16:17:46Danielle NicoleCry no MoreConcord records2/24/2018
2/24/2018 16:47:57Julien BakerTurn out the LightsMatador records2/24/2018
2/24/2018 17:02:38Fay GauthierfireheadLittle Goat music2/24/2018
2/24/2018 17:10:00I'M with HerSee You aroundn/a2/24/2018
3/1/2018 20:47:37Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching BandMephistophelian ManifestoLocal3/1/2018
3/1/2018 20:48:35Dan RussellFeel the EchoesLocal3/1/2018
3/1/2018 20:49:35Eye WitnessYou Are HereLocal3/1/2018
3/2/2018 18:54:46FiDELFlinch EPLocal3/2/2018
3/2/2018 18:55:38Future CarnivoresMelt the SkyLocal3/2/2018
3/3/2018 11:52:18The BarbarellatonesNaked Brunch3/3/2018
3/3/2018 11:52:52Marcy PlaygroundMP33/3/2018
3/3/2018 11:53:39The ReplacementsLet It Be3/3/2018
3/3/2018 11:54:18Lou ReedThe Definitive Collection3/3/2018
3/3/2018 12:10:18CompilationLooking For Johnny Soundtrack3/3/2018
3/3/2018 14:19:44Shotgun Waltzskin Deepn/a3/3/2018
3/5/2018 12:56:15he Billy Connors ProjectEP Special for WMFO 20180304Local3/5/2018
3/5/2018 12:57:05Griffin RobillardCracks In The CeilingLocal3/5/2018
3/5/2018 12:57:28Highway ChapelHighway ChapelLocal3/5/2018
3/5/2018 12:58:00Horse ModeAll You Ever Talk About Is JazzLocal3/5/2018
3/8/2018 19:46:26Jeff ReynoldsJR Music UnitLocal3/8/2018
3/8/2018 19:47:08Jenn VixxThe Sound of The Posessed (CD Single)Local3/8/2018
3/18/2018 14:09:08VariousFull Circle-Commonwealth Women Up FrontLocal3/18/2018
3/18/2018 14:09:50wavelengthit thinks itself within meLocal3/18/2018
3/18/2018 14:11:40VariousFull Circle-Commonwealth Women Up FrontLocal3/18/2018
3/20/2018 21:09:43VariousBeelzebubs Winter Invitational 1991Local3/20/2018
3/22/2018 21:03:47Analog HeartE pn/a3/22/2018
3/22/2018 21:14:00Liz BillsLiz Billsn/a3/22/2018
3/22/2018 21:21:55Barrence Whitfield & the Savagessoul flowers of TitanBloodshot l t d3/22/2018
3/22/2018 21:30:15Josh buckelyLas crucesrum bar records3/22/2018
3/22/2018 21:41:52J D BuckleyLas Crucesrum bar records3/22/2018
3/22/2018 21:47:20Jimi hendrixBoth sides of the skytouch the sky music3/22/2018
3/22/2018 21:54:56Dan mastersonWhen reality callspowderfinder3/22/2018
3/22/2018 22:03:07steppenwolfsteppenwolf at 50n/a3/22/2018
3/22/2018 22:24:10Doyle Bramhall IIRichmanConcord records3/22/2018
3/22/2018 22:28:19Elvin bishop'sBig fun trioalligator3/22/2018
3/23/2018 19:31:22K 7'stake !rumbar3/23/2018
3/23/2018 19:44:38the Laissez fairsEmpire of Marsrumbar3/23/2018
3/23/2018 19:45:46The motivated SequenceThe science the Fictionrumbar3/23/2018
3/24/2018 11:01:38Uranium DaughtersWhen Pigs FlyLocal3/24/2018
3/27/2018 13:45:51The ConnectionJust For Funrum bar records3/27/2018
3/27/2018 13:51:29Indonesian JunkStars In the Nightrum bar records3/27/2018
3/27/2018 13:51:48RhyeBloodLoma Vista3/27/2018
3/27/2018 14:01:19the Laissez fairsEmpire of Marsrum bar records3/27/2018
3/27/2018 14:05:14Bullet Proof LoversShot Through the Heartrum bar records3/27/2018
3/28/2018 11:38:20Buffalo TomQuiet and PeaceLocal3/28/2018
3/29/2018 18:34:18Carissa JohnsonTalk Talk Talkfuel heart productions3/29/2018
3/29/2018 18:46:25MendelsohnI Fromac music3/29/2018
3/29/2018 18:59:52Marcia Ballshine brightalligator3/29/2018
3/29/2018 19:19:44Karavan Saraipainted Sandsdave sanford3/29/2018
3/29/2018 19:28:58Leftover SalmonSomething Higherlos records3/29/2018
3/29/2018 19:34:33oberon RoseTell me all about itthouart3/29/2018
3/29/2018 19:43:10Yo la tengoThere's a riot going onMatador records3/29/2018
3/29/2018 19:51:28Screaming FemalesAll At oncedon giovanni3/29/2018
3/30/2018 8:52:30David ByrneAmerican Utopia3/30/2018
3/31/2018 17:21:51Jessi TeichTwisted Soulmadame freak3/31/2018
3/31/2018 17:27:27Andrew RyanAndrew Ryann/a3/31/2018
4/2/2018 13:34:15Joan ArmatradingThe Key4/2/2018
4/2/2018 13:34:31George EzraStaying at Tamara's4/2/2018
4/3/2018 19:46:54Kim WildeHere Come the Aliens4/3/2018
4/7/2018 18:14:55Lucy DacusHistorian4/7/2018
4/12/2018 10:43:12The JacobitesRobespierre's Velvet Basement4/12/2018
4/12/2018 10:43:26The JamIn The City4/12/2018
4/12/2018 10:51:03Meat PuppetsII4/12/2018
4/12/2018 10:52:32SebadohIII4/12/2018
4/12/2018 10:54:41Dinosaur JrYou're Living All Over Me4/12/2018
4/12/2018 10:57:50Dinosaur JrBeyond4/12/2018
4/12/2018 11:03:18Moving TargetsBrave Noise4/12/2018
4/12/2018 11:05:45MudhoneyMudhoney4/12/2018
4/12/2018 11:10:09MudhoneySuperfuzz Bigmuff plus Early Singles4/12/2018
4/12/2018 11:12:06Black FlagNervous Breakdown4/12/2018
4/12/2018 11:14:18Television PersonalitiesMummy You're Not Watching Me4/12/2018
4/12/2018 11:37:13Various ArtistsChildren of Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the Second Psychedelic Era, 1976–1995 [Disc 1]4/12/2018
4/12/2018 11:38:45Various ArtistsChildren of Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the Second Psychedelic Era, 1976–1995 [Disc 2]4/12/2018
4/12/2018 11:43:22Various ArtistsChildren of Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the Second Psychedelic Era, 1976–1995 [Disc 3]4/12/2018
4/12/2018 11:43:56Various ArtistsChildren of Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the Second Psychedelic Era, 1976–1995 [Disc 4]4/12/2018
4/15/2018 13:46:53SpeedfossilYou're So NextLocal4/15/2018
4/15/2018 13:47:45The Grand UndoingSparks Rain Down4/15/2018
4/15/2018 13:48:25The Silver MirrorsSunshine SpaceLocal4/15/2018
4/15/2018 13:49:02Test MeatEP DemoLocal4/15/2018
4/16/2018 10:06:45Afghan WhigsUp In It4/16/2018
4/16/2018 10:10:14Bad Brainsi against i4/16/2018
4/16/2018 10:13:45CanTago Mago4/16/2018
4/16/2018 10:16:34The CleanGetaway4/16/2018
4/16/2018 10:21:08Ed's Redeeming QualitiesMore Bad Times4/16/2018
4/16/2018 10:25:57Roky EricksonYou're Gonna Miss Me4/16/2018
4/16/2018 10:48:57Galaxie 500Today4/16/2018
4/16/2018 10:52:00Galaxie 500This Is Our Music4/16/2018
4/16/2018 10:55:14JapandroidsCelebration Rock4/16/2018
4/16/2018 10:58:29Husker DuNew Day Rising4/16/2018
4/19/2018 12:16:19Scott HellandNever End The Rocket CenturyLocal4/19/2018
4/19/2018 12:16:54RIBSRussian BloodLocal4/19/2018
4/22/2018 12:13:16Tower Of Power4oth Anniversary4/22/2018
4/24/2018 12:03:33Tom Beaulieu&Tom Beaulieu Spring 2016 UpdateLocal4/24/2018
5/1/2018 21:00:12gar francisvol onebomgo boy5/1/2018
5/1/2018 21:28:04Bongo boy recordsbackroom Blues vol sixbongo boy5/1/2018
5/1/2018 21:30:46RY CooderThe Prodical sonfantasy records5/1/2018
5/1/2018 21:39:46Christen LienElpiswww,christenlien.com5/1/2018
5/13/2018 13:31:36Nick ZainoBig Man on the ShelfLocal5/13/2018
5/13/2018 13:32:14Mike GreensteinBlue Skies & Broken ArrowsLocal5/13/2018
5/16/2018 9:16:25REMReckoning5/16/2018
5/16/2018 9:26:20LoveDa Capo5/16/2018
5/16/2018 9:30:49Nick DrakePink Moon5/16/2018
5/16/2018 9:33:36Nick DrakeFive Leaves Left5/16/2018
5/16/2018 9:57:28IceageBeyondless5/16/2018
5/17/2018 20:23:14Dave Goddess groupLast of the west side cowboysn/a5/17/2018
5/17/2018 20:41:35the shacksHazebig crown5/17/2018
5/17/2018 20:47:26Rachael SageMyopiampress5/17/2018
5/17/2018 20:52:51Silverplanesbombarddiern/a5/17/2018
5/22/2018 19:54:41The Cast IronsThe Cast IronsLocal5/22/2018
5/22/2018 19:55:16Special GuestsHalf PastLocal5/22/2018
5/23/2018 9:09:00New OrderMovement5/23/2018
5/24/2018 11:48:14The SupremesAnthology (Disc 1)5/24/2018
5/24/2018 11:48:40Diana Ross & The SupremesAnthology (Disc 2)5/24/2018
5/24/2018 20:19:21smitt e. smittyJust a Mordern guyn/a5/24/2018
5/24/2018 20:36:3935 parallelthe Green Vinesagabrush 5/24/2018
5/24/2018 20:43:39Roberta PiketWest Coast Trio13th note5/24/2018
5/24/2018 20:50:45Ben BostickHellfiren/a5/24/2018
5/24/2018 20:59:11Jared Rabinwondering about the Weather n/a5/24/2018
5/31/2018 21:13:21The travelersLongest road home5/31/2018
6/9/2018 14:21:49VariousBongo Boy Records Backroom Blues Vol 66/9/2018
6/9/2018 14:22:29Puzzle FactoryPuzzle FactoryLocal6/9/2018
6/9/2018 14:25:47Principal DiagonalIncisionLocal6/9/2018
6/9/2018 14:26:40Off & OnGood Talk Vol 1 + 2Local6/9/2018
6/9/2018 14:27:40Root of CreationLivin' FreeLocal6/9/2018
6/10/2018 17:21:13The CarsShake It Up (Expanded Edition)Local6/10/2018
6/10/2018 17:21:40Lord HuronVide Noir6/10/2018
6/10/2018 17:22:07The VaccinesCombat Sports6/10/2018
6/10/2018 17:22:37LissieCastles6/10/2018
6/10/2018 17:23:05Leon BridgesGood News6/10/2018
6/10/2018 17:23:50Ben Harper & Charlie MusselwhiteNo Mercy In This Land6/10/2018
6/12/2018 20:13:03Romy ConzenV For Victory6/12/2018
6/13/2018 9:11:42Parquet CourtsWide Awake!6/13/2018
6/13/2018 9:22:38MudhoneyEvery Good Boy Deserves Fudge6/13/2018
6/14/2018 20:08:33The cast ironsThe broken Hearts clubsn/a6/14/2018
6/14/2018 20:18:53Ruby Velle & The SoulphonicsState of All Things6/14/2018
6/14/2018 20:25:47Les FradkinEacape from earthn/a6/14/2018
6/16/2018 11:26:38dave McDonald Banddave McDonald Band6/16/2018
6/19/2018 21:58:04Analog HeartFor me this timen/a6/19/2018
6/21/2018 14:53:28The Gamma GoochiesReturn to Planet Beer6/21/2018
6/21/2018 14:54:23Van Morrison & Joey DeFrancescoYou're Driving Me Crazy6/21/2018
6/21/2018 14:54:54The WhoMaximum As & Bs6/21/2018
6/24/2018 12:52:30Andrea Gillisladies Love thundera-m-p /ed valauskas6/24/2018
6/24/2018 13:10:51Bumpin UgliesBeast from the eastspace duck6/24/2018
6/24/2018 13:19:00Lay low moonon this day last yearBattlement records6/24/2018
6/24/2018 13:37:07Nuke the soupDepperpowderfinge6/24/2018
6/25/2018 13:40:29Stephen Malkmus and the JicksSparkle Hard6/25/2018
6/29/2018 13:45:06Jennifer TruesdaleJen EP MastersLocal6/29/2018
6/29/2018 13:45:35HenryUp A RopeLocal6/29/2018
6/29/2018 13:46:23Various ArtistsRum Bar Records Summer Singles 2018Local6/29/2018
6/29/2018 13:47:09A Bunch of JerksThe Long Arm of Professor KittenpantsLocal6/29/2018
7/1/2018 0:59:16Troll 2InheritanceLocal7/1/2018
7/2/2018 17:09:58Lonely Leesa & The Lost CowboysCD EPLocal7/2/2018
7/2/2018 17:10:31Wise Old MoonDon't Take OffLocal7/2/2018
7/2/2018 17:11:38Various ArtistsLove Is Volume TwoBongo Boy Records7/2/2018
7/5/2018 21:03:20Angelestest of Timebomgo boy7/5/2018
7/5/2018 21:09:47the curtis mayflowerDeath Hoaxn/a7/5/2018
7/5/2018 21:22:02Fleetwood Macmystery to mewarner7/5/2018
7/5/2018 21:26:39Al GreenLet's stay TogetherH I7/5/2018
7/5/2018 21:31:20The Isley brothersgreatest Hits vol 1n/a7/5/2018
7/5/2018 21:36:28Jack Ballengee Morris West Virginia refugeegbs records7/5/2018
7/5/2018 21:47:07Kate CallahanTriumphn/a7/5/2018
7/8/2018 22:17:09White Dynomite5 SongsLocal7/8/2018
7/8/2018 22:17:48Trinary SystemAmplify the AmplifiedLocal7/8/2018
7/11/2018 20:39:21The GalvanicsLight and SoundLocal7/11/2018
7/11/2018 20:39:43Sam MossFableLocal7/11/2018
7/12/2018 21:51:59The GravedancersThe GravedancersLocal7/12/2018
7/16/2018 21:15:11Duck & Coverrob them blindrum bar records7/16/2018
7/23/2018 14:28:32Swearin'Swearin'7/23/2018
7/23/2018 14:31:26Swearin'Surfing Strange7/23/2018
7/23/2018 14:36:27AvengersThe Pink Album7/23/2018
7/23/2018 14:41:00The JamCompact Snap!7/23/2018
7/23/2018 14:48:37Husker DuSavage Young Du7/23/2018
7/23/2018 15:08:48FuckThe Band7/23/2018
7/24/2018 20:01:45the Hi EndBefore you run out of Luckn/a7/24/2018
7/26/2018 18:03:10Mathew ConnorsNight After NightLocal7/26/2018
7/26/2018 18:03:47Kris Heaton BandWe R StrongLocal7/26/2018
7/26/2018 18:04:25Rusty MulletPoop Destroyer Death SquadronLocal7/26/2018
7/26/2018 18:05:04Jennee HalsteadEdge of the WorldLocal7/26/2018
7/26/2018 18:06:59The WogglesTally Ho7/26/2018
7/26/2018 18:07:20The WogglesThe Big Beat7/26/2018
7/27/2018 20:40:15adam shermanRiver of dreamsn/a7/27/2018
7/28/2018 17:35:00Johnny ASometimes Tuesday MorningJohnny a7/28/2018
7/28/2018 17:39:48Johnny AGet insidejohnny a7/28/2018
7/28/2018 17:56:29duke LevineGuitar Talkdaring records7/28/2018
7/28/2018 18:00:47duke LevineNobody's Homedaring records7/28/2018
7/28/2018 18:05:13duke LevineCountry Soul guitardaring records7/28/2018
7/28/2018 18:11:48duke LevineLavadaring records7/28/2018
7/28/2018 18:21:54HellcastersThe return of the Hellcastersnesmithenterprizes7/28/2018
7/28/2018 18:33:12Joe Bonamassahad to cry todayhttp://www.jbonamassa.com7/28/2018
8/2/2018 11:22:17Various ArtistsThe Lion King (Soundtrack)8/2/2018
8/2/2018 11:28:30Def LeppardRetro Active8/2/2018
8/2/2018 11:32:15GrandEvolutionTell Me WhyLocal8/2/2018
8/2/2018 11:32:37Rod StewartIf We Fall In Love Tonight8/2/2018
8/2/2018 11:32:50The Evil StreaksThe Evil StreaksLocal8/2/2018
8/2/2018 11:34:01MieleTransienceLocal8/2/2018
8/2/2018 11:35:46U2Pop8/2/2018
8/2/2018 11:36:08P76Into The SunOff the Hip Records - Australia8/2/2018
8/2/2018 11:36:43The Beat TabooThe Beat TabooOff the Hip Records - Australia8/2/2018
8/2/2018 11:37:23The Jim MitchellsLove HypnoticOff the Hip Records - Australia8/2/2018
8/2/2018 11:37:48The PainkillersOldest FriendOff the Hip Records - Australia8/2/2018
8/8/2018 9:15:47Squirrel BaitSquirrel Bait/Skag Heaven8/8/2018
8/8/2018 9:18:42SlintSpiderland8/8/2018
8/9/2018 20:29:32dan Hicks and the hot licksbeatin the heat http://www.sundog.com8/9/2018
8/9/2018 20:33:34Aretha FranklinAreths s Bestrino8/9/2018
8/9/2018 20:43:31walter NoonsSenor Moraine and other tales of love and lossn/a8/9/2018
8/9/2018 20:51:40Bongo boy recordsout of the garage volume fourbongo boy8/9/2018
8/9/2018 21:00:40Bongo boy recordsEmidio's rock den vol 1Battlement records8/9/2018
8/15/2018 15:15:02Boz ScaggsOut of the Blues8/15/2018
8/17/2018 14:05:13Mike ViolaThe American EgyptLocal8/17/2018
8/17/2018 14:05:37ParksParksLocal8/17/2018
8/18/2018 19:56:12The Radiator RattlersHold onSpiral records8/18/2018
8/18/2018 21:45:53Cowboy JunkiesAll That Reckoning8/18/2018
8/25/2018 20:55:12Brad MarinoFour Track AttackLocal8/25/2018
8/28/2018 15:48:23Lily BlackCover it UpLilyBlackBand.com8/28/2018
8/28/2018 16:03:10Badi AssadBetween Love and LuckQuatroVentos8/28/2018
8/28/2018 22:50:23We Are MuffyThe Charcoal Pool8/28/2018
8/30/2018 13:12:12Dave Matthews BandCome Tomorrow8/30/2018
9/6/2018 21:04:30Deckerborn to wake uphttp://www.deckermusic.com9/6/2018
9/6/2018 21:14:53Rubt Rose foxsalthttp://www.rubyrosefox.com9/6/2018
9/6/2018 21:24:53Sarah mendelsohnIFpowderfinger9/6/2018
9/6/2018 21:39:15Jerry VelonaAbout funk in timekarunabird records9/6/2018
9/11/2018 21:44:06The pull of AutumnThe pull of Autumnrbm records9/11/2018
9/13/2018 12:25:49Muck And The MiresMuckus Maximusrumbar9/13/2018
9/13/2018 12:26:07The PeaweesMoving Targetrum bar records9/13/2018
9/14/2018 20:37:32Luke Winslow-KingBlue Mesa9/14/2018
9/14/2018 20:37:04Sarah Shook & the DisarmersYears9/14/2018
9/14/2018 20:38:05Bob ReaSouthbound9/14/2018
9/14/2018 20:38:43Keaton Simons123 Go EP9/14/2018
9/17/2018 23:01:59Drift MouthLittle Patch of Sky9/17/2018
9/17/2018 23:02:30Lyman EllermanI Wish I Was A Train9/17/2018
9/17/2018 23:02:57Cliff WestfallBaby You Win9/17/2018
9/18/2018 19:55:12Shiny BeastsShiny Beastshttp://www.shinybeasts.com9/18/2018
9/18/2018 20:07:18Billy F GibbonsThe Big Bad BluesConcord records9/18/2018
9/18/2018 20:17:35the TurnbackSpinning the earth in reverseKool kat musik9/18/2018
9/19/2018 20:22:00Robbie Fulks & Linda Gail LewisWild! Wild! Wild!9/19/2018
9/26/2018 11:23:30William Elliott WhitmoreWhitmore Kilonova9/26/2018
9/26/2018 11:23:55Murder By DeathThe Other Shore9/26/2018
9/27/2018 19:14:53River WhylessKindness A rebelrollcall9/27/2018
10/4/2018 22:00:56Juana CamilleriInside Outhttp://www.juanamariamilleri.com10/4/2018
10/4/2018 22:02:34the AestheticsBeat Thisjanuculan music10/4/2018
10/5/2018 13:40:07The Forty NineteensGood Fortune10/5/2018
10/10/2018 9:11:53Swearin'Fall Into The Sun10/10/2018
10/10/2018 9:14:05FugaziFirst Demo10/10/2018
10/10/2018 9:16:57The Side EyesSo Sick10/10/2018
10/10/2018 9:20:00Dot DashProto Retro10/10/2018
10/10/2018 9:23:31Dot DashSpark Flame Ember Ash10/10/2018
10/10/2018 9:28:25Dot DashEarthquakes & Tidal Waves10/10/2018
10/10/2018 9:41:43Body/HeadThe Switch10/10/2018
10/10/2018 11:57:54Birdsong at MorningSigns and Wondersbirdsongatmorning.com10/10/2018
10/10/2018 12:00:30The StumbleweedsEvil on Your MindSpinout records10/10/2018
10/10/2018 12:10:15The Very Hurricane Changen/a10/10/2018
10/10/2018 12:14:50Uranium daughtersHalf Magicn/a10/10/2018
10/17/2018 9:09:58EthersEthers10/17/2018
10/17/2018 9:17:22The EyebrowsVolume10/17/2018
10/18/2018 18:45:21Wilson PickettWilson Pickett s Greatest HitsAtlantic records10/18/2018
10/18/2018 19:27:11Phono PonyMonkey PawPlanetary10/18/2018
10/18/2018 19:55:14Delaney & Bonnie & FriendsOn Tour withEric claptonAtco records10/18/2018
10/20/2018 20:13:28The AestheticsBeat This10/20/2018
10/20/2018 20:14:14Richard MirskyCarry Me AwayLocal10/20/2018
10/20/2018 20:14:58The Papa Joe ShowTeaser IILocal10/20/2018
10/24/2018 12:07:45The StumbleweedsEvil On Your MindLocal10/24/2018
10/24/2018 12:09:09Lynnette LenkerLynnette LenkerLocal10/24/2018
10/27/2018 15:26:29Little Billy Lost & the Cocks of the WalkMastersLocal10/27/2018
10/31/2018 17:43:30Bucket BoysThoughts On An Electric Chair10/31/2018
11/6/2018 19:31:36Barry StaggOne heart at a time [1]K.e.s.11/6/2018
11/6/2018 19:45:10FornisEndless nightfornis.org11/6/2018
11/6/2018 19:50:53Catfish KeithReefer HoundFish Tail records11/6/2018
11/9/2018 9:57:05Uranium DaughtersHalf MagicLocal11/9/2018
11/9/2018 9:57:31The VeryHurricane ChangeLocal11/9/2018
11/13/2018 12:04:56The Real Kids8-Song DJ Promo DownloadLocal - Ace of Hearts Records11/13/2018
11/13/2018 19:35:27justine and the uncleanHeartaches and hot Problemsrum bar records11/13/2018
11/13/2018 20:18:42Love LovePictureww.lovelovebostonband.com11/13/2018
11/13/2018 20:32:30Richie ParsonsBlack Thoated BlueRichie Parsons music11/13/2018
11/13/2018 20:40:55justine and the UncleanGet Uncleanrum bar records11/13/2018
11/14/2018 9:15:08Yo La TengoThere's A Riot Going On11/14/2018
11/14/2018 9:18:11A Tribe Called QuestThe Low End Theory11/14/2018
11/14/2018 12:37:17The Tin ManBob Wilson featuring Roots of Creation11/14/2018
11/14/2018 13:14:08Wig Party99th Birthday11/14/2018
11/14/2018 13:30:08Jesse And The DandelionsGive Up The Gold11/14/2018
11/14/2018 13:44:29IrinushkaOrpheus Sings11/14/2018
11/14/2018 13:58:10The Knickerbocker All-StarsLove Makes A Woman11/14/2018
11/14/2018 14:06:34Joel SchwellingAin't That The Way11/14/2018
11/15/2018 11:42:31Justine and the UncleanHeartachesrum bar records11/15/2018
11/15/2018 11:44:09Stop Calling Me FrankSpider In My Beer and Other Songsrum bar records11/15/2018
11/15/2018 11:46:42Hambone SkinnyHambone Skinnyrum bar records11/15/2018
11/16/2018 10:51:09GlowboxFossil FuelLocal11/16/2018
11/16/2018 10:54:01VariousInterscope Records Presents11/16/2018
11/17/2018 11:23:19Eric BurdenWicked Man11/17/2018
11/19/2018 10:33:57WattsQueenLocal - Rumbar Records11/19/2018
11/28/2018 9:05:23VariousStars Kill Rock11/28/2018
11/28/2018 9:09:26KinskiAccustomed To Your Face11/28/2018
12/2/2018 13:31:11Reptile TileHuman Man E.P.12/2/2018
12/5/2018 11:36:49Erin Harpe and The Delta SwingersThe Christmas SwingLocal12/5/2018
12/5/2018 11:37:34Gretchen and the PickpocketsAnachronicLocal12/5/2018
12/5/2018 11:37:58Gretchen and the PickpocketsGretchen and the PickpocketsLocal12/5/2018
12/5/2018 21:17:16Karlo TakkiAllston StreetLocal12/5/2018
12/8/2018 10:28:31Ghosts and ShadowsThings That Scare Us MostLocal12/8/2018
12/9/2018 14:35:34jeff goldblumthe capital recording sessions12/9/2018
12/9/2018 14:46:06Brian LarneyWhite12/9/2018
12/9/2018 14:56:432 CellosLet There Be Cellos12/9/2018
12/9/2018 15:09:25Ken HoyneSublime12/9/2018
12/12/2018 9:08:25BuzzcocksTime's Up12/12/2018
12/12/2018 9:11:20Experimental AircraftThird Transmission12/12/2018
12/18/2018 10:50:51Tad OverbaughDemons In the DustLocal12/18/2018
12/18/2018 10:51:32Savior FairMachine with a MemoirLocal12/18/2018
12/19/2018 9:05:15VariousSomething's Gone Wrong Again: Buzzcocks Covers Compilation12/19/2018
12/26/2018 9:04:08DidiLike Memory Foam12/26/2018
12/26/2018 9:07:23Redd KrossHot Issue12/26/2018
12/26/2018 9:10:19The Bevis FrondWe're Your Friends, Man12/26/2018
12/27/2018 20:11:50Rich Gilbert1159Holy Wreckords12/27/2018
1/8/2019 12:47:19Peter Bjorn and JohnDarker Days1/8/2019
1/8/2019 12:47:55Elvis Costello & the ImpostersLook Now1/8/2019
1/8/2019 12:48:49Keith RichardsRun Rudolph Run1/8/2019
1/8/2019 12:49:25John MellencampOther Peoples Stuff1/8/2019
1/8/2019 12:50:12Sarah Borges and the Broken SinglesLoves Middle NameLocal1/8/2019
1/8/2019 12:50:42Indonesian JunkDarkness Calling1/8/2019
1/8/2019 12:51:12Katie MeluaUltimate Collection1/8/2019
1/8/2019 12:51:57Dennis Quaid and the SharksOut of the Box1/8/2019
1/8/2019 12:52:43The ConnectionWish You SuccessLocal1/8/2019
1/9/2019 13:24:37Seth RosenbloomKeep on TurningPati devries1/9/2019
1/14/2019 10:38:27Gideon's ArmyKing of the LeagueLocal1/14/2019
1/14/2019 10:39:21John HiattThe Eclipse Sessions1/14/2019
1/15/2019 9:34:58A Bunch of Jerk'sCamping WeekendLocal1/15/2019
1/27/2019 14:55:28DumptruckDays of Fear1/27/2019
1/27/2019 14:56:21The Carvels NYCLife is not a Waiting Room1/27/2019
1/27/2019 15:04:27Q MorrorwThree are Stars in Brooklyn1/27/2019
1/27/2019 15:15:56Wigparty99th Birthday1/27/2019
1/27/2019 19:53:11Nat FreedbergNat FreedbergLocal - Rumbar Records1/27/2019
1/27/2019 19:53:403 Parts DeadMasterLocal1/27/2019
1/31/2019 11:18:24Dean LandewJob1/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:18:37Dean LandewAfter Work1/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:18:49Dean LandewI Miss Your Lovin'1/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:19:22The BeatlesThe White Album remastered Disc 11/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:19:32The BeatlesThe White Album remastered Disc 21/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:24:03The BeatlesThe Beatles & The Esher Demos (50th Anniversary)1/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:30:33The BeatlesThe White Album remastered Disc 41/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:33:28The BeatlesThe White Album remastered Disc 51/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:36:54The BeatlesThe White Album remastered Disc 61/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:42:08The Forty NineteensRebooted1/31/2019
2/9/2019 14:00:54The DayliliesThe DayliliesLocal2/9/2019
2/9/2019 14:10:52Hannah's fieldrevolutionary Soldierspowder fimger2/9/2019
2/9/2019 14:32:30The Kentucky HeadhuntersLive at the Ramblin' man Fairalligator2/9/2019
2/12/2019 11:39:43Amyl and the SniffersBig Attraction2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:39:54ConnectionsForeign Affairs2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:40:10Johnny MafiaPrinces de l'Amour2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:40:19OvlovTRU2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:40:32Pinch PointsMechanical Injury2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:40:46Rainbow ReservoirChannel Hanna2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:41:00RaysYou Can Get There From Here2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:41:15Salad BoysThis Is Glue2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:41:29SmokescreensUsed To Yesterday2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:42:04Th' Losin' StreaksThis Band Will Self-Destruct In T-Minus2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:42:19The ChatsGet This In Ya2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:42:37The Darts (US)The Darts LP2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:42:50The FadeawaysDirty Water EP2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:43:04The Love-BirdsIn The Lover's Corner2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:43:20The ShiftersHave A Cunning Plan2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:43:35Tommy and the CommiesHere Come...2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:43:47Ultra BeautyS-T2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:43:58WimpsGarbage People2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:44:11Wolf GirlEvery Now and Then2/12/2019
2/12/2019 11:44:24Woolen MenPost2/12/2019
2/13/2019 9:26:05BuzzcocksAnother Music In A Different Kitchen2/13/2019
2/15/2019 12:17:25The VeryVelvetLocal2/15/2019
2/20/2019 10:03:12Guided By VoicesZeppelin Over China2/20/2019
2/21/2019 11:28:08The Yeah You RightLucy Annarum bar records2/21/2019
2/21/2019 11:30:04SoraiaDead ReckoningWicked Cool2/21/2019
2/21/2019 11:33:39Cocktail SlippersMastermindWicked Cool2/21/2019
2/21/2019 11:45:46Various ArtistsRum Bar records Winter Samplerrum bar records2/21/2019
2/21/2019 11:46:15The WogglesTempo TantrumWicked Cool2/21/2019
2/21/2019 11:46:35The UrgesPsycho WardWicked Cool2/21/2019
2/28/2019 19:21:52The ConnectionNew England's Newest Hit MakersLocal - Rumbar Records2/28/2019
3/1/2019 12:38:02BodegaEndless Scroll3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:38:21FlasherConstant Image3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:38:11ENegative Work3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:38:32Flat WormsFlat Worms3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:38:42Greed IslandNest Egg3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:38:57No AgeSnares Like a Haircut3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:39:08OnsindWe Wilt We Bloom3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:39:26OvlovGreatest Hits Vol II3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:39:41Rainbow ReservoirCoco Sleeps Around3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:39:50RAZZTime Frames3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:40:10Rolling Blackouts Coastal FeverHope Downs3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:40:21Rolling Blackouts Coastal FeverThe French Press3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:40:28ScupperSome Gauls3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:40:38SuperchunkWhat a Time To Be Alive3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:40:47Sweet KnivesSweet Knives3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:41:06The GotobedsDefinitely Not a Redd Kross EP3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:41:14The StroppiesWhoosh3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:41:25The Total RejectionWrapping Yourself In Foil3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:41:37Tony MolinaKill the Lights3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:41:47VundabarSmell Smoke3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:41:54WussyGetting Better3/1/2019
3/1/2019 12:42:02WussyWhat Heaven Is Like3/1/2019
3/1/2019 14:12:49Bryan AdamsWaking Up The Neighbours3/1/2019
3/1/2019 14:17:47Elton JohnSomething About the way You Look Tonight3/1/2019
3/1/2019 14:18:02Elton JohnCandle In the Wind 19973/1/2019
3/1/2019 14:26:12Various ArtistsThe Full Monty (Soundtrack)3/1/2019
3/1/2019 14:31:06Various ArtistsBatman & Robin (Soundtrack)3/1/2019
3/1/2019 14:37:01Various ArtistsCity of Angels (Soundtrack)3/1/2019
3/1/2019 14:42:02Dave Matthews BandCrash3/1/2019
3/1/2019 14:49:42Bryan AdamsSo Far So Good3/1/2019
3/1/2019 14:56:08Various ArtistsPayback (Soundtrack)3/1/2019
3/1/2019 15:04:37The Brian Setzer OrchestraThe Dirty Boogie3/1/2019
3/1/2019 16:19:58The ConnectionJust For Fun!Local - Rumbar Records3/1/2019
3/1/2019 16:20:39The ConnectionLabor of LoveLocal - Rumbar Records3/1/2019
3/1/2019 16:21:18The ConnectionA Christmas Gift ForLocal - Rumbar Records3/1/2019
3/3/2019 21:16:48Bob MouldSunshine Rock3/3/2019
3/4/2019 11:16:43Michael Johnathon Dazed and Confused3/4/2019
3/4/2019 11:30:30SkyFootBlindly On Through3/4/2019
3/4/2019 11:43:41DEUTERMirage3/4/2019
3/4/2019 11:57:39SUNIL & THE PETSMake New Friends3/4/2019
3/4/2019 12:06:05Lyn StanleyLondon Calling3/4/2019
3/4/2019 12:11:01Beau WeevilsSongs In The Key of E3/4/2019
3/4/2019 12:15:15Los GoutosMighty3/4/2019
3/4/2019 12:25:11Haynie & SamuelWater From The Moon3/4/2019
3/4/2019 12:32:39John OatesAcoustic Rainbow Roots Volume 493/4/2019
3/4/2019 12:43:51Seth WalkerAre You Open3/4/2019
3/5/2019 19:13:41Esperanza Spalding12 Little Spells3/5/2019
3/7/2019 11:32:04Various Artists50s Amazing Stereo3/7/2019
3/10/2019 18:45:13Gary Clark, JrThis Land3/10/2019
3/12/2019 21:09:31Joe JacksonFool3/12/2019
3/16/2019 20:15:09John MayallNobody Told Me3/16/2019
3/18/2019 13:52:45Juliana HatfieldWeirdLocal3/18/2019
3/19/2019 21:18:33Michael Franti & SpearheadStay Human Vol. II3/19/2019
3/20/2019 10:42:29Ashley AlexanderWith You3/20/2019
3/20/2019 10:47:29PixiesCome On Pilgrim... Its Surfer Rosa Pt 13/20/2019
3/20/2019 17:23:28Phil CollinsSerious Hits...Live (Remastered)3/20/2019
3/20/2019 17:33:26PixiesCome On Pilgrim... Its Surfer Rosa Pt 23/20/2019
3/21/2019 20:05:41The Radiator RattlersAnother Day E.P.Local - Rumbar Records3/21/2019
3/23/2019 9:36:56Rick lang & friendsA Tribute to the Boston Marathonhttp://www.ricklangmusic.com3/23/2019
3/27/2019 9:08:35StereolabDots and Loops3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:24:57StereolabMars Audiac Quintet3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:37:29Amyl & the SniffersSome Mutts3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:37:40Apartment 3Apt.33/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:37:57Black HelicopterEverything is Forever3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:38:06Eric's TripLove Tara3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:38:43Jah DivisionDub Will Tear Us Apart...Again3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:38:57Leopard Print TaserLeopard Print Taser3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:39:09Mick TroubleIt's the Mick Trouble EP3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:39:24Mike KrolAn Ambulance/Never Know3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:39:36Missing PagesLong Way Down3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:39:48Nervous TwitchI Won't Hide3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:40:00So WhatHard Gum3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:40:19Suggested FriendsSuggested Friends3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:40:33Sweet John BloomWeird Prayer3/27/2019
3/27/2019 9:40:49The CourtneysII3/27/2019
3/28/2019 21:08:44SantanaIn Search of Mona Lisa3/28/2019
4/1/2019 22:18:47Tedeschi Trucks BandSignLocal4/1/2019
4/3/2019 12:40:58The SpecialsEncore4/3/2019
4/4/2019 11:45:58Various ArtistsSomething Weird Disc 14/4/2019
4/4/2019 11:53:49Various ArtistsSomething Weird Disc 24/4/2019
4/5/2019 10:27:02WeezerWeezer (Black Album)4/5/2019
4/5/2019 10:27:35WeezerWeezer (Teal Album)4/5/2019
4/5/2019 13:50:05Peter ParcekEverybody Wants To Go To HeavenLocal4/5/2019
4/5/2019 13:50:26Peter ParcekSingles 4 WMFOLocal4/5/2019
4/5/2019 18:13:53CelebutantThe Tabloids EPLocal4/5/2019
4/8/2019 13:39:44Grateful DeadPacific Northwest 73-744/8/2019
4/8/2019 15:27:14Kelly HafnerIf it's loveDavid Bean--BeanBag1.com4/8/2019
4/8/2019 15:54:25Linda ArceoJust BelieveDavid Bean--BeanBag1.com4/8/2019
4/8/2019 16:23:36Tim J GrantFlorescent Lamp Poptimjgrantmusic@sbcglobal.net4/8/2019
4/9/2019 10:52:48Ted Leo and the PharmacistsShake The Sheets4/9/2019
4/9/2019 10:52:57MarthaLove Keeps Kicking4/9/2019
4/10/2019 9:13:42AutoclaveS/T4/10/2019
4/12/2019 10:31:43Jess KleinBack To My GreenLocal4/12/2019
4/15/2019 13:12:15LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONSIT RAINS LOVE4/15/2019
4/15/2019 13:22:02The Bell BeatSand Walk Wood4/15/2019
4/15/2019 13:46:18TOM BEAULIEU 2018THE BIRD HOUSES | THE SONG CIRCLE DOG4/15/2019
4/15/2019 14:00:28TROY MEADOWSADELAIDE4/15/2019
4/15/2019 14:06:10King RopesGreen Wolverine4/15/2019
4/15/2019 14:30:16Cheryl DeseréeDreamy4/15/2019
4/15/2019 14:41:43BreakfastPhantasmagoria4/15/2019
4/18/2019 16:28:04Steve Adamyk BandParadise4/18/2019
4/24/2019 9:13:52The ResonarsNo Exit4/24/2019
4/24/2019 22:38:29Katie DobbinsShe Is FreeLocal4/24/2019
4/24/2019 22:39:05Katie DobbinsThere is LightLocal4/24/2019
4/30/2019 20:22:43KingFishKingFishAlligator.com4/30/2019
4/30/2019 20:29:02The Cashbox kingsHail to the kingsAlligator.com4/30/2019
5/5/2019 18:05:11TelamorBe so gladn/a5/5/2019
5/7/2019 18:06:31Ray PaulBloody Rubbish5/7/2019
5/8/2019 9:34:05Gino and the GoonsRip It Up5/8/2019
5/8/2019 9:34:21Various ArtistsDisintegration Revisited5/8/2019
5/8/2019 9:34:49Various ArtistsThe Longest Summer On Record (Volume I)5/8/2019
5/8/2019 9:35:01VersusEx Nihilo5/8/2019
5/10/2019 10:50:53Marcin Przybyłowicz, Mikołaj Stroiński, PercivalThe Witcher 3 Wild Hunt5/10/2019
5/12/2019 11:36:24Fire in the FieldGypsy Tea Room5/12/2019
5/12/2019 11:37:00Fire in the FieldLive on WMFO5/12/2019
5/12/2019 11:37:31Fire in the FieldLook So Strange5/12/2019
5/12/2019 11:38:06Fire in the FieldThe Pink Noise Session5/12/2019
5/12/2019 11:38:38Fire in the FieldWar Bonnet5/12/2019
5/13/2019 14:31:23PotteryNo. 15/13/2019
5/13/2019 14:31:49The Wendy DarlingsThe Wendy Darlings Against Evil5/13/2019
5/15/2019 9:35:20Black FlagNervous Breakdown5/15/2019
5/15/2019 9:35:35SoulsideSoon Come Happy5/15/2019
5/15/2019 9:52:58The ExbatsE Is For Exbats5/15/2019
5/15/2019 9:53:34The DatesAsk Again Later5/15/2019
5/15/2019 9:54:13The BriefsPlatinum Rats5/15/2019
5/16/2019 11:12:45Jennifer TruesdaleThrough The CircleLocal5/16/2019
5/16/2019 11:13:28The New BardotsFrench KissesBongo Boy Records5/16/2019
5/16/2019 20:39:42Jesika von RabbitDessert Rock5/16/2019
5/22/2019 9:26:05Guided By VoicesWarp and Woof5/22/2019
5/22/2019 9:26:20CHAIPunk5/22/2019
5/22/2019 9:26:33Juliana HatfieldWeird5/22/2019
5/22/2019 9:26:44XWild Gift5/22/2019
5/22/2019 9:26:55OmniMulti-Task5/22/2019
5/22/2019 19:31:06The Radiator RattlersSummer's OverLocal - Rumbar Records5/22/2019
5/24/2019 18:38:51Geoffrey C. PalmerPulling Out All The StopsLocal - Rumbar Records5/24/2019
5/27/2019 12:59:30Cromm FallonElectric BloomBongo Boy Records5/27/2019
5/27/2019 13:00:15Peter Parcek 3The Mathematics of LoveLocal5/27/2019
5/27/2019 13:03:25Robin TrickerSalt Water Happy5/27/2019
6/2/2019 10:10:08Nervous EatersRecord 10Local6/2/2019
6/2/2019 10:10:34Grace MorrisonReasonsLocal6/2/2019
6/9/2019 11:40:29Anthony KaczynskiLive on WMFO 20190504Local6/9/2019
6/9/2019 11:41:44Will DaileyLive on WMFO 20190504Local6/9/2019
6/10/2019 13:20:55Jam MessengersGuilty6/10/2019
6/12/2019 9:33:31The GotobedsDebt Begins At 306/12/2019
6/13/2019 11:24:22Various ArtistsHadley Murrell Presents: The Best Arizona Garage Bands 1967 - 19706/13/2019
6/13/2019 11:27:12Various ArtistsPhil's Spectre II Another Wall of Soundalikes6/13/2019
6/13/2019 11:33:33Various ArtistsJoey Ramone's Throne R-R-Real Rock & Roll Vol. XIX6/13/2019
6/16/2019 2:33:13Genya RavanWAV-3 songsRumbar Records6/16/2019
6/16/2019 2:33:43Geoff Palmernew singlesLocal6/16/2019
6/16/2019 2:34:17Christine OhlmanPromo6/16/2019
6/16/2019 2:35:28Sammy Hagar and the CircleSpace Between6/16/2019
6/16/2019 2:35:50Stray Cats406/16/2019
6/16/2019 2:36:24George BensonWalking to New Orleans6/16/2019
6/20/2019 3:53:06Howard JonesTransform6/20/2019
6/20/2019 3:53:29Jesse Colin YoungDreamers6/20/2019
6/20/2019 4:56:52Doug MacDonald BandNew SongsLocal6/20/2019
6/20/2019 20:21:02Genya RavanIcon6/20/2019
6/20/2019 20:21:51Cheap GunslingersCheap GunslingersLocal - Rumbar Records6/20/2019
6/20/2019 20:22:29Mono In StereoCan't Stop BleedingLocal - Rumbar Records6/20/2019
6/23/2019 12:54:23Adam ShermanSweet Relief EPLocal6/23/2019
6/23/2019 12:54:44JJ CaleStay Around6/23/2019
6/28/2019 20:41:02WavvesAfraid of Heights6/28/2019
6/29/2019 16:11:55Little Steven and the Disciples of SoulSummer of Sorcery6/29/2019
6/30/2019 10:39:18Nils LofgrenBlue with Lou6/30/2019
7/8/2019 0:36:37John ShakespearSpend Your Youth7/8/2019
7/8/2019 13:21:51Richard X HeymanPop Circles7/8/2019
7/10/2019 18:11:03Willie NelsonRide Me Back Home7/10/2019
7/11/2019 11:33:06Genya Ravanicon7/11/2019
7/11/2019 11:33:22Various ArtistsRum Bar Records Summer Sampler 20197/11/2019
7/15/2019 13:19:37Jeff Summa and the RoastersOpen Road Ahead7/15/2019
7/15/2019 13:39:04The AstoundsThe Ancient Flying Ghosts7/15/2019
7/15/2019 17:47:48Bruce SpringsteenWestern Stars7/15/2019
7/20/2019 12:24:30The Laissez FairsMarigoldRumbar Records7/20/2019
7/21/2019 2:04:34Various ArtistsRum Bar Records 2019 Summer SamplerRum Bar Records7/21/2019
7/25/2019 11:28:09Various ArtistsOne Hit Wonders7/25/2019
7/25/2019 11:40:04Various ArtistsPop Goes the 70's Love Will Keep Us Together7/25/2019
7/25/2019 11:56:36Various ArtistsPop Goes the 70's Sky High7/25/2019
7/27/2019 21:15:15Bird ManciniDreams and IllusionsLocal7/27/2019
7/29/2019 21:06:07Jennifer MathewsThe Sunroom SessionsLocal7/29/2019
7/29/2019 21:06:27Jennifer MathewsThe WheelLocal7/29/2019
8/5/2019 13:14:59Rowan ClarkeScorcher8/5/2019
8/5/2019 13:26:42RazteriaInfinity8/5/2019
8/5/2019 13:39:14Steve Rodgerscount it all joy8/5/2019
8/5/2019 13:48:39Carol CSeven8/5/2019
8/5/2019 14:06:37DNDRAll We Know8/5/2019
8/5/2019 14:13:45Christopher EsseResonance Part 1 John Doe Saves The World8/5/2019
8/7/2019 19:25:18ReverseWhat's Your Problem8/7/2019
8/7/2019 19:54:54SpoonA Series Of Sneaks8/7/2019
8/7/2019 19:55:52Silver Star And The Jukebox AngelsSilver Star And The Jukebox Angels8/7/2019
8/11/2019 21:38:00Various ArtistsThe History of Boston Rock Here and NowLocal - Butta Beets Records8/11/2019
8/13/2019 19:40:36Various ArtistsThe Rocky Horror Punk Rock Show8/13/2019
8/15/2019 11:40:15Addison LoveThoughts On Lunch8/15/2019
8/15/2019 11:40:34Addison LoveEndless8/15/2019
8/15/2019 11:40:533 Parts DeadDevilLocal8/15/2019
8/15/2019 11:41:26Anton BarbeauMy Adelphi Twin8/15/2019
8/21/2019 9:15:46Moving TargetsWires8/21/2019
8/21/2019 9:22:06Sweet KnivesI Don't Wanna Die 2x7"8/21/2019
8/21/2019 9:22:16JeaninesJeanines8/21/2019
8/21/2019 9:23:07Possible HumansEverybody Split8/21/2019
8/21/2019 9:39:13Various Artists (Billy Childish)Punk Rock Ist Nicht Tot!8/21/2019
8/21/2019 9:49:10The NeatsCrash At Crush8/21/2019
8/26/2019 9:05:16Lovely Sand DunesUnusual Times8/26/2019
8/26/2019 9:18:59HillsburnThe Wilder Beyond (Deluxe Edition)8/26/2019
8/30/2019 13:26:41DodecaGhost BabyLocal8/30/2019
8/30/2019 13:27:26Dori Cameron and the Invisible MonstersPile, Strike, IgniteLocal8/30/2019
9/2/2019 9:07:15LALDark Beings9/2/2019
9/2/2019 9:16:15Falling DecibylsSometimes I Close My Eyes9/2/2019
9/2/2019 15:20:10DogmaticsShe's the OneLocal - Rumbar Records9/2/2019
9/4/2019 9:16:28DumbClub Nites9/4/2019
9/5/2019 12:55:47The ArmoiresZibaldoneBig Stir Records9/5/2019
9/5/2019 12:56:29Various ArtistsBig Stir Singles The Second WaveBig Stir Records9/5/2019
9/6/2019 19:32:03The ArmoiresSide ThreeBig Stir Records9/6/2019
9/6/2019 19:32:38Amoeba TeenAmoeba TeenBig Stir Records9/6/2019
9/10/2019 12:12:22Highway ChapelHighway Chapel 2019Local9/10/2019
9/11/2019 9:24:52FuzzyHurray For Everything9/11/2019
9/12/2019 11:41:23The Cast IronsThe Longest Night EP19/12/2019
9/16/2019 13:16:51Ray FullerPay The Price9/16/2019
9/17/2019 13:09:06In DeedEverest (U.S. Edition)Big Stir Records9/17/2019
9/17/2019 13:09:38Indonesian JunkSpiderbitesRum Bar Records9/17/2019
9/17/2019 13:10:22LOVE LOVEthe Rhode Island eepeeLocal9/17/2019
9/23/2019 17:15:34The AcceleratorsMarching to the Beat Of a Different Drum9/23/2019
9/23/2019 17:16:45DogmaticsShe's The One9/23/2019
9/23/2019 20:41:06Original Broadway CastRent by Jonathan Larson (Disc One & Two)9/23/2019
9/25/2019 9:14:49EyelidsEyelids Plays Jay Gonzalez9/25/2019
9/25/2019 9:15:04SmilesGone For Good9/25/2019
9/25/2019 9:15:22Katy Goodman & Greta MorganTake It It's Yours9/25/2019
10/1/2019 19:20:33ZolaIn Plain SightLocal10/1/2019
10/1/2019 19:23:12Trusting Fatedown to the basicsLocal10/1/2019
10/7/2019 21:55:24Billy priceDog eat Dog gulf coast records10/7/2019
10/7/2019 22:03:50Piccola Specchicollision pointcrossover media10/7/2019
10/9/2019 21:25:30Gary HoeyNeon Highway BluesLocal10/9/2019
10/10/2019 22:46:16blindspotWAVsLocal10/10/2019
10/12/2019 22:42:41The Speedways5 Song Advance Sampler10/12/2019
10/12/2019 22:43:14Jittery Jack with Amy GriffinGonna Have A Time10/12/2019
10/14/2019 9:05:32Annie GallupBookish10/14/2019
10/14/2019 9:13:57Catfish KeithCatfish Crawl10/14/2019
10/15/2019 19:57:46Ghost Town blues bandShineAAA Americana10/15/2019
10/15/2019 20:04:46Rodney WhitakerCommon GroundOrigin10/15/2019
10/15/2019 20:18:38Society of the Silver Cross1 Versesociety of the silver cross10/15/2019
10/16/2019 9:28:10Say Sue MeYour Book / Good People10/16/2019
10/16/2019 9:28:23BODEGAShiny New Model10/16/2019
10/16/2019 9:28:48The SpeedwaysJust Another Regular Summer (2018 version)10/16/2019
10/17/2019 15:45:20Blow-UpReckless Hearts 2018 (Big Stir Digital Single No 27)Big Stir Records10/17/2019
10/17/2019 15:45:52Broken ArrowsBehind the Eight Ball (Big Stir Digital Single No 36)Big Stir Records10/17/2019
10/17/2019 15:46:19Butch YoungCaptain Serious (Big Stir Digital Single No 31)Big Stir Records10/17/2019
10/17/2019 15:46:50Carol Pacey & The Honey ShakersCrumb (Big Stir Digital Single No 38)Big Stir Records10/17/2019
10/18/2019 11:12:17Blake Jones and the Trike ShopMake (Courtesy Copy)Big Stir Records10/18/2019
10/20/2019 11:34:38Doctor Dan's Music ShowPhoto Album10/20/2019
10/20/2019 11:35:11John Paul ImmordinoA Piece of the City10/20/2019
10/20/2019 11:36:42Michael Vlatkovich 5 WindsFive of Us10/20/2019
10/20/2019 11:41:38Spirit AwardMuted Crowd10/20/2019
10/20/2019 11:42:53The Dead PensUnaddressed10/20/2019
10/20/2019 11:44:08TORONZO CANNON and the Chicago WayTHE PREACHER, THE POLITICIAN, OR THE PIMP10/20/2019
10/21/2019 9:05:05BobtownChasing the Sun10/21/2019
10/21/2019 9:20:23Tennessee RedemptionTennessee Redemption10/21/2019
10/28/2019 14:31:41Pavlov's PussComfort Food10/28/2019
10/28/2019 15:03:23The HussyLooming10/28/2019
11/2/2019 23:33:24Brix 'n MortarPoison WordsLocal11/2/2019
11/2/2019 23:34:17Idol PilotYou Are Presently Looking UpwardsLocal11/2/2019
11/2/2019 23:35:04Global WarningPromo EP11/2/2019
11/7/2019 11:13:31A Bunch Of JerksAnguish As A Second Languagerum bar records11/7/2019
11/7/2019 11:23:21Various ArtistsThese People Are Nuts!I.R.S.11/7/2019
11/11/2019 9:04:43Chris WilsonOne Hallelujah11/11/2019
11/11/2019 9:12:47King Of FoxesSalt & Honey11/11/2019
11/11/2019 9:22:40Paquita la del BarrioMe Estas Oyendo Inutil11/11/2019
11/11/2019 9:28:42NOS JonesFear of the Hypotenuse11/11/2019
11/13/2019 9:20:31Black HelicopterSeams of Geldor/Dead Wrong11/13/2019
11/13/2019 9:20:55Thigh MasterNow For Example11/13/2019
11/13/2019 9:21:09Fucked UpDose Your Dreams11/13/2019
11/13/2019 9:35:35Honey RadarPsychic Cruise11/13/2019
11/13/2019 9:36:43Say Sue MeChristmas, It's Not A Biggie11/13/2019
11/13/2019 9:39:40Shop RegularsFortified Regulars11/13/2019
11/13/2019 9:40:09SuperchunkOur Work Is Done Single11/13/2019
11/13/2019 9:41:08The StroppiesMaddest Moments Single11/13/2019
11/20/2019 9:16:12Hallelujah The HillsI'm You11/20/2019
11/20/2019 9:23:14Algernon CadwalladerParrot Flies11/20/2019
11/21/2019 11:14:55Neil DiamondThe Essential Neil Diamond11/21/2019
11/21/2019 11:37:34Various ArtistsManson Family Values R-R-Real Rock & Roll Vol. 18 WFMU11/21/2019
11/23/2019 1:39:15The Amplifier HeadsLoudahLocal11/23/2019
11/23/2019 1:42:1045 RallyTweets for My SweetsRum Bar Records11/23/2019
11/23/2019 16:22:50Eric BaraoObsoleteLocal11/23/2019
11/23/2019 16:24:13Randy RainbowHey Gurl, It's Christmas!11/23/2019
12/2/2019 11:15:50REQ'DFall In Love On Hate Street12/2/2019
12/2/2019 11:30:16Luba DvorakAmerican Sin12/2/2019
12/2/2019 11:42:41Peter Joseph Burtt & The KingtideMorphoric Euphoric12/2/2019
12/4/2019 9:13:03Woolen MenHuman To Human12/4/2019
12/4/2019 14:21:21Redd KrossBeyond The Door12/4/2019
12/5/2019 14:39:57Nato Coles and the Blue Diamond BandFlyoverRumbar Records12/5/2019
12/5/2019 14:40:27Tom BakerDirty SnakesLocal - Rumbar Records12/5/2019
12/5/2019 14:41:06The Real Impossibilities2 Song PromoRumbar Records12/5/2019
12/5/2019 14:41:42Laika TheBandPromosLocal12/5/2019
12/5/2019 14:42:17Laika TheBandLive on WMFO 20191123Local12/5/2019
12/23/2019 18:48:50Paul Speidel BandRetrorocketpsp recording12/23/2019
12/23/2019 19:42:40Sharon Fendrichred sky Prairiehttp://www.sharonfendrich.com12/23/2019
12/25/2019 10:48:20Carissa JohnsonA Hundred Restless ThoughtsLocal12/25/2019
1/2/2020 11:34:24The BeatlesAbbey Road 2 CD Anniversary Edition1/2/2020
1/2/2020 11:39:58Southside Johnny and the Asbury jukesThe Best of Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes1/2/2020
1/2/2020 11:45:15Various ArtistsSounds Of the Unexpected1/2/2020
1/6/2020 9:32:59Tom BeauliewCool Blue Lightning1/6/2020
1/11/2020 22:18:52Eomonn Dowd & The RacketeersSongs From The Fever Ship1/11/2020
1/11/2020 22:20:48Roberta LambNot Your Mama's BluesLocal1/11/2020
1/19/2020 14:04:07Various ArtistsIf it ain't Rum Bar Records it ain't worth a shot Winter 2020 (Free Digital Download) SamplerLocal - Rumbar Records1/19/2020
1/23/2020 11:28:43Spanking CharleneFind Me Outrum bar records1/23/2020
1/23/2020 11:34:13The Real ImpossiblesIt's About Timerum bar records1/23/2020
1/23/2020 11:41:55Various ArtistsThe British Invasion The History Of British Rock Vol. 8Rhino1/23/2020
1/23/2020 11:47:39Siouxsie And The BansheesThe Scream1/23/2020
1/23/2020 11:48:15Siouxsie And The BansheesThe Scream [Deluxe Edition], Disc 21/23/2020
1/27/2020 13:09:56Terry DraperSunset On Mars1/27/2020
1/27/2020 13:29:44Ray PaulThe Sun Sets Over London Town1/27/2020
1/27/2020 13:35:23Grip Weeds, TheGiant On The Beach Anniversary Edition (Remixed & Expanded)1/27/2020
1/27/2020 13:40:21The DoughboysRunning For Covers1/27/2020
1/27/2020 13:45:54Mr. CurtSTUDIOWORKS. 2017-20191/27/2020
1/29/2020 9:16:17Public Service BroadcastingLive At Brixton1/29/2020
1/29/2020 9:16:27Upper WildsMars1/29/2020
2/3/2020 11:06:41Ray PaulFor The Record - A Tribute to John Wicks2/3/2020
2/3/2020 11:11:46BlueAshesCheckmate2/3/2020
2/3/2020 13:32:52Lisa BastoniHow We Want to LiveLocal2/3/2020
2/3/2020 20:08:31ThundertrainTeenage SuicideLocal2/3/2020
2/3/2020 20:08:51Glass JacketsDanger2/3/2020
2/3/2020 20:10:28Glass JacketsAre You Sorry EP2/3/2020
2/4/2020 12:53:14Six fox WhisheyNaughty airpowderfinge2/4/2020
2/10/2020 9:19:13Marc WagnonInteresting Times2/10/2020
2/10/2020 9:27:13Roberta PiketDomestic Harmony: Piket Plays Mintz2/10/2020
2/17/2020 11:38:07Garnett BettsHighfield2/17/2020
2/17/2020 11:46:49Proof BoxProof Box2/17/2020
2/17/2020 11:53:29Kingsley DurantPoint of Reference2/17/2020
2/17/2020 12:12:15Gabe TerraccianoIn Flight2/17/2020
2/17/2020 19:29:31Ellen EdwardsA new york sessionellenedwardsmusic.com2/17/2020
2/17/2020 19:42:40motihari Brigadepower from Belowhttp://www.mbridge.com2/17/2020
2/17/2020 19:50:07Clandestine SyndicateRocket Sciencen/a2/17/2020
2/17/2020 19:57:05Blonde FurnitureMusic For early century morernVinyl siding Records2/17/2020
2/20/2020 11:31:35Various ArtistsIt's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World2/20/2020
2/20/2020 11:35:04Various ArtistsPleasantville2/20/2020
2/20/2020 11:40:16Max SteinerThe Caine Mutiny2/20/2020
2/20/2020 11:43:52Jerry GoldsmithPatton2/20/2020
2/20/2020 11:48:11Various ArtistsBlazing Saddles2/20/2020
2/25/2020 20:27:18cold ExpectionsIcy stars up aboven/a2/25/2020
2/25/2020 20:38:21Nat FreedbergRecord Number Threerum bar records2/25/2020
2/25/2020 20:53:27Ken Fox & knock yourself outKen Foxrum bar records2/25/2020
2/25/2020 21:20:27Justin's Black ThredsCheap Vacationrum bar records2/25/2020
2/25/2020 21:40:45Lisa LoebA simple trick to Happinesscrystal ann lea music2/25/2020
3/1/2020 11:25:51Ruth Nina WelshIntroducing Ruth Nina WelshLocal3/1/2020
3/1/2020 11:27:43Justine and the UncleanPicking a Fight_Sweet DenialRum Bar Records - Local3/1/2020
3/1/2020 11:28:12PossumClose to the Flame3/1/2020
3/1/2020 11:28:55The PeaweesWalking the WalkRum Bar Records3/1/2020
3/1/2020 11:29:22The RatboysClickRum Bar Records3/1/2020
3/1/2020 13:26:17grimesmiss anthropocene3/1/2020
3/1/2020 14:21:27King KruleMan Alive!3/1/2020
3/4/2020 11:49:15Big Stir singlesThe Fifth wavebig strir3/4/2020
3/5/2020 14:01:16Various ArtistsBig Stir Records The Fifth WaveBig Stir3/5/2020
3/10/2020 10:56:27Gang of FourEntertainment3/10/2020
3/10/2020 11:11:15EyelidsThe Accidental Falls3/10/2020
3/10/2020 11:11:32JeaninesThings Change3/10/2020
3/10/2020 11:11:48Tidal RaveHeart Screams3/10/2020
5/17/2020 13:52:35Brad MarinoFalse AlarmLocal - Rumbar Records5/17/2020
5/17/2020 13:53:19Calexico - Iron and WineYears To Burn5/17/2020
5/17/2020 13:55:12Christine and the QueensLa vita nuova5/17/2020
5/17/2020 13:55:46Dan AuerbachWaiting On A Song5/17/2020
5/17/2020 13:56:21Haircut One HundredPelican West Plus5/17/2020
5/17/2020 13:56:54Keb MoOklahoma5/17/2020
5/17/2020 13:57:26Liam GallagherWhy Me Why Not5/17/2020
5/17/2020 13:57:54of MontrealUR FUN5/17/2020
5/17/2020 14:00:18PalehoundBlack Friday5/17/2020
5/17/2020 14:00:50Pearl JamGigaton5/17/2020
5/17/2020 14:01:52Pere UbuThe Long Goodbye5/17/2020
5/17/2020 14:02:22Pete YornCaretakers5/17/2020
5/17/2020 14:02:58The I Dont CaresWild Stab5/17/2020
5/31/2020 22:34:25Robert CrayThats What I Heard5/31/2020
5/31/2020 22:35:08Roomful of BluesIn a Roomful of Blues5/31/2020
5/31/2020 22:35:41Sheryl CrowThreads5/31/2020
5/31/2020 22:36:12TeslaFive Man London Jam5/31/2020
5/31/2020 22:36:37The Band CAMINOtryhard5/31/2020
5/31/2020 22:37:07Peter McDermottOne Big Picture Show5/31/2020
5/31/2020 22:37:41The New PornographersIn The Morse Code Of Brake Lights5/31/2020
6/25/2020 15:18:16Bon Iveri,i6/25/2020
6/25/2020 15:18:45Fiona AppleFetch The Bolt Cutters6/25/2020
6/25/2020 15:19:24GorillazThe Now Now6/25/2020
6/25/2020 15:20:03Local NativesViolet Street6/25/2020
6/25/2020 15:20:44The AlarmSigma6/25/2020
6/25/2020 15:21:23Todd RundgrenWhite Knight6/25/2020
6/25/2020 15:21:59Vampire WeekendFather Of The Bride6/25/2020
6/25/2020 15:23:03Various ArtistsSomebody Out There Is Having A Party Vol 26/25/2020
7/20/2020 0:22:58FoalsCollected Reworks Vol. 17/20/2020
7/20/2020 0:24:16Jay Allen and the ArchcriminalsFun Is Fun, The Trilogy Is DoneRumbar Records - Local7/20/2020
7/20/2020 0:24:55Jerry LehaneJerry LehaneLocal7/20/2020
7/20/2020 0:25:31Neil YoungHomegrown7/20/2020
7/20/2020 0:26:41Stop Calling Me Frank HaberdashedRumbar Records - Local7/20/2020
7/20/2020 0:27:25The BethsJump Rope Gazers7/20/2020
7/20/2020 0:28:01The JayhawksXOXO7/20/2020
7/20/2020 0:30:19Tad Overbaugh and the Late ArrivalsOpen Road and Blue SkyRumbar Records - Local7/20/2020
7/26/2020 10:30:20Sarah LevecqueMoments of SilverLocal7/26/2020
8/23/2020 15:52:06Crystal TaylorMemphis BoundLocal8/23/2020
8/23/2020 15:52:53The Hi-EndClass KicksRumbar Records - Local8/23/2020
8/23/2020 15:53:37The KillersImploding The Mirage8/23/2020
8/23/2020 15:54:33Yum YumsFor Those About To PopRumbar Records8/23/2020
8/31/2020 14:58:29Marc PlattMarc PlattRumbar Records8/31/2020
8/31/2020 14:59:39NanaSelfish PropensitiesRumbar Records8/31/2020
8/31/2020 15:07:35Peter ParcekMississippi SuitcaseRick Lusher (Local)8/31/2020
6/17/2021 17:07:07Rick CoraccioAnthologyChris James- Acadian Sun Recorders6/17/2021
10/14/2021 11:20:31Miss Ludella BlackTill You Lie In Your GraveDamaged Good Records10/14/2021
10/14/2021 11:27:16Graham Day and the ForefathersGood Things10/14/2021
10/14/2021 11:31:28A Bunch Of JerksShart Topping HitsRum Bar records10/14/2021
10/14/2021 11:33:27The Amplifier HeadsSaturnaliensRum Bar Records10/14/2021
10/14/2021 11:45:38The Right HereNorthern Town10/14/2021
10/14/2021 11:48:25The Bob Seger SystemRamblin' Gamblin' Man10/14/2021
10/18/2021 9:46:21Fire TigerAll the Time10/18/2021
10/18/2021 9:57:46City RiotsSea of Bright Lights10/18/2021
10/18/2021 11:15:11Ray Paul & RPM Darlin' & Won't You Take a Ride10/18/2021
10/18/2021 11:24:59Hummingbird SyndicateWaterfall Away and I Want You To Stay10/18/2021
10/20/2021 9:49:09Amyl and the SniffersComfort To Me10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:49:23AutogrammNo Rules10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:49:43Descendents9th & Walnut10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:50:03Dinosaur Jr.Sweep It Into Space10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:50:23Eux AutresHell Is Eux Autres10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:50:40Guardian SinglesGuardian Singles10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:50:54HerzogFiction Writer10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:51:17HorsegirlBallroom Dance Scene et cetera10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:51:32Kishi BashiEmigrant EP10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:51:48Lou BarlowReason To Live10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:51:59MassageStill Life10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:52:13MelenasDias Raros10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:52:25MotoristsSurrounded10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:52:46Silicone PrairieMy Life On The Silicone Prairie10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:53:02Smoke BellowOpen For Business10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:53:22Spare SnareThe Complete BBC Radio Sessions10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:53:41The Cool GreenhouseAlexa!10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:53:58The Deathray DaviesTime Well Wasted10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:54:11The UmbrellasThe Umbrellas10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:54:22Upper WildsVenus10/20/2021
10/20/2021 9:54:34UV-TVAlways Something10/20/2021
10/21/2021 11:46:42The TubesThe Definitive Recordings 1975-198510/21/2021
10/21/2021 11:47:15Various ArtistsCameo Parkway 1957-196710/21/2021
10/25/2021 10:21:08Fire TigerAll the Time10/25/2021
10/25/2021 10:43:57Elaine LuciaTwist Run Road10/25/2021
11/1/2021 11:03:14Echo BloomGreen11/1/2021
11/3/2021 9:28:23Bill BairdDead Man11/3/2021
11/3/2021 9:28:39Black HelicopterInvisible Jet11/3/2021
11/3/2021 9:28:59DeathFor The Whole World To See11/3/2021
11/3/2021 9:29:23Midnite SnaxxxContact Contamination11/3/2021
11/3/2021 9:29:38Rough FrancisUrgent Care11/3/2021
11/3/2021 9:29:49The BatsFoothills11/3/2021
11/3/2021 9:30:07The ExbatsNow Where Were We11/3/2021
11/3/2021 9:30:27The NotwistVertigo Days11/3/2021
11/3/2021 9:37:51DummyMandatory Enjoyment11/3/2021
11/4/2021 11:38:07Various ArtistsMod The Early Years Vol. 2 11/4/2021
11/10/2021 9:12:58Dead FinksThe Death and Resurrection of Johnathan Cowboy11/10/2021
11/10/2021 9:13:19Wine LipsMushroom Death Sex Bummer Party11/10/2021
11/10/2021 9:13:40DeerhoofActually, You Can11/10/2021
11/15/2021 9:26:04Joachim MencelBrooklyn Eye11/15/2021
11/15/2021 10:06:34Benjamin BooneThe Poets Are Gathering11/15/2021
11/17/2021 9:26:36Built To SpillBuilt To Spill Plays The Songs of Daniel Johnston11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:26:51En Attendant AnaJuillet11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:27:04FixturesWeak Automatic11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:27:18LITHICSTower of Age11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:27:35Milky WimpshakeConfessions of an English Marxist11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:27:48Moving TargetsHumbucker11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:28:00Nervous TwitchNervous Twitch11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:28:12NeutralsPersonal Computing11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:28:26Peel Dream MagazineMoral Panics11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:28:38Real NumbersBrighter Then11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:28:49Shark ToysOut of Time EP11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:29:25SmokescreensA Strange Dream11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:29:49The Boys With The Perpetual NervousnessSongs From Another Life11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:30:04The ChatsHigh Risk Behaviour11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:30:17The StroppiesLook Alive!11/17/2021
11/17/2021 9:30:36Tommy and the CommiesHurtin' 4 Certain EP11/17/2021
11/22/2021 10:22:42Robert Thies & Damjan KrajacicBlue Landscapes III: Frontiers11/22/2021
11/22/2021 10:50:56Suzanne's BandBack To You11/22/2021
12/1/2021 9:22:38HorsegirlBilly Single12/1/2021
12/1/2021 9:22:49ElvaWinter Sun12/1/2021
12/1/2021 9:22:59OvlovBuds12/1/2021
12/1/2021 9:23:17The Telephone NumbersThe Ballad of Doug12/1/2021
12/2/2021 11:28:58Various ArtistsJackie Brown 12/2/2021
12/9/2021 11:45:47SpygeniusBlow Their CoversBig Stir12/9/2021
12/9/2021 11:46:18Various ArtistsBig Stir Records 2021 Retrospective12/9/2021
12/13/2021 9:43:29Richard Valitutto and Dave WilsonSlant12/13/2021
12/13/2021 10:22:29Jana HerzenLive12/13/2021
12/16/2021 11:48:09Cheap Cassettesever since ever sinceRum Bar12/16/2021
12/16/2021 11:52:14Shanda & The howlersIt Ain't EasyRum Bar12/16/2021
12/16/2021 11:52:44Danny Laj and the LooksretrospectacleRum bar12/16/2021
12/16/2021 14:08:58The PulsebeatsLookin' OutRum Bar12/16/2021
12/20/2021 9:08:44Joshua GerowitzJoshua Gerowitz's Dark Forest Theory12/20/2021
12/20/2021 9:25:09Name DroppersName Droppers12/20/2021
12/20/2021 9:36:10Monday Night SocialWatch It Burn12/20/2021
12/22/2021 9:18:27Stiff RichardsST LP12/22/2021
12/22/2021 9:18:40MassageLane Lines12/22/2021
12/22/2021 9:18:54Stereo TotalParis Berlin12/22/2021
1/3/2022 10:34:01Paul CzekajYoung & Free1/3/2022
1/3/2022 10:50:16Sultans of StringRefuge1/3/2022
1/3/2022 11:21:38D Henry Fenton & The ElizabethansTwice I Fell Down Once1/3/2022
1/3/2022 12:11:05Yola NashTouched by Love1/3/2022
1/3/2022 12:36:20Scott WatersPeace Signs & Dragonflies1/3/2022
1/13/2022 11:30:36Chris ChurchDarling PleaseBig Stir Records1/13/2022
1/13/2022 11:32:20Screeching Weasel Some Freaks Of AtavismRum Bar Records1/13/2022
1/13/2022 11:35:13Lannie FlowersFlavor of the MonthBig Stir/Spyder Pop Records1/13/2022
1/13/2022 11:48:25Various ArtistsThe Wild Angels music from the soundtrack of the motion picture1/13/2022
1/13/2022 11:49:08Various ArtistsPhil Spector Back To Mono (1958-1969 Vol. 2 1/13/2022
1/13/2022 11:53:25Various ArtistsPhil Spector Back To Mono (1958-1969) Vol. 11/13/2022
1/13/2022 14:05:52Various ArtistPhil Spector Back To Mono (1958-1969) Vol. 31/13/2022
1/20/2022 11:41:04ThrillsN.A.F.I.T.C. Original Boston Punk 1977-19811/20/2022
1/20/2022 11:46:23Various ArtistsKilling Eve seasons 1 & 21/20/2022
1/26/2022 9:21:48Stiff RichardsState of Mind1/26/2022
1/26/2022 9:22:07Black HelicopterLive at Pipeline at Home1/26/2022
1/26/2022 9:22:27Weak SignalBest Friend1/26/2022
2/6/2022 21:30:17Lo NoomPretty Woman2/6/2022
2/14/2022 8:50:01Chien Chien LuThe Path2/14/2022
2/14/2022 9:03:08The Royal BopstersParty Of Four2/14/2022
2/14/2022 9:27:29OntologicsHeading To The Outer Realm2/14/2022
2/14/2022 9:50:51Light MessengersJust Love2/14/2022
2/14/2022 11:22:11Scott WatersPeace Signs & Dragonflies2/14/2022
2/21/2022 9:02:56Javon JacksonDeja Vu2/21/2022
2/21/2022 9:14:41Alec Lytle & Them RoundersThe Remains Of Sunday (Radio)2/21/2022
2/21/2022 9:25:05The GrahamsThe Grahams2/21/2022
3/6/2022 5:24:56The Electric FireplaceThe World’s Most Realistic Electric Fireplace3/6/2022
3/10/2022 11:41:10Various ArtistsOnly In AmericaArf Arf3/10/2022
3/10/2022 11:44:31The CureConcert-The Cure Live3/10/2022
3/21/2022 8:32:48Laila BialiOut of Dust3/21/2022
3/21/2022 9:06:48At Face ValueIvy & Echo3/21/2022
3/21/2022 9:28:14Brian Melvin-Matt Renzi-Mart SooShapes 3/21/2022
3/24/2022 11:50:40J ProzacWon't Let GoRum Bar records3/24/2022
3/24/2022 11:51:06Miss Georgia PeachAloha From KentuckyRum bar 3/24/2022
3/24/2022 11:51:35Tina and the Total babesShe's To TuffRum Bar3/24/2022
3/29/2022 16:01:01Allo DarlinHenry Rollins Don't Dance3/29/2022
3/29/2022 16:01:21Allo DarlinHymn on the 453/29/2022
3/29/2022 16:01:34BodegaBroken Equipment3/29/2022
3/29/2022 16:02:10Dwaal TroupeLucky Dog3/29/2022
3/29/2022 16:02:20LifeguardDive3/29/2022
3/29/2022 16:02:35LifeguardTaking Radar/Loose Cricket3/29/2022
3/29/2022 16:02:48NeutralsBus Stop Nights EP3/29/2022
3/29/2022 16:03:39Sweeping PromisesHunger for a Way Out3/29/2022
4/7/2022 11:22:55Various ArtistsThe Complete Motown Singles Vol. 74/7/2022
5/5/2022 11:12:30Abbie BarrettI Will Let You KnowRum Bar 5/5/2022
5/5/2022 11:14:25Cindy LawsonNew TricksRum Bar5/5/2022
5/5/2022 11:20:03The Dirty TruckersThe Tisbury JoneserRum Bar5/5/2022
5/5/2022 11:20:29Steve's Theme ParkIt's A Global Rock Thing5/5/2022
5/5/2022 11:22:36Kenne Highland & His Vatican Sex KittensHowl of the Sea Wolf5/5/2022
5/5/2022 11:26:43SpygeniusJobbernowlBig Stir5/5/2022
5/9/2022 9:16:40Strat AndriotisNight Manager5/9/2022
5/9/2022 9:29:28Greg AbateMagic Dance5/9/2022
5/9/2022 9:37:01Greg AbateMagic Dance - CD 2 of 25/9/2022
5/9/2022 9:43:39Markus RutzBlueprints - Figure Two: New Designs5/9/2022
5/9/2022 10:38:28Jawanza KobieJawanza Kobie Jazz Composer5/9/2022
5/9/2022 10:48:42Major SparkBeautiful Noise5/9/2022
5/9/2022 11:03:29Steph FraserRecession Proof5/9/2022
5/11/2022 23:32:32WILD JIM & COMPANYBACK HOME5/11/2022
5/16/2022 10:30:07After The BlackoutAfter The Blackout5/16/2022
5/16/2022 10:57:53Zan ZoneIt's Only Natural5/16/2022
5/19/2022 11:21:52Various ArtistsIf You Gotta Go-Go, Go-Go Now: A Tribute to the Go Go's5/19/2022
5/19/2022 11:26:43Various ArtistsThe Marvelous Mrs. Maisel music from season three5/19/2022
5/19/2022 14:06:26Various ArtistsReturn of the Living Dead 5/19/2022
6/2/2022 11:26:01Various ArtistsWest Side Story 2021 Motion Picture Soundtrack 6/2/2022
6/2/2022 11:37:57Various ArtistsBaseball Greatest Hits6/2/2022
6/2/2022 11:40:05The Fabulous WailersThe Fabulous Wailers At The Castle/& Co6/2/2022
6/2/2022 11:42:33Various ArtistsMad Mike Monster Vol. 16/2/2022
6/8/2022 9:40:33Best BetsOn An Unhistoric Night6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:40:52Cathedral CeilingsSummer of Misguided Dynamite6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:41:01finefine6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:41:17Freezing HandsIt Was A Good Run6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:41:29HorsegirlVersions of Modern Performance6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:41:42JeaninesDon't Wait For A Sign6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:41:55Lande HektRomantic6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:42:11Mick TroubleIt's Mick Trouble's Second LP6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:42:20Pinch PointsProcess6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:42:33Say Sue MeThe Last Thing Left6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:42:45Spare Snaremixtape6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:42:54Straw Man ArmySOS6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:43:07TenniscoatsPapa's Ear6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:43:19The DogmaticsDrop That Needle6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:43:34The HazmatsEmpty Rooms6/8/2022
6/8/2022 9:43:45The StroppiesLevity6/8/2022
6/13/2022 10:21:55John SteinWcs136 John Stein - Lifeline6/13/2022
6/13/2022 10:23:32John SteinLifeline, Disc 16/13/2022
6/13/2022 10:37:10Paul CzekajThe Painter Of The Sky6/13/2022
6/13/2022 10:55:31Citizen KIII6/13/2022
6/23/2022 11:17:58The Legendary SwaggerGypsies, Junkies & ThievesRum Bar6/23/2022
6/23/2022 11:20:43The Magnificent Monolithic 6/23/2022
6/23/2022 11:22:18The MesosThe Mesos EP6/23/2022
6/23/2022 11:24:35Maple MarsSomeone's Got To Listenbig Stir6/23/2022
6/23/2022 11:27:17Nick FraterAerodrome Motel6/23/2022
7/26/2022 22:13:04doug macdoald bandmuzackk sixself7/26/2022
8/11/2022 11:25:54Kevin StevensonReality AlleyRum Bar8/11/2022
8/11/2022 11:29:05The KrayolasHappy Go Lucky8/11/2022
8/11/2022 11:31:37Big Al StaggsSo No8/11/2022
8/11/2022 11:35:09The SuperfonicsLeopard Man EP8/11/2022
8/11/2022 11:41:06Mad Mojo JettGet Your Mind StraightRum Bar8/11/2022
8/11/2022 11:46:05Mike BrownMike Browning Presents Another Bite At The Apple8/11/2022
8/22/2022 8:30:21 EstebanDance Beat8/22/2022
8/31/2022 9:31:24BodegaXtra Equipment8/31/2022
8/31/2022 9:31:40Cathedral CeilingsI'm a Band!8/31/2022
8/31/2022 9:31:58Cathedral CeilingsThanks For the Guitar, Mommy8/31/2022
8/31/2022 9:32:29DummyMono Retriever8/31/2022
8/31/2022 9:32:40FlowertownHalf Yesterday8/31/2022
8/31/2022 9:32:52HealeesHealees8/31/2022
8/31/2022 9:33:06LifeguardCrowd Can Talk8/31/2022
8/31/2022 9:33:16Porto GeeseDuck8/31/2022
8/31/2022 9:33:30Rolling Blackouts Coastal FeverEndless Rooms8/31/2022
8/31/2022 9:33:46The Reds, Pinks & PurplesSummer At Land's End8/31/2022
8/31/2022 9:33:59The UmbrellasWrite It In The Sky8/31/2022
8/31/2022 9:34:10Tony MolinaIn The Fade8/31/2022
9/2/2022 1:05:36Tom McElmanNo Fun in Joyland9/2/2022
9/14/2022 9:12:30Built To SpillWhen The Wind Forgets Your Name9/14/2022
9/14/2022 9:12:43DummyDummy EPs9/14/2022
9/15/2022 11:32:02The Streetwalkin' CheetahsAll the Covers (And More)Rum Bar9/15/2022
9/15/2022 11:37:43The Young HasselhofssLife Got In the WayRum bar9/15/2022
9/15/2022 11:40:05Brad MarinoBasement BeatRum Bar9/15/2022
9/15/2022 11:41:18Various Artistswe all shine on Celebrating the music of 1970Big Stir9/15/2022
9/15/2022 11:44:45The DownhaulsVersus (All Modern Evils)9/15/2022
9/15/2022 11:46:03Stars Like OursStars Like OursRum Bar9/15/2022
9/21/2022 9:06:17Mythical Motors & Antlered AuntlordSplit9/21/2022
9/21/2022 9:06:43The Boys With The Perpetual NervousnessThe Third Wave Of...9/21/2022
9/21/2022 9:06:58The PrizeWrong Side of Town EP9/21/2022
9/21/2022 9:07:27Weird Nightmare/Ancient ShapesSplit9/21/2022
9/22/2022 11:39:47Otis ReddingSings Soul Blues9/22/2022
9/22/2022 11:40:33Otis ReddingLove Man9/22/2022
9/22/2022 11:45:27Otis Redding & Carla ThomasKing & Queen9/22/2022
9/22/2022 11:47:38Otis ReddingThe Otis Redding Dictionary Of Soul Complete & Unbelievable 9/22/2022
10/12/2022 9:17:52SeamHeadsparks10/12/2022
10/12/2022 9:18:09SeamAre You Driving Me Crazy?10/12/2022
10/17/2022 10:24:48Richard X. Heyman67,000 Miles An Album10/17/2022
10/17/2022 10:42:01Lisa Bodnar & Whistlegrass40 Years In The Desert10/17/2022
10/17/2022 11:09:04Edward MorneauJacquerie10/17/2022
10/17/2022 11:18:15Mr Curt & FriendsKernels for the Birds10/17/2022
10/17/2022 11:31:04Terry DraperThe Other Side10/17/2022
10/20/2022 11:37:20Various ArtitsTrick Or Treat: Music To Scare Your Neighbors - Vintage 45s From Lux And Ivy's Haunted Basement, Disc 1 & 210/20/2022
11/2/2022 9:26:01MarthaPlease Don't Take Me Back11/2/2022
11/2/2022 9:26:17Say Sue Me1011/2/2022
11/2/2022 9:26:31Hammered HullsCareening11/2/2022
11/2/2022 9:26:57StereolabPulse of the Early Brain11/2/2022
11/6/2022 17:35:07TenniscoatsTan-Tan Therapy11/6/2022
11/7/2022 10:45:30The LazysTropical Hazards11/7/2022
11/7/2022 10:47:07Alive 'N Kickin'Alive 'N Kickin'11/7/2022
11/7/2022 10:47:54The Peppermint RainbowWill You Be Staying After Sunday11/7/2022
12/19/2022 10:25:19Richard HunnefieldA Bird So Beautiful12/19/2022
1/26/2023 11:37:36The Trouble With RachelSomething Different1/26/2023
1/26/2023 11:39:19Various ArtistsPop Goez Immediate: Immediate Singles Story, Vol. 2, Disc 11/26/2023
1/31/2023 14:24:39TennisYours Conditionally 1/31/2023
3/2/2023 11:10:47Dougie PooleThe Rainbow Wheel of Death3/2/2023
3/2/2023 11:29:13Sidewalk DriverFor All The Boys And Girls3/2/2023
3/2/2023 11:37:14Noodle MuffinMeatcup Just Snack3/2/2023
3/30/2023 13:07:39Leather CatsuitLeather CatsuitRum bar Records3/30/2023
3/30/2023 13:09:38Chris ChurchRadio TransitBig Stir Records3/30/2023
3/30/2023 13:28:26SlamdinistasShoot For the StarsRum Bar3/30/2023
3/30/2023 13:30:08Various ArtistsLittle Steve's Underground Garage Presents The Coolest Songs In the World Vol. 53/30/2023
3/30/2023 13:32:01Various ArtistsThe Sopranos3/30/2023
3/30/2023 13:35:50Various ArtistsThe Crusin' Story 19613/30/2023
4/27/2023 10:35:25Angela TiniHave You Met Me Yet?4/27/2023
4/27/2023 10:40:57Eddie JapanPop Fiction4/27/2023
5/4/2023 10:15:18Euphoric RecallBraids5/4/2023
5/15/2023 11:00:01Ransom and the SubsetPerfect Crimes5/15/2023
5/15/2023 11:13:13Mighty Mighty Bosstones, TheLet's Face It5/15/2023
5/22/2023 11:08:33Joe Deninzon & StratospheeriusStratospheerius Live at Progstock5/22/2023
5/24/2023 8:35:27CLASSBut Who's Reading Me5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:35:44ConnectionsCool Change5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:38:13En Attendant AnaPrincipia5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:38:28Home FrontGames of Power5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:38:41Hurry UpDismal Nitch5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:38:56Spare SnareThe Brutal5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:39:12Split SystemSpliit System5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:39:25Sweet KnivesSpritzerita5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:39:39TerryCall Me Terry5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:39:55The DrinToday My Friend You Drunk the Venom5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:40:11The Laughing ChimesArboretum Miles5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:40:24The Laughing ChimesIn This Town5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:40:40The Telephone NumbersWeird Sisters5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:40:57The UnknownsEast Coast Low5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:41:11TulpaRicochet/Telescopes5/24/2023
5/24/2023 8:41:32Whitney's PlaygroundSunset Sea Breeze5/24/2023
5/25/2023 10:08:21Noah Libby1435/25/2023
5/25/2023 10:19:50Kate RedgateLight Under The DoorRum Bar5/25/2023
5/25/2023 10:29:46The DownhaulsScream Into The VoidRum Bar5/25/2023
5/31/2023 8:33:36MotrikKoan5/31/2023
5/31/2023 8:33:56Pavlov's PussTungsten Hearts Club5/31/2023
5/31/2023 8:34:12Sharp PinsTurtle Rock5/31/2023
5/31/2023 8:34:36The NotwistVertigo Days - Live from Alien Research Center5/31/2023
5/31/2023 8:34:54The Reds, Pinks & PurplesHeaven's Dreaming5/31/2023
5/31/2023 8:35:15The Laughing ChimesZoo Avenue EP5/31/2023
5/31/2023 8:35:27GaloreBlush5/31/2023
5/31/2023 8:35:39Split SystemVol.15/31/2023
6/5/2023 10:48:19Rabbits AnonymousRabbits Anonymous and the Suite of the Elephant Man6/5/2023
6/7/2023 8:12:15Guardian SinglesFeed Me To The Doves6/7/2023
6/8/2023 10:22:40The SpacklesHappy To See YouRum Bar6/8/2023
6/8/2023 10:23:38sparkle*jets u.k.Best Of FriendsBig Stir6/8/2023
6/8/2023 10:32:25Various ArtistsBorn To Be Together The Songs of Barry Mann & Cynthia Weil6/8/2023
6/26/2023 11:41:55Shotgun WaltzShifting Gears6/26/2023
7/6/2023 10:34:14The Flash CubesPop Masters7/6/2023
7/6/2023 10:38:02Arthur AlexanderSteppin' OutBig Stir7/6/2023
7/6/2023 10:43:28Dan KiblerIdiomaticKool Kat Music7/6/2023
7/6/2023 10:47:16Gracie HorseLA Shit7/6/2023
8/11/2023 18:21:27The HazmatsSkewed View8/11/2023
8/11/2023 18:21:47The Giant RobotsFuzz You8/11/2023
8/11/2023 18:22:06Upper WildsJupiter8/11/2023
8/11/2023 18:22:29Bong WishHazy Road8/11/2023
8/11/2023 18:22:46LifeguardDressed In Trenches8/11/2023
8/11/2023 18:23:03Private LivesHit Record8/11/2023
8/11/2023 18:23:21SenicaPassing Tide8/11/2023
8/11/2023 18:23:42Sweeping PromisesGood Living Is Coming For You8/11/2023
8/31/2023 10:43:47The Gypsy MothsSounds On8/31/2023
8/31/2023 10:48:44CruzadosLand of the Endless Sun8/31/2023
9/11/2023 12:17:12The WhipsHow To Hold a Grudge9/11/2023
9/11/2023 12:38:38The ComplaintsChasing Light9/11/2023
9/13/2023 7:44:52Optic SinkGlass Blocks9/13/2023
9/13/2023 7:45:05SupercrushMelody Maker9/13/2023
9/13/2023 7:45:20The PrizeFirst Sight 7"9/13/2023
9/13/2023 7:45:42The Reds, Pinks & PurplesThe Town That Cursed Your Name9/13/2023
9/13/2023 7:45:54WednesdayRat Saw God9/13/2023
9/20/2023 7:50:37Swansea SoundTwentieth Century9/20/2023
10/4/2023 9:12:18MelenasAhora10/4/2023
10/4/2023 9:12:38Single Bullet TheoryC. '7910/4/2023
10/16/2023 13:46:45The Rick Ray BandThe Gremlins Are Listening10/16/2023
10/18/2023 9:14:30The ExbatsSong Machine10/18/2023
10/18/2023 9:14:46CLASSIf You've Got Nothing10/18/2023
10/18/2023 9:14:57Sugar TraditionMore Sugar10/18/2023
10/25/2023 7:52:09Tough AgeWaiting Here10/25/2023
11/1/2023 9:19:36SuperchunkMisfits & Mistakes: Singles, B-Sides & Strays 2007-202311/1/2023
11/1/2023 9:20:00Alien NosejobThe Derivative Sounds Of...11/1/2023
11/1/2023 9:20:18HomefrontNation Single11/1/2023
11/2/2023 9:35:00Screeching WeaselHow To make Enemies and irritate People11/2/2023
11/8/2023 9:10:00Drop NineteensHard Light11/8/2023
11/8/2023 9:10:19The Bug ClubGreen Dream in F#11/8/2023
11/8/2023 9:10:39The Side EyesWhat's Your Problem?11/8/2023
11/28/2023 15:27:06AutogrammMusic That Humans Can Play11/28/2023
11/28/2023 15:27:28Bloodshot BillPsych-o-Billy11/28/2023
11/28/2023 15:28:00Buddhist Bubblegum/WigglyDreaming of the Desert11/28/2023
11/28/2023 15:28:14Chinese TelephonesOutta My Hands11/28/2023
11/28/2023 15:28:41Death & Rough FrancisDeath/Rough Francis Split11/28/2023
11/28/2023 15:29:02DeliveryForever Giving Handshakes11/28/2023
11/28/2023 15:29:24Dredd Foole & the DinSee God (1985-1986)11/28/2023
11/28/2023 15:29:44Kids on a Crime SpreeFall In Love Not In Line11/28/2023
11/28/2023 15:29:57Rick WhiteDe-Evolution11/28/2023
11/28/2023 15:30:08ScreamDC Special11/28/2023
11/28/2023 15:30:23The Lewers518A11/28/2023
11/28/2023 15:30:39Wet DipSmell of Money11/28/2023
12/28/2023 9:18:25The IncurablesInside Out & BackwardsBig Stir12/28/2023
1/25/2024 9:16:06The Beatles1962-1966 (2023)1/25/2024
1/25/2024 9:55:06Jack Rubiesclocks are out of timeBig Stir 1/25/2024
1/25/2024 11:23:19The Beatles1967-19701/25/2024
3/8/2024 12:20:58Dren McDonaldPterous3/8/2024
3/8/2024 13:00:04The VavavoodoosThe Toad Hall Sessions3/8/2024
3/8/2024 13:21:04Diamond DogsAs Your Greens Turn Brown3/8/2024
3/22/2024 15:13:12Dent MayDent May3/22/2024
3/22/2024 15:15:38Dent MayWhat's For Breakfast?3/22/2024
4/19/2024 10:43:10Rachel DrewOld Sky New4/19/2024
4/19/2024 10:48:50Tom BeaulieuDead Memories of a Ship4/19/2024
5/2/2024 9:45:44The Speed of SoundMinerva5/2/2024
5/2/2024 9:47:49The Speed of SoundA Cornucopia - Victory5/2/2024
5/17/2024 14:38:14Feeble Little HorseGirl With Fish5/17/2024
5/17/2024 14:51:42BeamsRequiem for a Planet5/17/2024
5/31/2024 13:51:25REQ'DWRONGHEADEDNESS5/31/2024
6/14/2024 11:33:45Ian SweetShow Me How You Disappear6/14/2024
6/14/2024 11:39:42Diet CigOver Easy (Deluxe Edition)6/14/2024
6/28/2024 14:16:57BachelorDoomin' Sun6/28/2024
6/28/2024 14:22:47HatchieKeepsake6/28/2024
6/28/2024 14:29:52FloristIf Blue Could Be Happiness6/28/2024
7/5/2024 13:30:11Torn Boys19837/5/2024
8/16/2024 12:51:52DeThomas & BeaulieuDeThomas & Beaulieu8/16/2024
9/5/2024 11:29:18The ArmoriesOctoberland9/5/2024
9/5/2024 15:36:09Hana VuRomanticism tigerbomb9/5/2024
9/5/2024 15:36:45illuminati hottiesPowertigerbomb9/5/2024
9/13/2024 13:04:42Soggy Po' BoysLeave the Light On9/13/2024
9/17/2024 16:03:44Nilufer Yanya My Method Actor Cosign9/17/2024
9/17/2024 16:04:22Ginger RootSHINBANGUMIcosign9/17/2024
9/17/2024 16:08:07Lunar VacationEverything Matters, Everything’s Fire cosign9/17/2024
9/20/2024 10:31:16ROCK GARDEN RECORDSEVOLUTION9/20/2024
9/24/2024 15:01:55LovingAny Light9/24/2024
9/24/2024 15:03:59glass beachplastic deathterrorbird9/24/2024
9/24/2024 15:04:46Astrid SonneGreat Doubtterrorbird9/24/2024
9/24/2024 15:14:13bathe inside voice(s)9/24/2024
9/24/2024 15:21:11citizencalling the dogs9/24/2024
9/24/2024 15:31:26horse jumper of loveDisaster Tricktigerbomb9/24/2024
9/24/2024 15:33:57TanukichanCircles (EP)terrorbird9/24/2024
9/24/2024 15:46:52FrogGrogPlanetary 9/24/2024
9/24/2024 15:52:27ShygirlClub Shyco-sign9/24/2024
9/24/2024 16:00:49BleachersA Strange Desired 9/24/2024
9/24/2024 16:04:10DaneshevskayaLong Is The TunnelPlanetary9/24/2024
9/24/2024 16:06:00Eliza MclambGoing Through Itterrorbird9/24/2024
10/1/2024 15:07:22Soccer MommyCollection10/1/2024
10/1/2024 15:07:35HatchieSugar & Spice10/1/2024
10/1/2024 15:07:49Florist the birds outside sang10/1/2024
10/1/2024 15:08:11Indigo De SouzaAny Shape You Take10/1/2024
10/1/2024 15:20:10Long BeardMeans to me10/1/2024
10/1/2024 15:35:02Fleet FoxesFleet Foxes10/1/2024
10/1/2024 16:02:02Xiu Xiu13" Frank Beltrame Italian Stiletto with Bison Horn GripsTerrorbird10/1/2024
10/4/2024 10:33:29ConveniensSmith and Maz - Re-Mastered10/4/2024
10/8/2024 15:19:42Phoebe BridgersCopycat Killer10/8/2024
10/8/2024 15:21:25Indigo De SouzaI Love My Mom10/8/2024
10/8/2024 15:21:39DusterStratosphere10/8/2024
10/8/2024 15:21:50MitskiBe the Cowboy10/8/2024
10/8/2024 15:22:39Julien Baker Sprained Ankle 10/8/2024
10/18/2024 12:19:47Ashtyn BarbareeSent Through The Ceiling10/18/2024
10/22/2024 15:29:53Adrianne Lenkeri won’t let go of your hand10/22/2024
10/22/2024 15:31:34SOPHIEHard (Boys Noize X&G Remix)10/22/2024
10/22/2024 15:33:09Sega BodegaReestablishing Connection10/22/2024
10/22/2024 15:36:06A.G. CookGlasswurxPC Music10/22/2024
10/22/2024 15:36:20Kai WhistonS.N.O.W.PC Music10/22/2024
10/22/2024 15:42:31Cindy LeeDiamond Jubilee10/22/2024
10/22/2024 15:47:20Mickey NewburyAfter All These Years10/22/2024
10/22/2024 15:51:52Chinese American BearWah!!!10/22/2024
10/25/2024 10:48:37Static ApparitionsEchoes From Another Place10/25/2024
10/31/2024 11:19:41Librarians With HickeysHow To Make Friends By Telephone10/31/2024
11/11/2024 15:19:57SPELLLINGThe Turning Wheel11/11/2024
11/15/2024 10:34:48War StringsDie By Light11/15/2024
12/3/2024 15:09:57Nilufer yanyaMy Method Actor - the Remixes12/3/2024
12/3/2024 15:12:17Laura MarlingPatterns in RepeatCosign12/3/2024
12/3/2024 15:45:24Various ArtistsTransa12/3/2024
12/3/2024 15:47:53Femi kutiPolitics Don't Expose Them12/3/2024
12/3/2024 15:48:12ParcelsLeaveyourlove12/3/2024
12/3/2024 15:48:40ShygirlImmaculate (feat. Saweetie)12/3/2024
12/3/2024 15:50:11FazerdazeSoft Power12/3/2024
12/20/2024 11:22:43Minde and PaucielloThe Warping of Space and Time12/20/2024
12/20/2024 11:39:19Andrew Sue WingSeventeen12/20/2024
12/26/2024 11:47:28The FleshtonesIt's Getting Late (...And More Songs About Werewolves)12/26/2024
12/27/2024 12:23:22Cameron LeahyDizzy Freedom12/27/2024
1/3/2025 10:47:32The MommyheadsOne Eyed Band1/3/2025
1/3/2025 21:06:28Linda marksThe silence of the starspowerfinger1/3/2025
1/10/2025 11:47:35Tombstones In Their EyesAsylum Harbor1/10/2025
1/17/2025 11:39:30Aaron Poehler & Ryan Tully-DoyleDietrich1/17/2025
1/21/2025 15:26:49PoppyI Disagree1/21/2025
1/21/2025 16:07:32Róisín MurphyHit Parade1/21/2025
1/23/2025 11:43:40The FleshtonesIt's Getting Late(...and More Songs About Werewolves1/23/2025
1/24/2025 10:41:52SpectraColorOu-Beige'1/24/2025
1/27/2025 13:09:44DestroyerBolognaco-sign1/27/2025
1/27/2025 13:10:04SPELLLINGPortrait of My Heartco-sign1/27/2025
1/27/2025 13:10:19ShygirlTrue Religionco-sign1/27/2025
1/27/2025 13:10:44YukimiWinter Is Not Deadco-sign1/27/2025
1/27/2025 13:11:07YukimiSad Makeupco-sign1/27/2025
2/6/2025 11:33:01SorrowsParting Is Such Sweet Sorrow2/6/2025
2/6/2025 11:43:45Various ArtistsThe Stax Story2/6/2025

New CDs

Promoter (Optional)
Notes (Optional)
Date Added
9/18/2015 17:34:57Bob ForrestSurvival Songs9/18/2015
9/18/2015 17:39:20Paper KitesTwelvefour9/18/2015
9/18/2015 17:41:47Karin & Mike KelleherMelange9/18/2015
9/18/2015 17:43:17Chelsea WolfeAbyss9/18/2015
9/18/2015 17:45:32Gilligan MossCeremonial EP9/18/2015
9/18/2015 17:49:13Common ManIntroducing Common Man9/18/2015
9/18/2015 17:51:58Skylar SpenceProm King9/18/2015
9/18/2015 17:54:05Gary Clark Jr.The Story of Sonny Boy Slim9/18/2015
9/18/2015 17:55:53Doe PadroAfter9/18/2015
9/18/2015 17:58:08The ArcsYours, Dreamily9/18/2015
9/18/2015 17:59:30Coo Coo BirdsMexican Cowboys9/18/2015
9/18/2015 18:00:10The Mae TrioHousewarming9/18/2015
9/18/2015 18:00:59Dan SultanBlackbird9/18/2015
9/18/2015 18:01:36SkittishTwo Legs Bad9/18/2015
9/18/2015 18:02:56ParallelsCivilization EP9/18/2015
9/18/2015 18:04:58Andra DayCheers to the Fall9/18/2015
9/18/2015 18:06:45Yo-Yo Ma & Kathryn StottSongs from the Arc of Life9/18/2015
9/18/2015 18:12:27Circa WavesYoung Chasers9/18/2015
9/18/2015 18:15:54The Applebutter ExpressOne for the Home Team9/18/2015
9/18/2015 20:08:22Warren ZevonStand In The fireRecorded Live at The Roxy9/18/2015
9/20/2015 16:26:17VariousNewbury Comics The Early years Vol.29/20/2015
9/20/2015 16:28:08VariousAmerica's Top Ten Hits9/20/2015
9/20/2015 16:29:38VariousThe Sun Singles Collection Vol. One9/20/2015
9/20/2015 16:30:31VariousRockabilly9/20/2015
9/20/2015 16:31:24VariousMod The Early Years9/20/2015
9/20/2015 16:32:33VariousVH1 18 Track Flash Back The One Hit Wonders9/20/2015
9/23/2015 1:35:17Mother FalconGood Luck Have Fun9/23/2015
9/23/2015 1:37:43The Jet ClubMan On Fire9/23/2015
9/23/2015 1:37:59ValkaS/T9/23/2015
9/23/2015 1:43:02Meg MyersSorry9/23/2015
9/23/2015 1:44:12TallowsWaist Deep9/23/2015
9/23/2015 1:45:59Vieux Farka Toure & Julia EasterlinTouristes9/23/2015
9/23/2015 1:47:57The Front BottomsBack On Top9/23/2015
9/23/2015 1:48:46PhasesFor Life9/23/2015
9/23/2015 1:50:12Gang SignsGeist9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:00:22The Gods ThemselvesPink Noise9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:01:29Snowfall 50Solo Piano9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:02:50Snowfall 50Solo Piano9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:03:10Born RuffiansRuff9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:04:44Sweet SpiritCokomo9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:07:48Hugh CrowellThe Fall And Rise Of Hugh Crowell9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:08:39Dotan7 Layers9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:13:28The New MastersoundsMade For Pleasure9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:14:55Incredible ChangeS/T9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:17:51Best BehaviorGood Luck Bad Karma9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:18:22Wild SunLittle Truths9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:19:20Rabbit WildeSouthern Winters9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:20:17The Swords Of FatimaBlazing Towards The Golden Mirage9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:26:50Richard ChianeseDon't Let Your Existence Bring You Down9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:31:17Ghost Train Orchestrahot Townfullyaltered@gmail.com
9/23/2015 2:38:12FreeboIf Not Now When9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:41:33Lowell LevingerBanana Recalls Youngbloods Classics9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:42:07Avery HillDreams & Ghosts: A Family Album9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:44:03Jenn BocianWatch9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:48:00The BellfuriesWorkingman's Bellfuries9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:49:19Jonathan EdwardsTomorrow's Child9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:52:01Symbion ProjectSemiotickasson@symbionproject.com9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:53:38Mr. SunThe People Need Light9/23/2015
9/23/2015 2:58:01Mark KrausThe Story Of Everything9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:01:39Penka KounevaThe Woman Astronaut9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:03:47joel rafaelwhen I go9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:04:45Lizz WrightFreedom & Surrender9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:12:45Robert DelongIn The Cards9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:17:32Charlie BelleI Don't Want To be Alone9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:21:19Fretless BrothersLive At Shape Shifters9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:29:17HibouS/T9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:34:00Brian Carpenter & The ConfessionsThe Far End Of The World9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:52:52Dismal Swamp LordsS/T9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:54:59Chris SabatinoMaybe Not This Time9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:56:04Connor LeimerPostcard9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:56:24TanilleFeel It9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:56:47Christopher BellRust9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:57:20Hello DharmaDisconnectionism9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:58:44Zander MichiganZander The Great9/23/2015
9/23/2015 3:59:05Hannah AyraultMe Right Now9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:02:23Bob MerrillCheerin Up The Universe9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:10:50Found AudioLocomotive Earth9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:27:09Big AtomicS/T9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:27:28The Ars NovaS/T9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:27:55ManafestReborn9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:30:41MJTHour Glass9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:31:02Michael ChinworthRudder Songs9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:31:28The SagasThe Mixtape9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:34:40Chris James Patrick RynnTrouble Don't Last9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:35:45Mitch WoodsJammin On the High Cs9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:38:41Red MartianGhost into The Fog9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:39:27Rachal And The RedbonesA Southern Tale9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:39:49Aryn MichelleDepth9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:40:22Josh PhillipsNew Beginnings9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:41:00Autumn ElectricStar Being Earth Child9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:44:05David BerkeleyCardboard Boat9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:45:42Jonathan TeaComing Home9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:46:01Georgia SoundLove Can Change9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:46:39The Hot MomsTemptress9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:47:32A Fragile TomorrowMake Me Over9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:51:04The DraxS/T9/23/2015
9/23/2015 4:52:29Bees DeluxeA Can Of Bees9/23/2015
9/23/2015 5:01:53Tommy KeeneLaugh In The Dark9/23/2015
9/23/2015 5:10:17Ramita AroraHandwritten9/23/2015
9/26/2015 12:48:52KEITH RICHARDSCROSSEYED HEART9/26/2015
9/26/2015 12:52:12LOU REEDROCK N ROLL ANIMAL9/26/2015
9/27/2015 22:57:43Twice JupiterSweet Unknown9/27/2015
9/27/2015 23:01:15VariousLast Of The Garage Punk Unknowns Volumes 1,2,3 & 49/27/2015
9/27/2015 23:03:18VariousDon't Be Bad! 60s Punk Recorded In Texas9/27/2015
9/27/2015 23:23:11Ultrasonic Rock OrchestraFist Of Rock9/27/2015
9/28/2015 10:29:50HelvetiaDromomania9/28/2015
9/28/2015 10:35:00Matt NathansonShow Me Your FangsStarting Fall tour in Boston today (9/28)9/28/2015
9/28/2015 10:42:41Wand100 Days9/28/2015
9/29/2015 21:28:37VariousAmadeus9/29/2015
9/29/2015 21:34:01VariousBig Box Of Rockabilly9/29/2015
9/29/2015 21:37:18VariousSounds Of The Seventies Punk & New Wave9/29/2015
9/29/2015 21:38:17VariousEasy Rider9/29/2015
9/29/2015 21:45:35Cheech & ChongGreatest HIT9/29/2015
9/29/2015 21:49:47ZoundsThe Curse Of The Zounds!9/29/2015
9/30/2015 20:23:05GoliThis is Not a Love Song9/30/2015
9/30/2015 20:24:20Johnny Blazes and the Pretty BoysSoul Vernacular9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:27:49Moa HolmsteinBruised Arms & Broken Rhythm9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:30:57The PolliesNot here9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:32:09PapadosioExtras in a Movie9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:33:59The icarus LineAll Things Under heaven9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:35:46mcclain SullivanRachel9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:37:26Spencer RadcliffeLooking In9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:39:17Coke WeedMary Weaver9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:39:58Chad ValleyEntirely New Blue9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:44:28Mighty Mike SchermerBlues in Good Hands9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:45:16Kevin SelfeBuy My Soul Back9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:46:32Lara PriceI Mean Business9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:50:18Mary KayeRide a Wide Circle9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:52:45CelestialAsphyxiate9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:54:30CeuLive9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:56:16TukaLife Death Time Eternal9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:56:58SegoLong Long Way From the Fringe9/30/2015
9/30/2015 21:57:39Pierce BrothersInto the Dirt EP9/30/2015
9/30/2015 22:02:25The Dead WeatherDodge and Burn9/30/2015
9/30/2015 22:06:03joe BlessetteExcuse MeSingle9/30/2015
9/30/2015 22:09:53Jen HoustonI Was Told There Would Be Pie9/30/2015
9/30/2015 22:11:55Heatersholy Water pool9/30/2015
9/30/2015 22:12:38The ParlorWahzu Wahzu9/30/2015
10/3/2015 12:41:19VariousBack From The Grave Volumes 1 & 2 Rockin' 1966 punkers!10/3/2015
10/5/2015 10:06:17VariousBack From The Grave Volumes 1 & 2 Rockin' 1966 punkers!10/5/2015
10/5/2015 20:07:21The Rolling StonesSticky Fingers (CD 2: Bonus Disc)10/5/2015
10/5/2015 20:14:41VariousThe Slide Guitar: Bottles, Knives & Steel10/5/2015
10/5/2015 20:15:49VariousWarped Tour 201210/5/2015
10/5/2015 23:28:25VariousThe Rocky Horror Picture Show10/5/2015
10/6/2015 0:02:35VariousThe Rocky Horror Picture Show10/6/2015
10/6/2015 0:04:20VARIOUSLED ZEPPELIN'S JUKEBOX10/6/2015
10/6/2015 0:06:03VariousHalloween Songs & Sounds10/6/2015
10/6/2015 0:09:16Lenny BruceThe Lenny Bruce Originals Volume 1 10/6/2015
11/8/2015 12:56:51Old American JunkGood to Be Alive11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:00:40Rett SmithTularosa11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:03:45Slyder DavisReal RocknRolla11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:03:49PujolKisses Ep11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:04:14Carlos TimonSolar Rape11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:04:29Lanterns on the LakeBeings11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:04:58The Secret StormThe Dragon EP11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:05:11Kathy HughesDream a Little Dream of Me11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:06:38SunwolfFollow the Dreamers11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:06:52DavosComputer Magic11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:07:05Peter KoganSome Monsterful Wonderthing11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:07:37Painted PalmsHorizons11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:07:51MonokleRings11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:08:39Gwilym GoldA Paradise11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:08:48Thus OwlsBlack Matter EP11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:09:03GemsKill The One You Love11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:11:27The PeasantsBig Sunny Day!11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:12:43PictureplaneTechnomancer11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:15:17Los AngelicsLand of the Brave and Dangerous11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:16:07Reverend FreakchildHillbilly Zen-Punk Blues11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:16:42Mark KrausThe Story of Everything11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:17:28The Liquid SceneRevolutions11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:17:43Miss EavesBlack Vally11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:19:08Steep RavineThe Pedestrian11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:19:47Various ArtistsAmerica World Music 511/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:20:18Jared RabinSomething Left To Say11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:21:57The ClaudettesNo Hotel11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:22:02Dr Ed CalleMambiuz11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:22:36WavesVPoppy-type punk11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:22:49The Ragpicker String BandThe Ragpicker String Band11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:23:12Mike EdelIndia, Seattle11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:24:08Postcards from JeffModern Language11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:24:16Stolen JarsKept11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:25:38VariousAAA Radio Singles11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:25:49WhiskermanNomad11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:26:54Will PfrangAll Figured Out11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:27:12Time-Machine_MusicLoop 2.4.311/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:27:56David PollackWhen the Light Turns Blue11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:28:31Angela ParrishFaithful and Tall11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:28:49Elle ExxeLove To Hate You11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:29:10Bob merrillCheerin' Up the Universe11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:29:47All Them WitchesDying Surfer Meets His Maker11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:30:35Billy Gibbons and the BGF'sPerfectamundo11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:30:53Look VibrantOnly Qualms11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:31:24GladshotMaxwell's Cool Demon11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:31:31Cashavelly MorrisonThe Kingdom Belongs To A Child11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:33:06Field TripLittle Fevers11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:33:07VanillaVanilla 2.011/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:33:33SelahphonicSelahphonic11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:34:13Lena FayreIs There Only One?11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:34:20various ArtistsPDX Pop Now! 201511/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:36:08Carnival YouthNo Clouds Allowed11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:36:59Step-PantherStrange But Nice11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:37:33SHMUSHHH!!!!11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:38:11Linear DownfallSufferland11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:38:30Sugarplum FairiesSunday, Suddenly11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:39:15Collective SoulSee what you started by continuing11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:39:32Soul InsightThe Marcus King Band11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:39:47A Yawn Worth YellingPlay Pretend11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:41:45Catherine Marie CharltonMaiden's Voyage11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:42:01EscortAnimal Nature11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:43:31Sponge FingerzNeW bEAt FUNd11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:46:40The Echo & The SoundBuffalo MouthTwo-piece reminiscent of early Black Keys or Bantam Rooster11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:48:49Sturle DagslandSturle Dagsland11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:51:11Wild ThroneHarvest of Darkness11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:51:30Charlee RemitzBright White Trims11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:51:53June StarPull awake11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:51:54The Chapin SistersToday's Not Yesterday11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:52:02The Plott HoundsLiving Free11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:53:20Year Of OctoberGolden Days11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:54:12GuidesAbstract MindsNew Order influence, covers them on Track #611/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:54:15Martin X PetzChained11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:54:25MC LarsThe Zombie Dinosaur LP11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:55:07BobgoblinLove Lost for Blood Lust11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:55:51Beach SlangThe things we do to find people who feel like us11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:56:34Blashke, AmyOpaline11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:56:54Alberta CrossDine Alone11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:57:00Karavan SaraiWoven Landscapes11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:58:02Death by Unga BungaTell me why - EP11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:59:17Ballake Sissoko, Vincent SEgalMusique de nuit11/8/2015
11/8/2015 13:59:40Gracie SchramI Am MeAre you you? Am I me? Are you me? No you are not me. I am me.11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:00:24Pete RGreaching for the Moon11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:01:19Mandy RowdenThese Bad Habits11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:01:22The Fairest & The BestWhen I Feel Like This11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:01:28Lydmor & Bon HommeSeven Dreams of Fire11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:01:48StereowideStereowide11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:02:16Claudia NorrisShine11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:02:40Steven CChristmas Beyond11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:02:47Strollers, TheStationary Sun11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:03:17Michael Gallant TrioLive Plus One11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:04:11Less Than A Billion PeopleUnfiltered Dreams11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:04:18Franklin GothamSomething you Remember11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:04:37Lines WestTwo of a Perfect Pair11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:05:56Introverted DancefloorIntroverted Dancefloor11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:06:23Fairbanks & the Lonesome LightFairbanks & the Lonesome Light11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:06:55KiravellVaudevellia!11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:07:21Fairbanks & The Lonesome LightFCC Clean Radio Edits11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:08:35Mary & BriannaMary & Brianna11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:09:06AnaughtyThee InstrumentalLooks terrifically horrible11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:09:18The NotedNot Far Away11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:10:02LettuceCrush11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:10:17Black FernsBlack Ferns11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:10:35Chris FieldPersonal Elegy11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:12:13MikalThe 4 a.m. Wake Up Call11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:14:05Chambers, CourtneyTales of The Aftermath11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:14:14Whiskey AutumnCall you mine11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:14:38MikalThe 4 a.m. Wake Up Call11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:28:26Neon IndianVega Intl. Night SchoolGreat album, definitely rip
Best new music from p4k
11/8/2015 14:29:10DeafhavenNew Bermuda11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:30:22The YawpersAmerican Man11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:30:56MultipleRuby11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:31:43BoogarinsManual11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:31:45Gary DouglasKeepin' Faith11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:32:45VO5Dance Originality11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:32:47Drive-by TruckersIt's Great to be Alive!11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:33:45Saint SenecaSuch Things11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:33:51SpellesSpelles EP11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:35:09Five FingertipsFive Fingertips11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:35:13Five FingertipsFive Fingertips11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:36:34Larissa LamLove & Discovery11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:36:45Mamak KhademThe Road11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:38:19Beat ConnectionProduct 311/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:38:44Dan BernHoody11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:38:59Wild ChildFools11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:39:46Sam MorrowThere is No Map11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:42:01Ayesha AdamoMidnight Elite11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:42:52Greg SchatzEverything That You Wanted11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:43:35The Cerny BrothersSleeping Giant11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:44:44Alex "Crankshaft" LarsonTied To The World Behind Me11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:45:39PetalShame11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:46:01Ryan ShupeWe Rode On11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:46:36Sarah Kirkland SniderUnremembered11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:47:40Paul AvgerinosGrace11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:48:28GlintIntrovert11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:50:00Robert AlbergIf you really want to know11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:50:53CHVRCHESEvery Open Eye11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:52:41New York Electric PianoBlack Hole in One11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:53:13Kristin CenterRespect For All Through Empathy For A Few11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:54:17SantahChico11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:54:54GlintExtrovert EP11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:54:54Hydrogen ChildSirens11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:56:45Stero Fire EmpireStero Fire Empire11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:56:51West Of StaleyYou Gotta Start Somewhere11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:57:28Moving PanoramasOne11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:58:07Gravy Flavored KissesMatches and American Planes11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:58:10Brian Russell CookFoodchain11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:58:55the SoorleysTrue North11/8/2015
11/8/2015 14:59:32The QuarantinedAntiquate Hate11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:00:04James WhetzelMan With a Movie Camera11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:00:14Son of DovUlysses11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:00:42The Blue DolphinsCome on!11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:00:58Courtney YasminehRed Letter Day Unplugged11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:01:13Opium DennDemarkation11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:01:47Jennings Dynamite Jennings Dynamite11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:03:03Terry KitchenThe Post-American Century11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:04:05Superhuman HappinessEscape Velocity11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:06:20various artistsFPE Records Sampler 201511/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:06:42The Steppin' StonesThe Steppin' Stones11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:07:17OwanqwaPTC UNT11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:07:31Jared LeibowichWelcome Late Bloomers11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:08:29Tome BeaulieuThe Laughing Vase11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:09:03Star Child and CobraStar Child and Cobra11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:09:06The Hammond GroupFuturesize11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:09:51Archie & The BunkersArchie & The Bunkers11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:10:51JenHodges & SpurgeeJenHodges & Spurgee11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:10:57AetopusWhen11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:11:55Lilly WolfDeleted Scenes11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:12:38The ROAMiesStill The One11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:13:25Robert BushinskyLife In A Cold11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:15:00James Tristan ReddingWalking into Brooklyn11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:16:06Kerry Pastine & The Crime SceneLet's Do This Thing11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:16:31Jacob LathamBurn11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:16:52Paper PilotsPaper Pilots11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:18:18David and the DisastersEvery Single part of you11/8/2015
11/8/2015 15:19:57TelamorStoned11/8/2015
11/9/2015 13:03:51Lindsay KupserQuiet Songs11/9/2015
11/9/2015 13:04:07Kadooge!Nothing is Almost Everything11/9/2015
11/9/2015 13:04:19MortanaMortana11/9/2015
11/9/2015 13:04:36UnboysCaught Up in Christmas11/9/2015
11/9/2015 13:05:03Patrick LacStreets of Life11/9/2015
11/9/2015 13:05:51Alex NavarroPardon My Eyes11/9/2015
11/9/2015 13:06:21Lily WolfDeleted Scenes11/9/2015
11/9/2015 13:06:52Modern BaseballThe Perfect Cast EP11/9/2015
11/9/2015 13:07:39Halloween SpooksGhost Blues11/9/2015
11/15/2015 14:16:10Chris TrapperSumphonies of Dirt & Dust11/15/2015
11/15/2015 14:16:26Chris TrapperIt's Christmas Time11/15/2015
11/15/2015 14:17:16Second Rate BrainDismal Party11/15/2015
11/15/2015 14:18:10PowderhouseLife in Black and White11/15/2015
11/15/2015 14:18:21PowderhouseThrough the Air11/15/2015
11/15/2015 14:19:26Old Time MusketryDrifter11/15/2015
11/16/2015 12:41:41Love LoveLove Love11/16/2015
11/16/2015 12:42:18TochigiSleeping Cat11/16/2015
11/16/2015 13:35:06The AttiksFanattikal11/16/2015
11/16/2015 13:36:08Roger WatersThey Wall Film Soundtrack11/16/2015
11/16/2015 13:36:29Raw FabricsPlastic Joy11/16/2015
11/16/2015 13:37:06Rhett MayThe Violence of Ice11/16/2015
11/16/2015 13:37:31Beat HappeningLook Around11/16/2015
11/16/2015 21:56:00AlexanderAlexander11/16/2015
11/21/2015 4:21:30Concord Music Group Radio SinglesTriple A Radio Singles11/21/2015
11/21/2015 4:23:19Mark SargentAt Frequencies Only Clothes Can Hear11/21/2015
11/21/2015 4:25:25SeraphoniumAfter Many A Summer11/21/2015
11/21/2015 4:28:17Da' Mutta' Funka'sFunkaholics Unanimous11/21/2015
11/21/2015 4:30:02Da' Mutta' Funka'sIt's All About Funk11/21/2015
11/21/2015 4:36:01Working Class HussysDiesel Tunes11/21/2015
11/21/2015 4:36:26TapebendersSet Your Life On Fire11/21/2015
11/21/2015 4:36:51Man Called NoonThe Bad Guy11/21/2015
11/21/2015 4:37:10Celia RoseZig Zag11/21/2015
11/21/2015 4:38:32Ambition > AbilityCoyote Vs. Acme11/21/2015
11/21/2015 12:42:16Crushed OutWant To GiveSurf/Blues11/21/2015
11/21/2015 12:43:16Peak Fifteenanother world11/21/2015
11/30/2015 12:13:54The VanityAre You Going Alone11/30/2015
11/30/2015 12:14:21DakotaBilly Talbot Band11/30/2015
11/30/2015 12:16:31Tom JonesLong Lost Suitcase11/30/2015
11/30/2015 12:17:15Alan J. BoundDeep Space11/30/2015
11/30/2015 12:31:11Positive Negative ManBroken11/30/2015
11/30/2015 13:14:12Casualty of GodMechanism11/30/2015
12/7/2015 12:02:17Lauren MarshVeracityTinderbox12/7/2015
12/7/2015 12:02:34Humphrey McKeownAll I Wanted to HearTinderbox12/7/2015
12/7/2015 12:02:57CocoCocoTinderbox12/7/2015
12/7/2015 12:03:08The EuclidsDeadnoteTinderbox12/7/2015
12/7/2015 12:03:30The Dawn DrapesLet's Be StrangersTinderbox12/7/2015
12/7/2015 12:23:15Phil TeumimAll Over The MapAcoustic Rainbow12/7/2015
12/7/2015 12:23:36Brian Ashley JonesOut Of The CityAcoustic Rainbow12/7/2015
12/7/2015 12:22:40Acoustic RainbowRoots Radio Volume 45Acoustic Rainbow12/7/2015
12/7/2015 12:24:09Michael McDaethNo. 9Self12/7/2015
12/7/2015 12:24:31Rebel House RadioOne More DaySelf12/7/2015
12/7/2015 14:18:38Criteria EntertainmentSamplerCriteria Entertainment12/7/2015
12/7/2015 14:19:04Wonky TonkStuff We Leave BehindTeam Clermont12/7/2015
12/8/2015 21:52:15Zach MaddenDaybreak SongsIt Works12/8/2015
12/8/2015 21:52:36MightyBye, Have NiceSelf12/8/2015
12/9/2015 22:26:46Chris TrapperSymphonies of dirt & dustn/aLocal Artist 12/9/2015
12/9/2015 22:28:39Chris TrapperIt's Christmas Timen/aLocal artist a collection of Original Holoday songs12/9/2015
12/13/2015 15:43:33Peter CaseHwy 62Bill Hutchison MgrFormer Plimsouls Lead Singer ie "A Million Miles Away"
12/23/2015 20:47:13Don WhiteMore Livetamulevich artist mgmtLocal from lynn ma folk /humor12/23/2015
12/23/2015 21:35:30local artist and pop starsmike's 45 collectionhubcatMike stewart's 45 record collection wmfo dj/booking local and dance pop stars12/23/2015
12/23/2015 21:47:1480's pop /dance artistsmike's 80's 45 's collectionn/apop /dance artists in mike 's 45 collection [2] cd's12/23/2015
12/27/2015 23:32:21Bob MerrillCheerin' up the universen/aJazz12/27/2015
12/27/2015 23:33:34Matt BorrelloA Dollar & a Kissn/alocal12/27/2015
12/27/2015 23:34:47Rosemary's Baby BluesOn time & Feelin'n/a12/27/2015
12/27/2015 23:35:48Red Right HandRed Right Handn/alocal12/27/2015
12/27/2015 23:37:12Adam RiveraThe Externalsn/a12/27/2015
12/27/2015 23:38:14Dan FranklinThe best ride of your Lifen/a12/27/2015
1/16/2016 20:45:00JahsonReggar gatheringself1/16/2016
1/27/2016 20:42:00Riley PinkertonDo you have a carn/aN Y c artist1/27/2016
1/27/2016 20:53:56L A GunsThe best Of L A gunsN / AL A Band tracii guns started w/ alxe Rose Guns And Roses1/27/2016
1/27/2016 21:14:53BreadAnthology of Breadn/abig writer of songs ..ie the monkees1/27/2016
1/27/2016 21:36:12Rhinocerossatin Chickens / Better times are comingn/a60's /70's band1/27/2016
1/27/2016 21:37:43Blood Sweat and TearsFather is the child to Mann/aband started by Al kooper1/27/2016
1/27/2016 21:41:30Rare EarthThe Best of Rare Earthn/a20th century Masters ..the Millennium Collectection am/fm heavt airplay1/27/2016
1/27/2016 21:56:42Eric ClaptonEric Clapton's Rainbow Concertn/aeric 's comeback from drug problem's1/27/2016
1/27/2016 22:00:11The cChambers BrothersThe Time has comen/alate 60's band 1/27/2016
1/27/2016 23:27:35ArlenAnimaln/alocal band1/27/2016
1/28/2016 14:46:54Brian Andres and the Afro-Cuban Jazz CartelThis Could Be That
1/28/2016 14:48:18RazteriaAventureraPlanetary1/28/2016
1/28/2016 14:48:36Trevor GreenVoice of the WindPlanetary1/28/2016
1/28/2016 14:48:48TaliscoRunPlanetary1/28/2016
1/28/2016 14:49:02JimkataIn MotionPlanetary1/28/2016
1/28/2016 14:49:50Benji HughesSongs in the Key of AnimalsTeam Clermont1/28/2016
1/28/2016 14:50:27Dean Nesbitt Jr.Angels of the IceJerome1/28/2016
1/28/2016 14:51:28TheKITheKISakura Sun Entertainment1/28/2016
1/28/2016 14:54:37Stephanie BerlangaThe Way Things GoFull Sail1/28/2016
1/28/2016 14:57:11Ron DavisPocket SymphronicaJazz Promotion1/28/2016
1/28/2016 14:57:55Dred Scott FitzgeraldA NovellaTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 14:58:08SpacebearStraight for the SunTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 14:58:18WhosahWorkTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 14:59:18Sarah Shook & The DisarmersSidelongBackstreet Publishing1/28/2016
1/28/2016 14:59:45The Record CompanyGive it Back to YouConcord1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:01:30Marit LarsenWhen the Morning ComesTwin Vision1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:02:32C'nky SiwelaMy Name in the EchoMiles High1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:04:00Jr Music UnitJr Music UnitSelf1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:04:59Et Tu BruceHey Blue (Single)SelfSingle1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:06:13Mario SoutschkaEvery DaySelf1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:07:07Jon ValleyPacific CommunicationFervid Seed1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:08:09LaversThought I Was KingSelf1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:09:39The Barstow ProphetsWell, if I'd Known She Was Your Sister....Self1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:11:26Alice's GardenTom BeaulieuSelf1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:13:03Mark Nomad#9Blue Star Records1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:14:52Zoe AlexanderCali CountryBean Bag1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:15:59Pete YornLost WeekendUMGD1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:16:13CoastsCoastsUMGD1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:16:39Bob MargolinMy RoadVizztone1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:16:57John Del Toro RichardsonTengo BluesVizztone1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:17:58Timmy's OrganismHearless HeathenThe Syndicate (Third Man)1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:18:22YakNoSyndicate (Third Man)1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:19:13James HoulahanMultitudesTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:19:32P5ESkipping StonesTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:19:45Green DenimGreen DenimTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:20:02The Wolves of ChernobylThe Wolves of ChernobylTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:20:19Riverbend ReunionPeace and PlentyTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:21:50Honor FinneganRoses and Victory1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:22:11Lauren HeinzWhere I Belong1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:22:49Midori & Ezra RoyMidori & Ezra RoySelf1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:24:25Fat NightLazy DaysTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:24:43Crazy NeighborsCrazy NeighborsTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:25:02Second EchoEvelutionTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:25:46The Secret SeaThe Secret SeaTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:25:58Cynthia HamarThe Son and ITinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:29:10The VonEightTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:29:40Surf Rock Is DeadSRiDSyndicate1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:30:18Nathaniel BellowsThe Old IllusionsTeam Clermont1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:32:18YanniSensuous ChillCrossover1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:32:46Imperial HighwayImperial HighwaySelf1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:33:42OBLIVIONThe 3rd InternationalSelf1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:34:13Susanna RoseSnowboundTeam Clermont1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:34:42Mach FiveGet On The BusTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:34:51HuttchHuttchTinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:35:10Broke RoyalsThe Luxury of Time Pt. IIITinderbox1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:35:36GoldLinkAnd After That, We Didn't TalkSyndicate1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:36:03Graham NashThis Path TonightBlue Castle1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:39:01The LeasfcuttersHalf of What You Wanna BeCrowd Control1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:39:20The LeafcuttersHalf of What You Wanna BeCrowd Control1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:39:38Max-HobaTravelingmanCrowd Control1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:40:26Luther DickinsonBlues & BalladsNew West Records1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:40:53Buddy Miller & FriendsCayamo: Sessions at SeaNew West Records1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:41:29RocococoVersaillesSpeed of Dark Music1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:42:18The Effort AwardRelaxtronautThe Band Mom1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:42:50Gabriel MervinePeopleMitchell Feldman Association1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:43:28EgomunkFootsteps to MarsPirate1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:43:44Starlight GirlsFantasmPirate1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:44:35ReptielHobbitozzCubby Control Records1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:45:16Jefferson GrizzardDaydream of HopeBack Porch Syndicate1/28/2016
1/28/2016 15:45:45Michael Franti & SpearheadOnce a Day Rise Up EPConcord1/28/2016
1/28/2016 16:05:29JahsonReggae Gathering
1/28/2016 16:05:46Darryl Shannon HoltLong JourneySelf1/28/2016
1/29/2016 19:14:04The Chamber StringsGospel MorningBrian Young1/29/2016
1/31/2016 17:32:38The Chamber StringsGospel MorningsKevin Junior1/31/2016
1/31/2016 17:33:20The NervesOne Way TicketAlive Records1/31/2016
2/4/2016 13:26:56Concord Music GroupTriple A Radio SinglesConcord2/4/2016
2/4/2016 13:27:11Ibrahim MaaloufKalthoum2/4/2016
2/4/2016 13:27:33Deep Sea DiverSecretsTeam Clermont2/4/2016
2/4/2016 13:28:33Full CircleCommonwealth Women Up FrontStatic Motor Recordings2/4/2016
2/4/2016 13:29:02OntologicsDrones From HomePowederfinger2/4/2016
2/4/2016 13:29:28Chris StorrowThe Ocean's DoorTeam Clermont2/4/2016
2/4/2016 13:29:44TakénobuReversalTeam Clermont2/4/2016
2/4/2016 13:30:08RazteriaAventureraGlass Onyon2/4/2016
2/4/2016 13:31:11You Say PartyYou Say PartyPlanetary2/4/2016
2/4/2016 13:31:21Chris BathgateOld FactoryPlanetary2/4/2016
2/4/2016 13:31:31StevansRupturePlanetary2/4/2016
2/4/2016 13:31:43The FontainesFontaines IIPlanetary2/4/2016
2/4/2016 13:31:52RNDMGhost RidingPlanetary2/4/2016
2/4/2016 13:32:09GladiolaThis Year's StormTeam Clermont2/4/2016
2/7/2016 20:30:55Four Point RestraintsMalice4PRMUSIC2/7/2016
2/7/2016 20:33:35Four Point RestraintsMercy4prmusic2/7/2016
2/11/2016 13:48:39Vox VidorraPromise LandTinderbox2/11/2016
2/11/2016 13:48:54Life As We Know ItSky Of BlueTinderbox2/11/2016
2/11/2016 13:49:04DNTAll InTinderbox2/11/2016
2/11/2016 13:50:15DJ TrotskyTimes Like TheseSelf2/11/2016
2/11/2016 13:50:35Jason BrownsteinAnother Day In ParadiseSelf2/11/2016
2/11/2016 13:51:27Betty MoonPantomania2/11/2016
2/11/2016 13:54:36OntologicsDone From HomePowderfinger 2/11/2016
2/11/2016 13:55:12Celesete BuckinghamSo Far So GoodPrime Elite Life2/11/2016
2/11/2016 13:56:42Balkun BrothersBalkun Brothers EPCrowd Control2/11/2016
2/11/2016 13:56:56Megan WildeWildfire EPCrowd Control2/11/2016
2/11/2016 13:57:10Rabbit WildeThe HearlandCrowd Control2/11/2016
2/11/2016 13:57:32Nikki JamesNikki James The AlbumTwin Vision2/11/2016
2/11/2016 13:58:02Jerry Fels and the Jerry FelsI Was Reborn A UnicornSelf2/11/2016
2/11/2016 13:58:54Jennifer O'ConnorSurface NoiseDistiller2/11/2016
2/11/2016 20:31:23Four Point RestraintsMercy4prmusic2/11/2016
2/11/2016 21:37:35Four Point RestraintsMercy4prmusic2/11/2016
2/22/2016 12:55:06PrimeJust The BeginningSelf2/22/2016
2/22/2016 12:56:09Sound of CeresNostalgia for InfinityTeam Clermont
2/22/2016 12:56:37Daytime NightlifeDaytime NightlifeSelf2/22/2016
2/22/2016 12:57:03Alvarez KingsFear to FeelAAM2/22/2016
2/22/2016 12:57:28Mount MoriahHow to DanceTeam Clermont
2/22/2016 12:58:38Miss Lana Rebel & Kevin Michael MayfieldThe Midtown Island SessionsFPE Records2/22/2016
2/22/2016 13:00:19BeauC'mon Please & SamplerIngrooves2/22/2016
2/22/2016 13:00:57TelamorOutside the LinesOlex Music2/22/2016
2/22/2016 13:02:09Laney JonesLaney JonesTeam Clermont2/22/2016
2/22/2016 13:02:34Cub SportThis is Our VicePlanetary2/22/2016
2/22/2016 13:03:29Mark LipmanGoodbye CopilotSelfLocal Somerville2/22/2016
2/22/2016 13:05:12Nellen DrydenLittle Stray HeartTinderbox2/22/2016
2/22/2016 13:06:12Stereo ReformThe Future Started YesterdayTinderbox2/22/2016
2/22/2016 13:06:21EdisunCollisionTinderbox2/22/2016
2/22/2016 13:07:11Raymond J SmythLament for 1916Self2/22/2016
2/22/2016 13:08:36Snarky PuppyFamily Dinner Volume 2Universal2/22/2016
2/22/2016 13:09:55Claire JonesRoyal Harp StringsSilva Screen Music America2/22/2016
2/22/2016 13:10:30Amy WhiteDidn't We WaltzSelf2/22/2016
2/23/2016 11:20:04Greg LasswellEveryone Thinks I Dodged a BulletConcord2/23/2016
2/23/2016 19:28:43Positive Negative ManBrokenQ P R Recondslocal ancint-pistol@hotmail.com2/23/2016
2/23/2016 19:37:31Rachel ColeRelentlessRachel cole Musiclocal http://www.rachelcolemusic.com2/23/2016
2/23/2016 19:55:38meltarmagedddon partyn/alocal2/23/2016
2/24/2016 21:28:28Three Toad Slothcollection best ofn/alocal northshore band from the 90's2/24/2016
2/24/2016 21:42:44New MaldoniansLive at the lizard lounge Cambridge music Nightmike stewartLocal super group w/ the brigands /the b-side /three toad sloth /ronnie earls band /sat jam band2/24/2016
2/24/2016 21:59:51DR. DKKrankshaftn/aLocal D J2/24/2016
2/24/2016 22:12:42Jason Layne and Sunken Armadademolocal2/24/2016
3/1/2016 11:28:17Audrey KarrasachBadabuzzSelf3/1/2016
3/1/2016 11:28:44Antoinette GorochYou Are A StarTwin Vision3/1/2016
3/1/2016 11:29:18The Sumner BrothersThe Hell In Your MindSelf3/1/2016
3/1/2016 11:29:47Cab EllisCab Ellis MixtapeSelf3/1/2016
3/1/2016 11:30:08Rosu LupIs Anything RealClermont3/1/2016
3/1/2016 11:30:29Soft SkullsSoft SkullsSelf3/1/2016
3/1/2016 11:32:11Fire At MidnightFire At MidnightSelrf3/1/2016
3/1/2016 11:33:14Who is John SmithGo To FlySelf3/1/2016
3/1/2016 11:33:32SilvaJupiterDistiller3/1/2016
3/2/2016 15:02:15Jason Sees BandMonochrome EPSingle Frame Promo3/2/2016
3/2/2016 15:02:55Griffin HouseSo On And So ForthSelf3/2/2016
3/2/2016 15:03:35Man-u-iLLBandana MannySelfLocal3/2/2016
3/7/2016 19:28:51The Sea The SeaIn The AltogetherCoherent Music3/7/2016
3/7/2016 19:29:22Kevin MahoganyThe Vienna AffairSelf3/7/2016
3/7/2016 19:29:50Darren EnglishImagine NationMFA3/7/2016
3/7/2016 19:30:17Robinlee GarberResilience3/7/2016
3/7/2016 19:30:41Victor & PennyElectricityKari Estrin Management3/7/2016
3/8/2016 10:24:18Bryan McPhersonWedgewoodSelf3/8/2016
3/9/2016 21:05:21Phil YatesTumble Stairsn/alocal artist3/9/2016
3/9/2016 21:13:22Phil Yates and the AffiliatesOh So Sourn/aLocal3/9/2016
3/9/2016 21:21:31Phile Yates and the AffiliatesNo Need to Begn/aLocal3/9/2016
3/10/2016 11:31:04Alex MandelAs Long As We BreatheBeanbag3/10/2016
3/10/2016 11:32:11Tom KeenlysideMusica BrasileiraNew World 'n Jazz3/10/2016
3/10/2016 11:32:46BeayThat Thing RealityIngrooves
3/10/2016 11:33:17Jeff BuckleyYou And ITrue Tone Media Group3/10/2016
3/10/2016 11:33:54Iggy PopPost Pop DepressionConcord3/10/2016
3/11/2016 16:51:33Marshall StoneInvisibleSelf3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:52:08ElyttaRelease3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:53:28Walter NessJazz SwingSelf3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:53:56Walter NessOut Loud Open Mic: Humor Like You've Never Heard BeforeSelf3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:54:25Jon Patrick WalkerPeople Going SomewhereClermont3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:55:11Soul Track MindUnbreakableTinderbox3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:55:21Little KingOD1Tinderbox3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:55:34Eleanor TallieNo Turning BackTinderbox3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:55:55EigbiVisionaryTinderbox3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:56:08Val And The Southern LineOnly Got Right NowTinderbox3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:56:18The Devil's CutAntium3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:56:28Chris MurphySurface To AirTinderbox3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:57:21EdgesJocelyn & Chris ArndtPowderfinger3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:57:58The ShondikesPsychic Make Out Music Self3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:58:27Lake Street DiveSide PonyWarner Music Group3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:59:12Cold SweatsSocial ComaTinderbox3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:59:24IngersolIngersolTinderbox3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:59:34Chasing ColorsChasing ColorsTinderbox3/11/2016
3/11/2016 16:59:47Jon BryantTwenty SomethingTinderbox3/11/2016
3/11/2016 17:01:35Graham NashThis Path TonightBlue Castle Records3/11/2016
3/11/2016 17:02:04Ryan ShupeWe Rode OnSelf3/11/2016
3/11/2016 17:02:28Gavin JamesGavin JamesUMGD3/11/2016
3/11/2016 17:02:41Pete YornArrangingtimeUMGD3/11/2016
3/15/2016 10:19:52FonzarelliEscape From Good Time IslandSelf3/15/2016
3/15/2016 10:20:00Marcus Alan WardLittle Sunshine3/15/2016
3/15/2016 10:20:14Sub-RadioSame Train Different Station3/15/2016
3/15/2016 10:20:27Anchor ThievesMonolithTinderbox3/15/2016
3/15/2016 10:20:37GooseMoon CabinTinderbox3/15/2016
3/15/2016 11:38:36Daemon ChiliMercy Of The SeaPowderfinger 3/15/2016
3/16/2016 18:04:24Berklee CollegeDorm Sessions 11Berklee3/16/2016
3/16/2016 18:07:33TigaNo Fantasy RequiredCosign3/16/2016
3/16/2016 18:07:57VT100Strangle Quiet SunsetSelf3/16/2016
3/16/2016 19:12:42Ted SolovicosMixed Emotions of the 21st Centurylast cord music eventslocal.... mastered by joel simches3/16/2016
3/16/2016 19:34:53Ilene SpringerLove Passing Throughn/alocal 14 year old preformer3/16/2016
3/16/2016 20:35:29Emily GroganStrings of Lightn/alocal3/16/2016
3/16/2016 20:37:08WormOur Rootsn/aLocal3/16/2016
3/30/2016 20:24:21Ilene SpringerGotta be Braven/aLocal3/30/2016
3/30/2016 20:25:10Ilene SpringerMatter of Timen/alocal3/30/2016
3/30/2016 20:26:43J B J Tin Mann/alocal3/30/2016
3/30/2016 20:28:37The Gated CommunityPower to My Friendsthegatedcommunity@gmail.com local3/30/2016
3/30/2016 20:37:13The Gated CommunityWe Can Do Anythingn/aLocal3/30/2016
4/19/2016 11:25:49The TurnbackAre We There YetSplit Atom Records4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:26:09Nicholas KrgovichThe HillsTruetone4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:26:52Through The SparksTransindifferenceCommunicating Vessels4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:27:35Marco SysmaI Feel Alright4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:28:03GruvesNocturneTinderbox4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:28:19By Light We LoomCaught In The TideTinderbox4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:28:29Chris BolintEmbers AliveTinderbox4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:28:4587Christmas With Mr. VandersliceTinderbox4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:29:18Scott KrokoffRealizations and DeclarationsTwin Vision4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:30:12Roots Of CreationLivin FreePowderfinger4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:34:09Ere GobezDeboFPE4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:34:20FPE SamplerFPE SamplerFPE4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:35:45BarbarellatonesGlitter TrainSelf4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:36:24TwiddlePlumpPowderfinger4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:37:03The Defeated CountyBar Tabs and Baby NamesSelf4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:37:26Acme GiantsAcme GiantsTinderbox4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:37:39Taking Back EdenBeautiful DisasterTinderbox4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:37:53The Lowest PairUncertain As Is UnevenTinderbox4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:38:03Dana KnoxDana KnoxTinderbox4/19/2016
4/19/2016 11:38:53Conor KenneyListen Lover And Other SongsSelf4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:20:43Alexandria's FunkAlexandria's FunkSelf4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:21:06Sam MossFableSelf4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:21:36Allison ShapiraComing HomeSelf4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:22:41DMANZNobody Knows My NameNBP4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:23:00Concord Music GroupTriple A SinglesConcord4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:23:32Moreland and ArbucklePromised Land Or BustSSelf4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:24:03Michael KiwanukaLove and Hate4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:24:27Luna DownWhy KnotSelf4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:24:54New MadridMagnetkingmagnetqueen4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:25:13Louis HeriveauxTriadic Episode4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:25:42The Same Heart SoundtrackThe Same Heart Soundtrack4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:26:22Murray, Allen, & CarringtonPower Trio Perfection4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:26:37Cosu SheridanSometimes I Feel Too Much4/19/2016
4/19/2016 13:26:49Trapper SchoeppRangers and Valentines4/19/2016
5/19/2016 0:11:33Fun Era FifyFrozen in timen/alocal5/19/2016
5/19/2016 0:15:00Zeke DuckwortyBad Road Tripn/aLocal5/19/2016
5/19/2016 0:40:19Ruby Rose FoxDomesticLocal5/19/2016
6/8/2016 21:28:53Semer EnsembleRescued Treasure - Live at Gorki BerlinA Golden Age of Jewish music almost forgotten - the songs captured in
1930s‘ Berlin by Hirsch Lewin on his Semer label. The Semer Ensemble
brings this astonishing music back to life with critically acclaimed concerts
and their first album, recorded live at the Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin, in
November 2015.
1920s Berlin, a Golden Age of Jewish music and musicians. In this milieu we
find Hirsch Lewin, formerly a forced laborer conscripted to Germany from
his native Vilnius during World War I. After the war, Lewin decides to remain
in Berlin, finds work in a bookstore, and eventually starts his own business:
the Hebräische Buchhandlung (Hebrew Bookstore), Grenadierstrasse 28.
The year is 1930.
In the midst of Berlin‘s immigrant center, the Scheunenviertel, Lewin sells
books in Hebrew; history books, children‘s books and more; prayer shawls,
candles and other religious items. His speciality: gramophone records! In
1932, Lewin creates his own label, „Semer“. One year later, the Nazis come
to power, forbidding Jewish musicians to perform in non-Jewish settings.
Semer becomes a Noah‘s Ark for Jewish musicians who have nowhere else
to go. For five years, Lewin makes recordings at a feverish pace, creating
a precious time capsule of a world facing annihilation. On November 9,
1938, SA hordes attack the Hebräische Buchhandlung, demolishing stock
and store, including 4,500 recordings and 250 metal plates. The memory
of the Semer label falls into oblivion for the next 60 years.
Fast forward. From 1992-2001, musicologist Dr. Rainer E. Lotz travels the
world to track down the Semer recordings. Miraculously, he is able to
recover and restore almost the entire catalogue. In 2012, the Berlin Jewish
Museum Berlin commissions New Jewish Music luminary Alan Bern to
create new interpretations of the archival recordings. Bern puts together
a world-class ensemble of musicians from all ends of his musical world -
America and Berlin, the old generation and the new. Bern: „It‘s amazing,
but 80 years after the destruction of this culture there is once again a
critical mass of musicians in Berlin able to take on a project like this.“
Drawing amply from this new wealth of Berlin talent and backed up by
jazz master Martin Lillich on bass, the ensemble brings together two of
the most prolific pioneers of Jewish music - Lorin Sklamberg and Paul
Brody - with four leaders of the new generation of powerful performers
- Daniel Kahn, Sasha Lurje, Mark Kovnatskiy and Fabian Schnedler.
For three years, Semer Ensemble expands and develops the Semer
repertoire on successful tours throughout Europe. In November 2015,
the ensemble records „Rescued Treasure“ over three nights live in
concert at the Gorki Theater Studio in Berlin. The result captures the
special energy of a live performance on a lovingly made, studio-quality
The Semer Ensemble‘s depth and virtuosity can and does match the
entire breadth of Hirsch Lewin‘s original Semer label recordings. Its
fresh interpretations and provocative, contemporary arrangements
open a time tunnel between 1930s Berlin and today‘s New Jewish
Music: Berlin cabaret, Russian folk songs, Yiddish theater hits, operatic
arias and cantorial music are just a small sample of this remarkable
With all-out energy and all-in commitment, the Semer Ensemble brings
an almost forgotten world back to life, not in only critically acclaimed
concerts but on record as well: The Semer Ensemble‘s debut album,
recorded at the Maxim Gorki Theater in a series of intimate exclusive
concerts in November 2015, will be ready for release in spring 2016.
7/27/2016 16:56:15Slightly StoopidMeanwhile... Back at the Lab7/27/2016
8/12/2016 18:22:11Daniel JumpertzDream Worlds8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:23:10FDLERFDLERLinus Entertainment8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:23:37Meg BraunRestless Moon8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:23:53The Deep HollowThe Deep Hollow8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:24:21Ben BedfordThe Pilot And The Flying MachineKeri Estrin8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:24:38Dave GunningLiftKeri Estrin8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:25:32VanateiD-Boy8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:25:57Anthony D'AmatoCold Snap8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:27:08The GuilloTeenagersCheese BallsSelfLocal8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:27:39Car Seat HeadrestTeens of DenialWMG8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:28:06BandaidStephanie Berlanga8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:28:29Songs of SummerAn Amazon Music OriginalMissing Piece8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:29:02Map Of The MoonMap Of The Moon8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:29:42Dennis GruenlingReady Or NotVizzTone8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:30:01The Terry Hanck BandFrom Roadhouse To Your House LiveVizzTone8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:30:19Magic MusicMagic MusicQBT8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:30:52Bent KnewwSay SoCuneiform8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:31:18The Bosman TwinsWhen Lions RoarMFA8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:31:41The Perfect PoorHe Doesn't Run With Those Boys AnymoreLBH8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:32:06Triple A Radio SinglesConcord Music GroupConcord8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:33:22Del Barber & The No RegretzkysThe Puck Drops HereTrue North8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:33:45Mateo KatsuMKIDSelf8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:34:15The CordaesGet The Feeling8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:34:33Ivas JohnGood Days A Comin8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:35:06Keep The Flame AliveSpook HandyKerri Estrin8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:35:45Trombley BayTrombley BayJerome8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:36:42Roberta One For Marian Celebrating Marian McPartlandMFA8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:37:52Milton MarshThe Music Of Milton Marsh Revisited, Vol 18/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:38:47Daemon ChiliMercy Of The SeaPowderfinger8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:39:15Ace Frayleys's ChildDada8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:39:36The DaybreakersThe DaybreakersPowderfinger8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:40:14The BarbarellatonesGlitter Train8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:41:32Triple A Radio SinglesConcord Music GroupConcord8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:42:02Talia PerezChampion8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:42:47The Blazing Rays Of The SunYoung Love8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:43:03Daniel RomanoMosey8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:43:23Et Tu BruceEt Tu Bruce8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:43:48Connie ArcherFor Giving8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:45:37Cold Beer & BroadsSix Pack 8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:45:46Cap'n AmericaDan Luellwitz8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:46:39The ShanesRoad Worrier8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:46:49Kornelius FlowersVintage Hedonist8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:47:59TennissipiLittle Boys Blue8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:48:23Katy Guillen & The GirlsHeavy DaysVizz8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:48:51Nick Schnebelen BandLive At Knuckleheads Vol 18/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:49:17Ben BostickMy Country8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:50:02Kali Z. Fasteau, Kidd Jordan, & L.M. Rozie Intuit8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:53:48Triple A Radio SinglesConcord Music GroupConcord8/12/2016
8/12/2016 18:53:56Another WaveAnother Wave8/12/2016
9/13/2016 13:33:11The HappiesSwing High9/13/2016
9/13/2016 13:33:22Mary Loves MollyMary Loves Molly9/13/2016
9/13/2016 13:33:32Kacy & ClaytonStrange Country9/13/2016
9/13/2016 13:33:50Teresa CristinaCanta Cartola9/13/2016
9/13/2016 13:34:04Swimmin' Pools, Movie Stars...Swimmin' Pools, Movie Stars...9/13/2016
9/13/2016 13:34:20CinderellaNew Wave9/13/2016
9/23/2016 13:28:03Francis CheerBlack and White and Grey9/23/2016
9/23/2016 13:28:14John Michael HerseyYou Got To Me9/23/2016
9/23/2016 13:28:33The Marcus King BandThe Marcus King Band9/23/2016
9/23/2016 13:28:44Melissa EtheridgeMemphis Rock and Soul9/23/2016
9/23/2016 13:28:50Kave KraftKave Kraft9/23/2016
9/23/2016 13:29:01Triple A SinglesConcord Music Group9/23/2016
9/23/2016 13:29:12A Corpse Wired for SoundA Corpse Wired For Sound9/23/2016
9/23/2016 13:29:21Andrew Finn MagillBranches9/23/2016
9/23/2016 13:29:49Devendra BanhartApe In Pink Marble9/23/2016
9/23/2016 13:30:09Doyle Bramhall IIRich Man9/23/2016
9/23/2016 13:30:15Jack IngramMidnight Motel9/23/2016
10/2/2016 13:41:10Lester BirchMad Mare Mountain10/2/2016
10/2/2016 13:41:23Mimes On RollercoastersRock It!10/2/2016
10/2/2016 13:41:42Dwight YoakamSwimmin' Pools, Movie Stars..10/2/2016
10/2/2016 13:41:50Brent CobbShine On Rainy Day10/2/2016
10/2/2016 13:42:03Carol MartiniSongs of the Girl on the Swing10/2/2016
10/2/2016 13:42:15Mandy Rowden1000 Miles10/2/2016
10/2/2016 13:42:27AthenaReady For The Sun10/2/2016
10/2/2016 13:42:34Muddy RuckusPretty Bones10/2/2016
10/2/2016 13:42:45Jenny JarnaginHeart Percent10/2/2016
10/2/2016 13:42:52BastilleWild World10/2/2016
10/2/2016 13:43:25Pineapple JamBest Served On Toast10/2/2016
10/2/2016 13:43:49SpeedfossilLand of the Blind10/2/2016
10/5/2016 21:19:13The dale Robertson Blues bandLive at the 2016 jackson festivalN/afrom mich10/5/2016
10/5/2016 21:20:29The dale Robertson Blues bandLive at the 2016 jackson festivalN/afrom mich10/5/2016
10/5/2016 21:21:31Analog HeartSun Here I comeN/aLocal10/5/2016
10/5/2016 21:23:15Modern MethodA Wicked Good timwN/aall Local artist comp. done in the 8o's'10/5/2016
10/5/2016 21:33:12Modern MethodA Wicked Good timwN/aall Local artist comp. done in the 8o's'10/5/2016
10/5/2016 21:34:53The Joe Perry projectLive n/alocal also in Aerosmith10/5/2016
10/5/2016 21:42:31The Joe Perry projectLive n/alocal also in Aerosmith10/5/2016
10/5/2016 21:43:35Animal trainFeeding TimeN/alocal blues funk R&b 90's10/5/2016
10/5/2016 21:52:34Animal trainFeeding TimeN/alocal blues funk R&b 90's10/5/2016
10/5/2016 21:53:55No problem 4 songsN/aLocal lynn band from the 90's10/5/2016
11/27/2016 14:16:49empire of the sunTwo VinesN/a11/27/2016
11/27/2016 14:46:59Various ArtistsDisney Loves Jazz11/27/2016
11/27/2016 15:12:39Various ArtistsDisney Loves JazzPlaced in featured section 2016112711/27/2016
11/30/2016 22:41:25Genya RavanAnd i mean itn/a11/30/2016
11/30/2016 22:42:06Ship Have SailedWhispersN/aL A band11/30/2016
11/30/2016 22:42:51Ships Have SailedSomedayN/aL A band11/30/2016
11/30/2016 22:43:39Ships Have SailedMood SwingsN/aL a band11/30/2016
12/31/2016 12:26:01The Rolling StonesBlue & Lonesome12/31/2016
12/31/2016 12:26:40Hummingbird SyndicatePop Tricks12/31/2016
12/31/2016 12:27:05RamonesAnthology12/31/2016
12/31/2016 12:32:21The MarshallsThe Marshalls12/31/2016
1/7/2017 12:44:4861 Ghosts...to the edge1/7/2017
1/7/2017 12:46:10RamonesRamones 40th Anniversary Deluxe Edition1/7/2017
1/21/2017 12:48:02Tunnel Of LoveTunnel Of Love1/21/2017
1/21/2017 12:49:31Tunnel Of LoveRockin' Rollin' Bitches1/21/2017
1/21/2017 12:51:52The MonsieursThe MonsieursBlack Gladiator1/21/2017
1/21/2017 12:53:00The New FrustrationsDee Bacle1/21/2017
1/21/2017 12:56:43The Hi End100 Proof End1/21/2017
1/25/2017 22:43:58The Real FitsDrown in Goldhttp://www.therealfits.com1/25/2017
1/25/2017 23:11:37Dan Garnettlife of loven/a1/25/2017
1/25/2017 23:55:05HunterHunterN/alocal1/25/2017
3/8/2017 22:24:58Nick Cave and The Bad SeedsSkeleton Tree3/8/2017
3/20/2017 11:25:49Cold ExpectationsSupper Prayers3/20/2017
3/22/2017 21:32:07shovels & ropeLittle Seedsnew west 3/22/2017
3/22/2017 21:32:59Scotty HazeStill in the Gamenew west3/22/2017
3/22/2017 21:34:41CarbonworksCarbonworksn/a3/22/2017
3/22/2017 21:39:23Fred lessman3 AMn/a3/22/2017
3/22/2017 21:40:09Carrie ElkinThe Penny CollectorN/a3/22/2017
3/22/2017 21:52:29Aaron lee TasjanSilver Tearsnew west3/22/2017
3/22/2017 22:06:08The DrugglesSpacegod PillsCubby Control records3/22/2017
3/26/2017 15:16:50Maggie RogersAlaskaN/a3/26/2017
3/26/2017 15:21:22TweedThe Chunky Lifejoe Vela3/26/2017
3/26/2017 15:28:00KriegerDrift Awaytaylor@flanaganpromotions.com3/26/2017
3/26/2017 15:35:10Jon de lucia groupas the River Singsjondelucia@gmail.com3/26/2017
3/26/2017 15:38:38A V Super SunshineBass faceVictor Records3/26/2017
3/26/2017 15:41:56M RManchester Roadn/a3/26/2017
3/26/2017 15:48:01Brian charles TischlederLast Train to Hollywoodn/a3/26/2017
3/26/2017 16:02:35Thanks LightPsychonautscontact@thankslight.con3/26/2017
3/26/2017 16:04:42TennisYours ConditionallyN/a3/26/2017
3/26/2017 16:07:46WhetzelBeatology. Volume 1.n/a3/26/2017
3/26/2017 16:10:41 Vincent Kircher Am i a GhostN/a3/26/2017
3/26/2017 16:14:14ProcessSamphan/a3/26/2017
3/26/2017 16:18:14Bob WeirBlue Mountainn/a3/26/2017
3/26/2017 16:28:47Joe KocherStand on upJoe KocherCountry Pop3/26/2017
3/26/2017 16:37:23Fleming MooreFolk Songs for the ApocalypseFleming MooreTrack 4 not ripped explicit Lyrics3/26/2017
3/26/2017 16:45:49Neil NathanFkowers of the MoonNeil Nathan3/26/2017
3/26/2017 18:22:28Neil NathanFlowers on the moonn/a3/26/2017
3/29/2017 19:45:57The New PornographersWhiteout Conditionsjosh.livingstone@Cocordmusicgroup.com3/29/2017
4/5/2017 20:11:45TuffyCallicoonPeter Haynew york4/5/2017
4/5/2017 20:19:54Cure of lonoPick up the piecesn/a4/5/2017
4/5/2017 22:00:01concord music groupTriple A RadioConcord Music Groupmarch 2017 comp4/5/2017
4/5/2017 22:06:56Daniel Weltlinger SamoreauBNP ParibasTribute to Django Reinhart4/5/2017
4/5/2017 22:09:21Methyl EthelEverything is forgottenn/a4/5/2017
4/28/2017 14:10:39The Chicago Vin CoalitionAmerican DreamLocal artist.
Cd located in the 'to be filed' local artist bin in Studio A.
5/17/2017 21:00:50Magic Giant In the Windn/a5/17/2017
5/17/2017 21:41:02Don BryantDon't give up on Loven/a5/17/2017
5/17/2017 22:53:01Greg WickHamIf I left this worldn/a5/17/2017
5/17/2017 23:14:27Neil Robinson & Jim nunally BandBaby lets take the long way homen/a5/17/2017
5/17/2017 23:23:21Greezy WheelsString Theory 2.0n/a5/17/2017
5/17/2017 23:28:21concord music group comp.Radio Singles concord music group5/17/2017
5/24/2017 22:19:08Black lipsSatan's graffiti oe God's artDistillerLocal5/24/2017
5/24/2017 22:26:35Spectral AssignmentARCn/alocal
5/24/2017 23:02:01medical MapsSoft on Crimen/alocal5/24/2017
5/24/2017 23:06:47Concord music groupmay 2017 singlesConcord5/24/2017
5/24/2017 23:11:18Flow Tribebossn/a5/24/2017
5/24/2017 23:36:37Jenee HalsteadRaised by Wolvesjeneehalstead.comlocal5/24/2017
6/3/2017 14:17:11Matthew PatrickDeluxen/a6/3/2017
6/3/2017 14:36:27Jackie MyersThird!n/a6/3/2017
6/3/2017 14:37:40Jackie Myers and Paradise WindsLive Beneath Stained Glassn/a6/3/2017
6/3/2017 14:43:38Steep RavineTurning of the Falln/a6/3/2017
6/3/2017 14:54:37Alec Lytle & Them RoundersThe End of Ourstwinvision6/3/2017
6/8/2017 11:35:59The BeatlesSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 2017 Stereo Mix6/8/2017
6/10/2017 14:21:19Big statesure Thingn/a6/10/2017
6/10/2017 14:36:05ThreeFiftyGently among the coalsn/a6/10/2017
6/22/2017 11:34:54Various ArtistsThat Was Now This is Then R-R-Real Rock & Roll Vol. 176/22/2017
7/5/2017 20:22:36Redemtion HeartThe Red ERAn/a7/5/2017
7/5/2017 20:28:15Hadley MurrellFunk YouHadley MurrellComp cd7/5/2017
7/5/2017 20:31:39Greg HudikMusic's a religionPlatinum Records7/5/2017
7/5/2017 20:33:38Thin RailHi-Line Fevern/a7/5/2017
7/5/2017 20:53:16CandlewyckCandlewyckn/a7/5/2017
7/12/2017 21:16:15gov t MuleRevolution come revolution gomule.net7/12/2017
7/12/2017 21:53:04Hudson MohawkeChimesn/a7/12/2017
7/12/2017 21:53:50Reuben and the darkFuneral skyn/a7/12/2017
7/12/2017 21:55:44the Echo bombsKing of Uncooln/a7/12/2017
7/12/2017 21:58:26Josh liefredemptionjosh -lief-music7/12/2017
7/12/2017 22:02:39Sam BakerLand of Doubtsambarkermusic.com7/12/2017
7/12/2017 22:04:15Echo Park social clubSunset & Alvaradon/a7/12/2017
7/12/2017 22:09:09Ben BostickBen Bostickn/a7/12/2017
7/12/2017 22:14:44encatamietosEncantamientosn/a7/12/2017
7/12/2017 22:28:36Holy OakSecond Sonn/a7/12/2017
7/26/2017 21:14:30The VivsOddsn/aLocal7/26/2017
7/26/2017 21:29:30Say DarlingSay Darlingn/alocal7/26/2017
7/26/2017 21:54:35Glass AnimalsZaban/a7/26/2017
7/26/2017 21:58:15Miami HorrorsAll Possibles Futuresn/a7/26/2017
7/26/2017 21:59:26Drug CabinYard Workn/a7/26/2017
7/26/2017 22:42:34chris AlvinoPushing buttonsn/a7/26/2017
7/26/2017 22:46:22Ryan Cherninyou know who you aren/a7/26/2017
7/26/2017 23:39:28Magic GiantIn the windn/a7/26/2017
7/26/2017 23:48:44PlanetariumPlenteriumn/a7/26/2017
7/26/2017 23:58:11The cash Box KingsRoyal mintn/aBlues7/26/2017
8/2/2017 20:00:58chris AlvinoLie sn/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 20:08:34VandoliersThe Nativen/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 20:12:02Universal DiceBirth love hate deathn/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 20:16:16Arley HughesParts of Men/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 20:19:02DuquetteTrust the Nightn/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 20:28:58Jacobs RunJacobs Runn/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 20:30:39The Nickel SlotsFive Miles Gonen/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 20:34:19Cheer AccidentPutting off Deathn/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 20:36:22BubblemathEdit Peptiden/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 20:40:48ArcaArcan/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 20:44:06Sun TroddenSun Troddenn/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 20:47:30The Wagner LogicHeart is darkn/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 21:05:37CandlewyckUnplugged Samplern/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 21:09:15Fleming MooreOn the edge of American/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 21:25:24Presto MusicMic Check albumn/a8/2/2017
8/2/2017 21:42:22Parker LongoughBridges To Nowheren/a8/2/2017
8/5/2017 16:05:36Times Square Hangin' Out8/5/2017
8/5/2017 16:09:09Iggy Pop & The StoogesPenetration8/5/2017
8/5/2017 16:13:22Iggy Pop & The StoogesOriginal Punks8/5/2017
8/5/2017 16:17:07Iggy PopTV EYE8/5/2017
8/5/2017 16:21:47The BuzzcocksSingles Going Steady8/5/2017
8/9/2017 20:55:25Soseriuz incChillaan/a8/9/2017
8/9/2017 20:59:20That one eyed KidCrash and burnn/aLocal8/9/2017
8/9/2017 21:14:12SpeedFossilYou're si Nextn/alocal8/9/2017
8/9/2017 21:17:25Dean Gitter and the ute mountain gangCarl sandburg's American songbag 2.on/a8/9/2017
8/9/2017 21:36:41Simon DoomBabymann/a8/9/2017
8/9/2017 21:41:20Bill O'Connellmonk's Cha Chajazzdepo@lx.netcom.com8/9/2017
8/9/2017 21:43:47Acoustic rainbow compRoots vol 47acousticrainbow.com8/9/2017
8/9/2017 21:45:16Big Thief Capacityn/a8/9/2017
8/9/2017 21:47:47tryyoFlying Boxhttp://www.pimentum8/9/2017
8/9/2017 21:49:54My goodnessScavengersn/a8/9/2017
8/9/2017 21:53:53Jay StottDirt & Heartachen/a8/9/2017
8/9/2017 21:54:38Jim AllchinDecisionsn/a8/9/2017
8/9/2017 22:02:20Papa Satchso far til nown/a8/9/2017
8/9/2017 22:11:05Luna DownCreepersn/a8/9/2017
8/9/2017 22:42:16Cedar WaltonCharmed Circlen/a8/9/2017
8/16/2017 21:07:08Lukas NelsonPromise of the Realn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 21:10:24The FraterbityRequiemn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 21:13:42Havana MaestrosAmericubacrystalam@m.music.com8/16/2017
8/16/2017 21:15:44Root ShockRoot Shockn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 21:17:45FonzarelliHangover on Honeymoon Beachn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 21:20:17Grey FidelityTow rsn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 21:22:57Muerte Pan AlleyIntersectionn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 21:26:11King ropesDirtn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 21:27:34Norman CollinsI Must Be Dreamingn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 21:29:05Julia LucilleChtonicn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 21:31:59BasserkBleeps Beats Bassn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 21:34:03Michael on fire The Solstice Sessionn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 21:45:38Nicle MitchellMandorla Awakening emerging nWorldsn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 22:00:24DoubleveeJack the Ridern/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 22:01:04Greta GainesTumbleweedn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 22:03:46Billy MintzUgly Beautifuln/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 22:05:51James RafteryEverthingn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 22:07:15Ellie ZwartToward homen/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 22:09:04Joe HoltThe Person I Admiren/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 22:11:11Marginal WayUpward inward outwardn/a8/16/2017
8/16/2017 22:12:39Primw ministersasymetricn/a8/16/2017
9/7/2017 22:39:12The Sewer Buddiessewer buddieslocallocal9/7/2017
9/7/2017 22:40:13Whoopi SticksWe Are Spunklocallocal9/7/2017
9/12/2017 20:16:05George ThorogoodParty of One9/12/2017
9/12/2017 20:16:28The Isley Brothers & SantanaPower of Peace9/12/2017
9/12/2017 20:19:07VariousConcord Music Group Triple A Radio Singles July 2017DJDS - Trees on Fire ft Amber Marh & Marco McKinnis
Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real - Find Yourself (Radio Edit)
Magic Giant - Set on Fire (Cloudchord Remix)
Manchester Orchestra - The Gold (Radio Edit)
Pokey Lafarge - Must Be A Reason (Radio Mix)
Ruston Kelly - Black Magic (Radio Mix)
St. Vincent - New York (Radio Edit)
Sylvan Esso - Die Young
The New Pornographers - Whiteout Conditions (Radio Mix)
Van William - Revolution ft First Aid Kit
9/16/2017 16:30:38Death Valley GirlsGlow In The dark9/16/2017
9/16/2017 16:31:31Downtown PhantomsDowntown Phantoms9/16/2017
10/19/2017 17:10:59Erin Harpe & The Delta SwingersBig RoadLocalIn Studio A local bin10/19/2017
10/20/2017 14:59:19Rick Berlin with The Nickel & Dime BandThe Courage Of The LonelyLocalLocated in Studio A local bin10/20/2017
11/16/2017 11:32:36Various ArtistsNUGGETS II: Original Artyfacts From the British Empire and beyond 1964-1969 Vol. 111/16/2017
11/16/2017 11:32:48Various ArtistsNUGGETS II: Original Artyfacts From the British Empire and beyond 1964-1969 Vol. 211/16/2017
11/16/2017 11:33:05Various ArtistsNUGGETS II: Original Artyfacts From the British Empire and beyond 1964-1969 Vol. 311/16/2017
11/16/2017 11:33:17Various ArtistsNUGGETS II: Original Artyfacts From the British Empire and beyond 1964-1969 Vol. 411/16/2017
11/19/2017 19:04:00The Gravel projectWishful Thinkingn/alocal11/19/2017
12/17/2017 16:40:35Eagle Johnson & Clean MachineTennessee Beachn/a12/17/2017
1/28/2018 16:19:41Matthew Stubbs and the antigulasMatthew Stubbs and the antigulasn/alocal1/28/2018
2/24/2018 16:23:41Things with WingsWorld turned upside downNirvana records2/24/2018
2/24/2018 16:35:42Jane Lee Hooker Spirituspowderfingern y c band2/24/2018
2/24/2018 16:55:22Julien BakerTurn out the lightsn/a2/24/2018
2/24/2018 16:56:35Rogue Corgi and Tom Beaulieuside 1n/a2/24/2018
2/24/2018 17:03:59Fay gauthierFirehead little goat records2/24/2018
3/3/2018 13:47:50THE LAO TIZiER BANDsomgs from the swinghousen/a3/3/2018
3/3/2018 13:53:11ArtichokeEchoesgraham macrae3/3/2018
3/3/2018 13:56:23Cosmic knotInner Spacepowderfinger3/3/2018
3/3/2018 14:00:56Jeffrey HalfordLo Fi Dreamsn/a3/3/2018
3/3/2018 14:02:25Bett PadgettAt the end of the dayceilidhe'e music3/3/2018
3/3/2018 14:05:02Sherman EwingCome and meet meshermanewing.com3/3/2018
3/3/2018 14:08:09Nobody KidOff the screenn/a3/3/2018
3/3/2018 14:10:22Ryan SimsMy side of the storyHigh4 recordings3/3/2018
3/3/2018 14:14:03Gun Outfitout of Rangeparadise of bachelors3/3/2018
3/3/2018 14:20:46Shotgun Waltzskin deepn/alocal3/3/2018
3/3/2018 14:23:14Red Black Red Resettlementredblackred.com3/3/2018
3/3/2018 14:31:57This pale FireAlchemyn/a3/3/2018
3/3/2018 14:35:01Charles BrownExplorer of lifen/a3/3/2018
3/3/2018 14:38:08Reina Del CidRerun Cityn/a3/3/2018
3/3/2018 14:41:46Elise LegrowPlaying Chessbmg / am3/3/2018
3/22/2018 22:15:24Gladshotthese are the Vitaminsn/a3/22/2018
3/22/2018 22:18:58Ethan ShermanBuilding Blocksn/a3/22/2018
3/22/2018 22:23:32Doyle Bramhall IIrichmanconcord musicformer w/ clapton and other texas musicians3/22/2018
3/27/2018 13:46:25The ConnectionJust For FunRum bar records3/27/2018
3/27/2018 13:50:36Indonesian JunkStars In the NightRum bar records3/27/2018
3/27/2018 13:50:57RhyeBloodLoma Vista3/27/2018
3/27/2018 13:53:55Jon Patrick WalkerYou and I3/27/2018
3/27/2018 13:57:19The Laissez FairsEmpire Of MarsRum bar records3/27/2018
3/27/2018 13:57:51Ben CravenThe Single Edits3/27/2018
3/27/2018 13:58:25Gus McKayTalisman3/27/2018
3/27/2018 14:05:58Tom Baker and the SnakesLookout TowerRum bar records3/27/2018
3/27/2018 14:06:24Bullet Proof LoversShot Through the HeartRum bar records3/27/2018
3/27/2018 14:12:14Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night SeatsTearing At the Seems3/27/2018
3/27/2018 14:14:02Michelle MaloneSlings & Arrows3/27/2018
3/27/2018 14:15:15Richard RussellEverything Is Recorded3/27/2018
3/27/2018 14:18:25The Forty NineteensGood Fortune3/27/2018
3/27/2018 14:24:16Car Seat HeadseatTwin Fantasy3/27/2018
3/29/2018 19:00:58Maria BallShine Brightralligatorblues3/29/2018
3/29/2018 19:20:54Karavan SariPainted sandsdistiller promomiddle east music3/29/2018
3/29/2018 19:28:05leftover SalmonSomething HigherSoundly Musicdead like folk rockt3/29/2018
3/29/2018 19:35:14Oberon RoseTell me all about itthouartcool cd3/29/2018
3/29/2018 19:43:58Yo La TengoThere's a riot going onmatador3/29/2018
3/29/2018 19:50:25Screaming Femalesall At oncedon giovanni3/29/2018
3/31/2018 17:10:40Andrew D HuberMockingbird Gallowsnorthlight3/31/2018
3/31/2018 17:15:15Charles BoydEscaator To Heavenn/a3/31/2018
3/31/2018 17:18:58Jessi TeichTwisted SoulMadame freak3/31/2018
3/31/2018 17:30:45U N ANoise of the Wingn/a3/31/2018
4/8/2018 16:17:48Cary HeuchertBlue Rain4/8/2018
4/8/2018 16:23:07Joshua GerwitzSolana Canyon20174/8/2018
4/8/2018 16:28:44Alexandra JacksonLegacy & AlchemyRadio EP4/8/2018
4/8/2018 16:31:21Jared RabinWondering About the weather 4/8/2018
4/12/2018 10:27:51JacobitesRobespierre's Velvet BasementCD 1 only4/12/2018
4/12/2018 10:32:36The JamIn The City4/12/2018
5/16/2018 9:58:45IceageBeyondlessMatador5/16/2018
5/17/2018 20:16:23Noise downstairsSoul Of a ridern/a5/17/2018
5/17/2018 20:18:52winston 1Hammered Dulcimern/a5/17/2018
5/17/2018 20:22:33Daave goddess groupLast of the west side cowboysn/a5/17/2018
5/17/2018 20:27:25Jamie SkylarMarmaladehttp://www.skyarfilmstudos.com5/17/2018
5/17/2018 20:30:26George McMullen trioBoomerangn/a5/17/2018
5/17/2018 20:32:49Tony banks5n/a5/17/2018
5/17/2018 20:35:17gar Francis songbookVolume one ,...var artistbongboy records5/17/2018
5/17/2018 20:38:31Dylan FoleyDeliriously Happyn/a5/17/2018
5/17/2018 20:42:09The ShacksHazeBig Crown5/17/2018
5/17/2018 20:46:45Rachal SageMyopiampress5/17/2018
5/17/2018 20:53:27Silverplanesbombardiern/a5/17/2018
5/21/2018 20:21:56Brazilian grilsLet's make loven/a5/21/2018
5/21/2018 20:28:03bruno Majora song for every Moonawal co5/21/2018
5/21/2018 20:31:19TerrifireThanks LightEnjoy Ears 5/21/2018
5/21/2018 20:33:00BonefishAtomsrock productiona5/21/2018
5/24/2018 20:31:06Tom Beaulieu AcousticThe Missiont Beaulieu music5/24/2018
5/24/2018 20:37:2135th ParallelThe green Vinesagabrush5/24/2018
5/24/2018 20:39:5635th parallel Crossing Painted Islandssagabrush5/24/2018
5/24/2018 20:44:23Roberta PiketWest coast Trio13th note5/24/2018
5/24/2018 20:51:30Ben Bostickhellfiren/acool counrty5/24/2018
5/24/2018 20:59:43Jared RabinWondering About the weather n/a5/24/2018
5/24/2018 21:03:56Peter GalperinThis Burning Sunn/a5/24/2018
5/24/2018 21:08:19Benjamin ClementineI tell a Flyn/aout there !5/24/2018
5/31/2018 20:50:42ken DravisA Season for Jennyn/a5/31/2018
5/31/2018 20:56:58Reed Turchi & his Kudzu ChoirJust a little more faitrhn/a5/31/2018
5/31/2018 21:02:04KhatherYour family ain't homen/a5/31/2018
5/31/2018 21:05:074lionicaDyare de haldarn/a5/31/2018
5/31/2018 21:09:05StokoffAl natural cdn/a5/31/2018
5/31/2018 21:16:00The travelerslongest Road Homen/a5/31/2018
6/24/2018 12:58:38Norman CollinsIn the Picturehttp://www.normancollinsmusic.com6/24/2018
6/24/2018 13:04:37Proxack turnernot everyone sleeps at nightn/a6/24/2018
6/24/2018 13:11:34Bumpin UgliesBeast for the eastspace duck6/24/2018
6/24/2018 13:20:00Lay low moonon this day last yearbattlement recordslocal
6/24/2018 13:26:03Tom Beaulieuupdaten/a6/24/2018
6/24/2018 13:29:21David Leasksix in 6/8factor 6/24/2018
6/24/2018 13:38:04Nuke the soupdepperpowderfinger6/24/2018
6/25/2018 13:41:21Stephen Malkmus and the JicksSparkle Hard6/25/2018
6/25/2018 13:43:32Parquet CourtsWide Awake!6/25/2018
6/25/2018 13:50:26David HaerleGarden of Edendale6/25/2018
7/5/2018 21:38:33jack ballengee MorrisWest virginia Refugeegbs records7/5/2018
7/5/2018 21:40:44Acoustic rainbow compRoots vol 48acoustic rainbow7/5/2018
7/5/2018 21:48:55Kate CallahanTriumphn/a7/5/2018
7/23/2018 14:44:20FuckThe Band7/23/2018
7/23/2018 14:44:40Mikaela DavisDelivery7/23/2018
7/23/2018 14:45:30Gang Gang DanceKazuashita7/23/2018
7/23/2018 14:45:52Dennis HagertyRoad Trip7/23/2018
8/3/2018 20:32:45Jim MitchellsLove Hypnoticoff the hip8/3/2018
8/3/2018 20:36:02P 76Into the sunoff the hip8/3/2018
8/3/2018 20:39:03The painkillersOldest Friendoff the hip8/3/2018
8/3/2018 20:40:28The Beat TabooThe Beat Taboooff the hip8/3/2018
8/3/2018 20:50:43GrindhouseCan i drive your Commodoreoff the hipWARNING ! ALL SONGS HAVE EXPLICIT LYICES NOT F C C CLEAN SHOULD NOT BE PLAYED ON AIR8/3/2018
9/6/2018 21:05:12Decker born to wake uphttp://www.deckermusic.com9/6/2018
9/6/2018 21:25:48sarah mendelsohnIfpowderfingerlocal9/6/2018
9/6/2018 21:28:15Tom BeaulieuThe song circle dog n/alocal9/6/2018
9/6/2018 21:40:09Jerry Velonaabout funk in timeJerryvelona.comlocal9/6/2018
9/11/2018 21:46:38the pull of AutumnThe Pull of autumnrbm recordslocal fromer throwing Muses 9/11/2018
9/18/2018 19:56:08Shiny BeastsShiny Beastshttp://www.shinybeasts.comlocal9/18/2018
9/18/2018 20:08:22Billy f gibbonsThe Big Bad bluesconcord recordsfrom Z Z TOP9/18/2018
9/18/2018 20:32:55DeuterSattva temple TranceNew Earthhealing and Relaxation music9/18/2018
9/18/2018 21:17:47Paul AvgerinosMindfulnessRound sky musicrelaxing music 9/18/2018
9/18/2018 21:18:48Nine BeatsNine beats to the barn/a9/18/2018
9/27/2018 19:16:39river WhylessKindness a rebelroll callmgt Public emily9/27/2018
10/10/2018 10:03:09Andrew Raffo Dewar/John Hughes/Chad PoppleReflejo10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:03:34Ruston KellyDying Star10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:04:01Tom BeaulieuAlice's Garden10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:05:02Rachel GarlinHello Again10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:05:28Pip BlomSingles10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:05:42HowliteReasons10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:05:58Alexis HarteBriefcase10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:06:16New YellerPandora's Regrets10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:06:33Body/HeadThe Switch10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:06:49Nic SwalesWorker10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:07:13Emily Hay Steuart Liebig DuoNomads10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:07:29Kate FennerMiddle Voice10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:07:50Aimee LayThe Other Side of You10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:08:31CejClovis Man10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:08:47Maggie RoseChange the Whole Thing10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:09:23Someone You Can XrayHot N Fresh10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:09:42Cody JinksLifers10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:09:57Eric LindellRevolution In Your Heart10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:10:22Circles Around The SunLet It Wander10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:10:43Idan Raichel & Lawson RollinsAnd If You Will Come To Me10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:11:05The Marcus King BandCarolina Confessions10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:11:30The Gary Douglas BandDeep In the Water10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:11:49Mary Lou NewmarkRoom To Breathe10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:12:07Strange CulpritsStrange Culprits10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:12:27Lily Vakili BandOh Alright10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:12:48Doug MacDonald BandSoundcheck10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:13:02Charles BoydPink Machete10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:13:29Zemog El Gallo BuenoYoYouMeTu10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:13:45The New ZeitgeistMyths and Mortals10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:14:05Kris AngelisPieces That Were Stolen10/10/2018
10/10/2018 10:14:18Susan Graham WhiteLost Art10/10/2018
10/14/2018 13:34:45Big StateTrue TexanGood10/14/2018
10/14/2018 13:38:51Moloney O'Connell & KeaneKILKELLYGreen Linnett RecordsGood10/14/2018
10/14/2018 13:42:33MICK MOLONEY & EUGENE O'DONNELLUncommon BondsGreen Linnet RecordsGood10/14/2018
10/17/2018 9:17:51BeanpoleAll My KinLes Claypool project10/17/2018
10/17/2018 9:18:03The EyebrowsVolume10/17/2018
10/18/2018 19:29:09Phono PonyMonkey PawPlanetary10/18/2018
10/31/2018 17:43:21Bucket BoysThoughts On An Electric Chair10/31/2018
11/6/2018 19:36:01Barry StaggOne heart at a timek e s2 cd's11/6/2018
11/6/2018 19:46:01FornisEndless nightfornis.orgwest coast punk11/6/2018
11/6/2018 19:53:42Catfish KeithReefer HoundFish tail recordsblues 11/6/2018
11/14/2018 13:42:07IrinushkaOrpheus Sings11/14/2018
11/14/2018 13:57:48The Knickerbocker All-StarsLove Makes A Woman11/14/2018
11/14/2018 14:05:53Joel SchwellingAin't That The Way11/14/2018
11/17/2018 11:20:59Eric BurdenWicked Man11/17/2018
12/2/2018 13:30:50Reptile TileHuman Man E.P.Really cool band!12/2/2018
12/9/2018 14:18:57Nerve AccidSteeple Pillow12/9/2018
12/9/2018 14:31:16Jeff GoldblumThe Capital Studio Sessions12/9/2018
12/9/2018 14:46:28Brian LarneyWhite12/9/2018
12/9/2018 14:56:032 CellosLet There Be CellosCD Jewel Case broken after unwrapping plastic shrinkwrap. Will not stay closed.12/9/2018
12/9/2018 15:06:22Ken HoyneSublime12/9/2018
1/9/2019 13:25:45Seth Rosenbloomkeep on Turninglocal bules /instr1/9/2019
1/27/2019 15:00:46The Carvels NYCLife is Not a Waiting RoomOn Featured shelf1/27/2019
1/27/2019 15:03:28Q MorrowThree are Stars in BrooklynOn Featured Shelf1/27/2019
1/27/2019 15:16:30Wigparty99th BirthdayOn featured shelf1/27/2019
1/31/2019 11:22:10Haynie & SamuelWater From the MoonHardpressed1/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:22:46Various ArtistsAcoustic Rainbow Roots Sampler1/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:25:13Sunil & The PetsMake New Friends1/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:27:27Los GoutosMighty1/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:28:49Lyn StanleyLondon Calling1/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:31:20DeuterMirage1/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:32:25Beau WeevilsSongs In the Key Of E1/31/2019
1/31/2019 11:33:58Seth WalkerAre You Open?1/31/2019
2/9/2019 14:13:05Hannah's Field Revolutionary soldierspowderfingerfrom c t2/9/2019
2/9/2019 14:35:00The Kentucky Headhunterslive at the Ramblin' Man Fairalligator2/9/2019
2/21/2019 14:03:15The UrgesPsych WardWicked Cool2/21/2019
2/21/2019 14:04:16Cocktail SlippersMastermindWicked Cool2/21/2019
3/23/2019 9:39:29Rick Lang and friendsA tTribute to thr boston Marathonhttp://www.ricklangmusic.comlocal 3/23/2019
4/8/2019 15:00:42the veryvelvetn/alocal4/8/2019
4/8/2019 15:09:53Radiator RattlersAnother day e.p,n/alocal 4/8/2019
4/8/2019 15:28:41Kelly HafnerIf It's LoveDavid Bean, BeanBag1.com4/8/2019
4/8/2019 15:59:35Linda ArceoJust BelieveDavid Bean, BeanBag1.comNew pop country artist. Produced by Michael Lent4/8/2019
4/8/2019 16:30:07Tim J GrantFlorescent Lamp Poptimjgrantmusic@sbcglobal.net4/8/2019
4/15/2019 13:13:18Lee Fields & The ExpressionsIt Rains Love4/15/2019
4/15/2019 13:22:37The Bell BeatSand Walk Wood4/15/2019
4/15/2019 13:47:10TOM BEAULIEU 2018THE BIRD HOUSES | THE SONG CIRCLE DOG4/15/2019
4/15/2019 14:00:55TROY MEADOWSADELAIDE4/15/2019
4/15/2019 14:06:45King RopesGreen Wolverine4/15/2019
4/15/2019 14:30:39Cheryl DeseréeDreamy4/15/2019
4/15/2019 14:42:04BreakfastPhantasmagoria4/15/2019
4/30/2019 20:31:28The cashbox kingsHail to the kingsalligator.comBlues---Chicago4/30/2019
4/30/2019 20:35:33KingFishKingFishalligator.comBlues --Mississippi4/30/2019
5/5/2019 18:06:44TelamorBe so gladn/alocal Tom from the atlantic's5/5/2019
5/7/2019 18:05:50Ray PaulBloody Rubbish5/7/2019
6/10/2019 13:21:55Jam MessengersGuilty6/10/2019
7/8/2019 13:22:18Richard X HeymanPop Circles7/8/2019
7/15/2019 13:20:18Jeff Summa and the RoastersOpen Road Again7/15/2019
7/15/2019 13:39:54The AstoundsThe Ancient Flying Ghosts7/15/2019
8/5/2019 13:15:24Rowan ClarkeScorcher8/5/2019
8/5/2019 13:27:10RazteriaInfinity8/5/2019
8/5/2019 13:39:41Steve Rodgerscount it all joy8/5/2019
8/5/2019 13:48:59Carol CSeven8/5/2019
8/5/2019 14:06:56DNDRAll We Know8/5/2019
8/5/2019 14:14:09Christopher EsseResonance Part 1 John Doe Saves The World8/5/2019
8/26/2019 9:08:17Lovely Sand DunesUnusual Times8/26/2019
8/26/2019 9:19:29HillsburnThe Wilder Beyond (Deluxe Edition)8/26/2019
9/2/2019 9:08:03LALDark Beings9/2/2019
9/2/2019 9:16:43Falling DecibylsSometimes I Close My Eyes9/2/2019
9/4/2019 9:18:01DumbClub Nites9/4/2019
9/16/2019 13:17:30Ray FullerPay The Price9/16/2019
10/7/2019 21:50:30Tom BeaulieuZombies on Zambonisn/a10/7/2019
10/7/2019 21:56:29Billy PriceDog eat doggulf coast records10/7/2019
10/7/2019 22:04:54Piccolacollision Pointcrossover media10/7/2019
10/14/2019 9:06:06Annie GallupBookish10/14/2019
10/14/2019 9:14:39Catfish KeithCatfish Crawl10/14/2019
10/15/2019 19:59:00Ghost town blues bandShineAAA Americanablues10/15/2019
10/15/2019 20:06:01Rodney WhitakerCommon GroundOriginJazz10/15/2019
10/15/2019 20:19:57society of the silver cross 1 versegothic 10/15/2019
10/15/2019 21:19:11Charles Boydmassive successn/asome not f c c clen
10/20/2019 11:50:00Wig Party99th Birthday10/20/2019
10/20/2019 11:50:49Doctor Dan's Music ShowPhoto Album10/20/2019
10/20/2019 11:51:29Michael Vlatkovich 5 WindsFive of Us10/20/2019
10/20/2019 11:52:39Spirit AwardMuted Crowd10/20/2019
10/20/2019 11:53:49The Dead PensUnaddressed10/20/2019
10/20/2019 11:54:36TORONZO CANNON and the Chicago WayTHE PREACHER, THE POLITICIAN, OR THE PIMP10/20/2019
10/21/2019 9:05:36BobtownChasing the Sun10/21/2019
10/21/2019 9:20:38Tennessee RedemptionTennessee Redemption10/21/2019
11/4/2019 11:59:06Deborah CrooksThe Department of the WestThank you for considering songs from The Department of the West (releasing Dec. 6, 2109) for airplay. You can download mp3s via Dropbox: http://bit.ly/DCDofW

The Department of the West by Deborah Crooks
California songwriter Deborah Crooks announces the release of her fourth full-length album The Department of the West (Dec. 6, 2019). A follow-up to her 2016 EP Beauty Everywhere and her work with the band Bay Station, which released Other Desert Cities in 2018, Crooks continues to explores themes of natural history (“River Stones”), family (“All Signs”), and the #metoo movement (“Long Roads”), while also addressing the nature of land ownership and Native American history (“Department of the West” “What the Land Will Tell You”) and relationship (“Let the River do the Running”).

Crooks co-produced The Department of the West with Danny Allen (Baby Buck Studio, High Diving Horses) and recorded at John Vanderslice’s Tiny Telephone Studio in San Francisco. Allen also played guitars, ukulele and banjo on the album, and was joined by Mike Stevens (The Uptones, Sun Kil Moon) on drums and percussion, Kevin T. White (Chuck Prophet, Shelby Lynne) on bass. Longtime collaborator Kwame Copeland (Bay Station, Straw Coyotes) as well as Heather Davison (Loretta Lynch), Maurice Tani and Maryam Qudus also contributed backing vocals. The recording was mixed and engineered by Qudus (Tune-Yards, Kronos Quartet) and mastered by Piper Payne (Infrasonic Sound).

After flirting with becoming a field biologist and embarking on a career as a journalist, Crooks began writing and performing her songs in the early 2000s. She’s collaborated with Copeland in the band Bay Station, releasing three records with the band, as well as cofounding Bay Station’s Love the Bay Music and Sailing video series. A native Californian, whose parents were both born and raised in San Francisco, personal and natural history have long informed her writing.

Says Crooks of her new collection: “I wanted to write a love letter to the places that have shaped me, while atoning, as much as one can do through art, for the inherited debts I feel to the land and its native inhabitants.”
Song Titles:
1. Lit by the Mystery (2:28)
2. Let the River do the Running (4:21)
3. Honey (3:30)
4. All Signs (3:57)
5. A Garden (3:48)
6. Department of the West (3:11)
7. My New Sweet (3:53)
8. Long Roads (4:27)
9. The Other Side (4:38)
10. River Stones (3:43)
11. What the Land Will Tell You (3:10)

Contact: Deborah Crooks | deborahRcrooks@gmail.com | http://www.deborahcrooks.com

11/11/2019 9:04:05Chris WilsonOne Hallelujah11/11/2019
11/11/2019 9:13:23King Of FoxesSalt & Honey11/11/2019
11/11/2019 9:29:10NOS JonesFear of the Hypotenuse11/11/2019
11/17/2019 11:58:55Trick Wallace Trio2 Songs 8-7-19Local11/17/2019
11/17/2019 12:00:13Jittery Jack and Amy GriffinGonna Have a Time withLocal - Rumbar Records11/17/2019
12/2/2019 11:16:21REQ'DFall In Love On Hate Street12/2/2019
12/2/2019 11:30:40Luba DvorakAmerican Sin12/2/2019
12/2/2019 11:43:23Peter Joseph Burtt & The KingtideMorphoric Euphoric12/2/2019
12/23/2019 18:52:21The Paul Speidel BandRetrorocketpsp records12/23/2019
12/23/2019 19:17:16Lisel Angels on the slopePlanetaryf cc clean12/23/2019
12/23/2019 19:44:57Sharon FendrichRed Sky Prairiesharon fendrich12/23/2019
1/6/2020 9:32:09Tom BeauliewCool Blue Lightning1/6/2020
1/27/2020 13:10:25Terry DraperSunset On Mars1/27/2020
1/27/2020 13:30:19Ray PaulThe Sun Sets Over London Town1/27/2020
1/27/2020 13:35:54Grip Weeds, TheGiant On The Beach Anniversary Edition (Remixed & Expanded)1/27/2020
1/27/2020 13:40:49The DoughboysRunning For Covers1/27/2020
1/27/2020 13:46:19Mr. CurtSTUDIOWORKS. 2017-20191/27/2020
2/3/2020 11:07:28Ray PaulFor The Record - A Tribute to John Wicks2/3/2020
2/3/2020 11:12:18BlueAshesCheckmate2/3/2020
2/4/2020 12:55:02Six Fox WhiskeyNaughty Airpowderfingerjazzy local n e2/4/2020
2/10/2020 9:19:39Marc WagnonInteresting Times2/10/2020
2/10/2020 9:27:52Roberta PiketDomestic Harmony: Piket Plays Mintz2/10/2020
2/17/2020 11:38:40Garnett BettsHighfield2/17/2020
2/17/2020 11:47:03Proof BoxProof Box2/17/2020
2/17/2020 11:54:01Kingsley DurantPoint of Reference2/17/2020
2/17/2020 12:12:41Gabe TerraccianoIn Flight2/17/2020
2/17/2020 19:31:05Ellen EdwardsA New York sessionEllenedwardsmusic.comsoft jazz vocals2/17/2020
2/17/2020 19:44:41Motihari BrigadePower fromBelown/a2/17/2020
2/17/2020 19:50:52Clandestine SyndicateRocket Sciencen/aElectroic2/17/2020
2/17/2020 19:58:44Blonde Furnituremusic for early century ModenVinyl siding records2/17/2020
2/25/2020 20:28:29Cold ExpectationsIcy stars up aboutn/alocal w/ wmfo d j jo ellen2/25/2020
2/25/2020 21:21:54justin's Black thread'sCheap vacationRum Bar recordslocal2/25/2020
2/25/2020 21:42:10Lisa LoebA simple trick to happinessCrystal ann lea musicpop 2/25/2020
6/17/2021 17:09:07Rick CoraccioAnthologyChris James / Acadian Sun RecordersRick Coraccio was a member of many Boston bands such as Lyres, DMZ, The Last Ones & The Shambles. He now has released his Anthology album encompassing over 50 years of his original music. 6/17/2021
10/18/2021 9:42:35Fire TigerAll the Time10/18/2021
10/18/2021 9:56:56City RiotsSea of Bright LightsBack To Normal - Single10/18/2021
10/18/2021 11:14:34Ray Paul & RPMTears/Little Darlin' & Won't You Take a Ride10/18/2021
10/18/2021 11:24:21Hummingbird SyndicateWaterfall Away & I Want You To Stay10/18/2021
10/25/2021 10:20:22Fire TigerAll the Time10/25/2021
10/25/2021 10:44:49Elaine LuciaTwist Run Road10/25/2021
11/1/2021 10:55:21Echo BloomGreen11/1/2021
11/8/2021 11:21:16FR MusicFR Music - EP11/8/2021
11/8/2021 11:21:46FR MusicSongs with Hooks11/8/2021
11/8/2021 11:26:08WaxB.A.A.A11/8/2021
11/15/2021 9:35:34ScenesTrapeze11/15/2021
1/3/2022 11:01:33Michael JohnathonLegacy1/3/2022
2/14/2022 8:46:54Chien Chien LuThe Path2/14/2022
2/14/2022 9:03:55The Royal BopstersParty Of Four2/14/2022
2/14/2022 9:26:41OntologicsHeading To The Outer Realm2/14/2022
2/14/2022 9:51:28Light MessengersJust Love2/14/2022
2/14/2022 11:16:10Scott WatersPeace Signs & Dragonflies2/14/2022
2/14/2022 11:21:37Scott WatersPeace Signs & Dragonflies2/14/2022
2/21/2022 9:03:24Javon JacksonDeja Vu2/21/2022
2/21/2022 9:15:10Alec Lytle & Them RoundersThe Remains Of Sunday (Radio)2/21/2022
2/21/2022 9:25:36The GrahamsThe Grahams2/21/2022
3/21/2022 8:33:26Laila BialiOut of Dust3/21/2022
3/21/2022 9:06:17At Face ValueIvy & Echo3/21/2022
3/21/2022 9:27:44Brian Melvin-Matt Renzi-Mart SooShapes 3/21/2022
5/9/2022 9:16:04Strat AndriotisNight Manager5/9/2022
5/9/2022 9:29:58Greg AbateMagic Dance5/9/2022
5/9/2022 9:35:20Greg AbateMagic DanceThis is CD 2 of 25/9/2022
5/9/2022 9:44:04Markus RutzBlueprints - Figure Two: New Designs5/9/2022
5/9/2022 10:38:00Jawanza KobieJawanza Kobie Jazz Composer5/9/2022
5/9/2022 10:49:11Major SparkBeautiful Noise5/9/2022
5/9/2022 11:03:01Steph FraserRecession Proof5/9/2022
5/16/2022 10:30:25After The BlackoutAfter The Blackout5/16/2022
5/16/2022 10:58:04Zan ZoneIt's Only Natural5/16/2022
6/13/2022 10:22:24John SteinWcs136 John Stein - Lifeline6/13/2022
6/13/2022 10:24:01John SteinLifeline, Disc 16/13/2022
6/13/2022 10:36:25Paul CzekajThe Painter Of The Sky6/13/2022
6/13/2022 10:56:05Citizen KIII6/13/2022
7/26/2022 22:12:02Doung Macdoald BandMuzackk Sixself7/26/2022
8/22/2022 8:30:48 EstebanDance Beat8/22/2022
10/17/2022 10:24:07Richard X. Heyman67,000 Miles An Album10/17/2022
10/17/2022 10:42:34Lisa Bodnar & Whistlegrass40 Years In The Desert10/17/2022
10/17/2022 11:09:34Edward MorneauJacquerie10/17/2022
10/17/2022 11:18:40Mr Curt & FriendsKernels for the Birds10/17/2022
10/17/2022 11:30:35Terry DraperThe Other Side10/17/2022
11/7/2022 10:45:01The LazysTropical Hazards11/7/2022
11/7/2022 10:46:23AirbourneBreakin' Outta Hell11/7/2022
11/14/2022 9:40:09AirbourneBreakin' Outta Hell11/14/2022
12/19/2022 10:22:17Richard HunnefieldA Bird So Beautiful12/19/2022
2/5/2023 14:57:50Steve StoeckelThe power of andBig stir Recordswest coast pop2/5/2023
2/6/2023 12:38:52Fontains D.C. Skinty Fia 2/6/2023
2/6/2023 12:39:27The Mighty Might6y Bosstones When God Was Great2/6/2023
2/6/2023 12:40:00Fontaines D.C.Dogrel2/6/2023
3/2/2023 11:11:22Dougie PooleThe Rainbow Wheel of Death3/2/2023
3/2/2023 11:29:39Sidewalk DriverFor All The Boys And Girls3/2/2023
3/2/2023 11:37:43Noodle MuffinMeatcup Just Snack3/2/2023
5/4/2023 10:14:51Euphoric RecallBraids5/4/2023
5/15/2023 10:59:22Ransom and the SubsetPerfect Crimes5/15/2023
5/15/2023 11:12:35Mighty Mighty Bosstones, TheLet's Face It5/15/2023
5/22/2023 11:08:02Joe Deninzon & StratospheeriusStratospheerius Live at Progstock5/22/2023
5/25/2023 10:07:59Noah Libby1435/25/2023
6/5/2023 10:49:10Rabbits AnonymousRabbits Anonymous and the Suite of the Elephant Man6/5/2023
6/26/2023 11:40:59Shotgun WaltzShifting Gears6/26/2023
9/11/2023 12:16:40The WhipsHow To Hold a Grudge9/11/2023
9/11/2023 12:38:04The ComplaintsChasing Light9/11/2023
9/18/2023 12:01:35Beach FossilsBunnyTerrorbird9/18/2023
9/18/2023 12:02:17Feeble Little HorseHayday9/18/2023
9/18/2023 12:02:35Feeble Little HorseGirl With Fish9/18/2023
10/16/2023 13:47:14The Rick Ray BandThe Gremlins Are Listening10/16/2023
3/8/2024 12:20:15Dren McDonaldPterous3/8/2024
3/8/2024 12:59:37The VavavoodoosThe Toad Hall Sessions3/8/2024
3/8/2024 13:20:42Diamond DogsAs Your Greens Turn Brown3/8/2024
3/22/2024 15:12:48Dent MayDent May3/22/2024
3/22/2024 15:14:56Dent MayWhat's For Breakfast?3/22/2024
4/19/2024 10:27:04Tom BeaulieuDead Memories of a Ship4/19/2024
4/19/2024 10:43:38Rachel DrewOld Sky New4/19/2024
4/19/2024 10:47:47Tom BeaulieuDead Memories of a Ship4/19/2024
5/9/2024 14:01:54DrahlaangeltapeTerrorbirdriyl: black midi, Omni5/9/2024
5/17/2024 14:36:30Feeble Little HorseGirl With Fish5/17/2024
5/17/2024 15:12:34DrahlaAngeltape5/17/2024
5/31/2024 13:51:56REQ'DWRONGHEADEDNESS5/31/2024
6/14/2024 11:34:14Ian SweetShow Me How You Disappear6/14/2024
6/14/2024 11:40:09Diet CigOver Easy (Deluxe Edition)6/14/2024
6/28/2024 14:16:32BachelorDoomin' Sun6/28/2024
6/28/2024 14:23:21HatchieKeepsake6/28/2024
6/28/2024 14:29:25FloristIf Blue Could Be Happiness6/28/2024
7/5/2024 13:30:38Torn Boys19837/5/2024
8/16/2024 12:51:33DeThomas & BeaulieuDeThomas & Beaulieu8/16/2024
8/27/2024 19:36:43Jontavious WillisWest Georgia,bluesTony Bonyatakinda like taj mahal8/27/2024
9/3/2024 19:37:47Soggy PO boysleave the light on selfjazz/ new orleans music9/3/2024
9/5/2024 15:16:10BrimheimRatkingterrorbird FCC on tracks 2, 79/5/2024
9/5/2024 15:24:20Mary In the JunkyardThis Old HouseterrorbirdRIYL porridge radio, FCC CLEAN9/5/2024
9/5/2024 15:35:43WishyTriple Seven terrorbirdFCC Clean
9/13/2024 13:04:08Soggy Po' BoysLeave the Light On9/13/2024
9/20/2024 10:30:32ROCK GARDEN RECORDSEVOLUTION9/20/2024
9/27/2024 19:58:15Leif VollebekkRevelationDauntless ...Jennifer Dauntpop rock slow songs9/27/2024
10/1/2024 15:46:03Afterimagefaces to hide10/1/2024
10/4/2024 10:32:54ConveniensSmith and Maz - Re-Mastered10/4/2024
10/14/2024 11:37:41HousewivesHome at LastHi WMFO,

Housewives is a three-piece sunburned indie rock band based out of Hartford, CT. We kind of sound like if the Beach Boys sang harmonies on Weezer's first album. We are all doctors who make music in our free time in my basement "studio". We love listening to WFMO and used to tune in all the time when we lived in Boston - thank you for constantly introducing us to amazing bands that slowly become our new favorites. I hope you'll consider giving us a listen. We are always down to chat about the project. Please let me know if you'd prefer at physical CD and I will happily send one :)

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1O9fnDW1eHT8oDTYhZORN3?si=dtIyx_xbSemTKJlm-1XFBA&nd=1&dlsi=8defa718571e4081

Bandcamp: https://housewivesct.bandcamp.com/album/home-at-last

Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/housewivesband/

Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbZNdvlmzog

Thank you for your time,
Mike <3

Some recent coverage:
Start Track "I have been completely immersed in this album today. It’s one of those albums that grows on you with each listen, and this one is a perfect example of that."
I Don't Hear A Single "Catchy indie vibe" that "brings a smile to your face".
mp3 hugger "Always had a thing for Housewives, that incessant approach to indiedom in their sound that comes across like it was recorded in a garage back in the peak alternative 90’s. But then these are songs that needed recording for posterity to show future generations how much fun it was to be alive back then. "
Last Day Deaf "Breezy indie rock at its finest, filled with sun-soaked vibes and a retro flair"
10/18/2024 12:19:03Ashtyn BarbareeSent Through The Ceiling10/18/2024
10/19/2024 16:58:05lisa bastonion the waterselfcool folk10/19/2024
10/19/2024 17:09:16Jimi Hendrixthe L A forum concert10/19/2024
10/22/2024 16:03:52greg Lisher Underwater Detection Method10/22/2024
10/25/2024 10:49:14Static ApparitionsEchoes From Another Place10/25/2024
11/15/2024 10:34:14War StringsDie By Light11/15/2024
12/3/2024 15:46:02Sun AtomsEverything Forever12/3/2024
12/3/2024 15:47:28Kendrick LamarGN12/3/2024
12/10/2024 14:52:29Kero Kero BonitoCivilisation 12/10/2024
12/10/2024 14:53:40Jay SomEverybody Works12/10/2024
12/10/2024 14:55:45Alvvays Blue Rev12/10/2024
12/10/2024 14:59:56Kero Kero BonitoTime 'n' Space 12/10/2024
12/10/2024 15:04:54Julia JacklinCrushing12/10/2024
12/20/2024 11:22:14Minde and PaucielloThe Warping of Space and Time12/20/2024
12/20/2024 11:39:49Andrew Sue WingSeventeen12/20/2024
12/27/2024 12:22:52Cameron LeahyDizzy Freedom12/27/2024
1/3/2025 10:48:03The MommyheadsOne Eyed Band1/3/2025
1/3/2025 21:05:36Linda MarksThe silence of the starspowerfingerlocal jazz artist1/3/2025
1/10/2025 11:48:11Tombstones In Their EyesAsylum Harbor1/10/2025
1/17/2025 11:38:49Aaron Poehler & Ryan Tully-DoyleDietrich1/17/2025
1/21/2025 15:41:25Various ArtistsBlue Velvet (Soundtrack)1/21/2025
1/21/2025 15:54:00Sonic YouthDaydream Nation1/21/2025
1/21/2025 15:54:47SlowdiveSlowdive1/21/2025
1/21/2025 15:57:43Ecco2KE1/21/2025
1/21/2025 16:03:35Weyes BloodRough Trade Session1/21/2025
1/21/2025 16:11:44Death GripsBottomless Pit1/21/2025
1/21/2025 16:16:24Various ArtistsNowhere1/21/2025
1/22/2025 10:42:01Ecco2KE1/22/2025
1/24/2025 10:42:24SpectraColorOu-Beige'1/24/2025